List 3# - Reasons to love yourself ♥

Of course you are!

2. There is nobody else in the world exactly like you.

3. You have people who love you.

4. You have interests, and it makes you interesting!

5. You have talent. You may not have figured what it is yet, but that's okay.

6. You have fears. This isn't a bad thing, it makes you human, and lovely. 
Especially if you try to overcome them anyway.

7. You and only you, get to decide who you are going to be.

8. Nobody else has a laugh like you. 
Whether its a cute giggle or a crazy lady screech like myself.. Love it!

9. You are blessed. You have things others don't. 
Simple things that you may take for granted. Try not to ♥.

10. You are beautiful. 
Stop worrying about your skin, hair,body shape, etc. NOW.
There. Now smile. See, beautiful.

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DIY Bunting

These past few days I've found some amazing blogs whilst I've been wondering around the interwebs. I'm always on the lookout for blogs that inspire me, no matter what category they choose to blog about. One of such blogs was A Little Birdy Blog by Chloe, and if you follow that link you'll discover a lovely little bunting DIY post. This instantly inspired me to make some bunting of my own.

Now first things first, I am nowhere near as good as her, it is solely because of her post I decided to do my own bunting and I am too impatient to follow step by step guidelines. She makes it wonderfully easy to follow with beautiful photos to show you exactly what you need to do to make your own.

I literally seen that post and started making my own without even following instructions. I tend to do that, I like to just mess about and see what happens when I try it myself. 
And here you can see my results.

I decided I wanted a collage/crafty feel to my raindrops, so I used cut up magazines rather than printed patterns. I enjoyed finding different magazine pages that had a pretty print, or interesting text. 

I did also find an old collage I had from a few years ago that I did myself, and it had some beautiful elements to it so I decided to include some of that.

I was also super, super happy that I found an illustration of Caitlin Moran in one of my magazines, as she is a true inspiration and hero of mine, so of course I included her face to inspire me on a daily basis.

Once I had my chosen cut-outs, I glued them to some thin card I had so that they would be a little stronger. I then made a tiny hole at the top of each raindrop, got some pink string and looped it through each one. My advice if you try this, is follow Chloe's steps on securing them in place with small knots, so that they don't slip or move once hung up. When they were all in place on the string, it was simply a case of tying the string around some drawing pins, and then popping those into the wall where I wanted to display them. I chose one of the barest walls we have in our bedroom, just over my yearly calender. You might choose to display it on it's own, but I kind of liked the overlay effect.

And there we have it! Easy peasy.
This is such a simple and lovely idea, thank you to Chloe for the inspiration.
This is a great DIY decoration for any room, and you can alter the design for different occasions. Perhaps do a baby themed one for a baby shower, or use cut out letters for someone's name/a birthday? Either way, anyone can do this, and I suggest you do, it was fun!

If you like this, leave a comment and let me know :) 

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The Challenge: Write short letters to 3 anonymous people. 
Share thoughts, feelings, confessions. Whatever you like, but be completely honest.

Person 1.
I haven't seen you in forever, and I do miss you. We only see each other once in a blue moon, and it kinda has to be like that, I think, because of certain things. But I do hold you dear to my heart. You remind me of good things, and no matter what issues we ever had, or what we went through, I will always consider you a true friend. You have known me at my absolute worst, and I'm sorry for that. But you also kept me together, loved me anyway, and was even there for me a long time afterwards in ways you didn't have to be. I have such happy memories with you, you let me be my absolute self. I'm not saying you were perfect! Ha. But neither was I. I'm sorry for when I hurt you, because I know I did. I think we helped each other grow though. I will always, always think of you fondly. I'm thankful we came out alright in the end. You are truly a great person with a heart of gold, and I wish you nothing but happiness.

Person 2.
You are crazy. You are! And I mean it in a loving way. We ended up being friends accidentally, in a way, and it was fantastic. We aren't perfect friends. No sirree! Haha. But we've spoke of this, we know it, and we know we are always there for each other anyway. We could go SO LONG without talking, and I know I could still call you if I need you. And I hope you know the same. I think you do. That's so nice to know, and so rare. We have had some hilarious times, and I'm sure we will have more! Even if they are rare. In some ways we're very different, but sometimes we are so in sync with each other in our views, or thoughts and personality that it's no wonder we joked about being twins at times. I hope you are doing really well, because we have seen each other suffer similar things, so we can really relate on some issues. But just enjoy good times now, don't look back, be happy!

Person 3.
I wish we were closer. I know we're friends and we can chat etc. But we never see each other and we never really let our friendship develop as well as I know it could have. You are so inspiring, and creative, and absolutely hilarious! You are a wonderful person to be around and you genuinely just bring joy. I think you are one of those people I most regret not getting close to. But when I had that real opportunity back then, it was a such a bad time in my life, so it was kinda like a missed chance. I weren't close to anyone then, which is a shame. But I'd love it if we were better friends, (even though it'd be hard now) because you're awesome. I'd never tell you this though in case you laughed! :)

Who would you like to write 100% honest letters to?

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Skinetica Anti-Blemish Toner Review

If you follow me on Instagram, you may already know that a little over a month ago I won a competition held by the fabulous Georgina of shemightbeloved. I was delighted by this because I've never been very lucky, and for it to come from one of my favourite bloggers was even better. And now after a month I feel confident enough to review it, based on my experience using it.

I won two full size samples of anti-blemish toner from Skinetica, as shown below.
Who doesn't love a freebie?

Now this toner claims fast acting skin clearing, non greasy texture, no harsh chemicals, kindness to skin and it's been dermatologically tested. The directions guide you to use this every twelve hours, so each morning and night.

My first impression of the bottles felt that the packaging could have been designed better. It looks really clinical and medical, not your typical eye catching beauty product. As someone who has studied Graphic Design, things designed badly like this grate on me a little. But let's not judge a book by its cover eh?

What's in my handbag?

Yes, it's one of those posts!
Personally I love them, I'm a nosey sod and I love getting to peep into what you other bloggers have tucked away in your bags, so I thought I'd join in and do the same.
Firstly I should note, I've been using this bag this week because it's so pretty and new and I love it, but it isn't the most practical! The stuff I've photographed in genuinely what's been inside it, but I have only just about fit my kindle in there too! So as much as I love it, I'm only saying this for dressed up occasions now. Because my kindle must come everywhere with me, lol.

Rainy Sundays

Hello Darlings 

Hope you've been having a gorgeous weekend! I know I have.

I know for us lot in the UK the weather has taken quite a turn from sunshine and summer dresses, to thunder and puddles. I for one, am particularly happy about this. Don't get me wrong I can't wait for summer, but there is something about the rain pouring down outside my window that really makes me feel cosy. And this time its been useful too. I've been rearranging and organising the bedroom. Throwing away old clothes and belongings, making a pile of books to take the charity shops and generally giving a good spring clean!

I had found a cute little velvet jewelry holder whilst out in town last week, and I thought it was about time to put some bits and pieces on show, to remind myself to wear them more often.

Cute eh?

#Selfie Saturday

But first...
Lemme take a selfie!

Is the selfie a bad thing?

I decided to do a post showing my week in selfies, and try sum up what I feel about them.

The world is selfie mad these days, and I for one don't see it as a bad thing.
Okay there are extreme cases of vanity sometimes, but all in all, I think it's just fun and freeing.
Sometimes it's nice to have control over how you look in photographs, rather than only seeing images of yourself that make you gasp. To be honest, I actually like seeing selfies on Instagram because you get a peep into that persons life.
Have you seen Baddiewinkle on Instagram?! She is fucking hilarious! 
I hope I am just like her when I get to that age (86!).

It's a nice way to document things, and I think as humans we are always gona be looking for new ways to leave our mark, or record the moments we were here. I don't think they should be taken too seriously, and if you live your life only through your camera then you're missing the point anyway. 
So take it with fun in mind, stop caring so much what people think and smile! Those moody pouting selfies aren't as fun, lol.
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List 2# 10 Reasons to love Cristina Yang

I'm in mourning guys.
Last week I watched my favourite fictional character leave my favourite TV show. Yes, I'm a huge Greys Anatomy fan. Always have been, from series one. And from the moment she swooped in on her motorcycle in the first scenes, I was hooked on Sandra Oh as 'Cristina Yang'.
Sandra Oh is an amaaaaazing actress, and has done such a variety of great work, but the talent she brought to this character is above all else for me. I love no other character on TV like her. So it was really sad watching her leave! But she's been on the show for 10 seasons, and they gave her a great ending which I was kinda happy with, so I should at least be thankful they didn't kill her off, lol.
So this post is part of my List Series, and this one is dedicated to;
10 reasons Cristina Yang kicks ass, and her best quotes throughout the show.

And they are..

1. She doesn't befriend people easily, but if she does, she does with her whole heart.

2. She can handle her drink.


Lately in terms of nail polish I've been trying out the GOSH range, as I always see such pretty colours/glitters in their collection at Superdrug. So I decided to choose a nice glittery one, in a shade I wouldn't usually choose first.

This one is Number 07, 'Frosted Soft Coral'.

Although this is a pretty colour, I do usually go for more pink/blue pastels, or really bright shades that POP. So I'm trying to find other colours out to see if I can add some lovely additions to my collection.
I am already a fan of GOSH nail polishes; I like the variety, the packaging and the price isn't bad. This one was only £3.99.

Live with what you love.

I tease myself on a regular basis, dreaming of the day when my boyfriend and I will have our own beautiful home to decorate and style how we like. For now this will do, but all my lovely plans might inspire you or help you with your own place, if you fancy a change.
So this post is a little collection of homeware, fabulous prints, lovely handmade accessories and some great decor ideas I found which I think are *amazing* and I hope you might like too!

1. Damsel in Damask Garden Comforter.
2. Summer Flower Dec Pillow.
3. 5 Light Turquoise Chandelier.
4. Cherry Blossom Art Panel.
5. Parisian Love Seat in Candy Pink.

Wake up Frankie is an American company providing glamorous, girly fashion for bedrooms. They only currently ship in the USA, but I really wanted to feature them anyway, for any American readers out there. They have amazing decor ideas, and to be honest, I've managed to bag some of their stuff on Ebay before, so don't give up if you aren't in the US either. The best thing about their collections is they have something for everyone, whether you want pink and girly, arty, luxurious, a bit emo, etc.

Unicorn Cushion from - £34.95

DIY Lighting with Up-cycled Globes.

DIY Flower Wall Decor.

Private reading corner with IKEA.

My absolute dream work area!

Above designs from Better Decorating Bible.
And there we have it, my top picks!
I feel so inspired (and jealous!) when I see such great and creative spaces, what do you guys think?
Let me know if you like any :)

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List 1# - 10 Girls Names

So I've decided to do a list series!
Basically I'll be conducting lists of random things that I'd like to share.
Some will be about beauty or fashion, others about myself in general
I think it'll make a fun change every now and again and it's a good way to get to know people, so let me know if you do your own!
Okay so here we go..

List No.1;
10 Favourite Girls Names
Ones I'd have liked for myself, or ones I would name my future daughter.

1. Willow
2. Luna
3. Ava
4. Caitlin
5. Alex
6. Leigh
7. Kristen
8. Brooke
9. Robyn
10. Josie.

What are your favourites?

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Book Review 1#

If you only know one thing about me, know this; I am a bookworm.
I don't mean that I like reading and every week or so I'll start a new book, or wait until I see one that really intrigues me. I mean I devour books. I start a new one every few days at least. I'm always reading something. I'm that girl on the bus who nearly misses her stop because she is engrossed in a book. I read every night before I go to sleep, usually for at least an hour, and I carry my Kindle everywhere. I love the printed word, and part of me is sad about having a Kindle. But I needed one! The house would be overrun by books otherwise. It was a spacial issue. But I still have printed books that are on my 'to read' list, and every now and again I'll pick up a book that I can't find on Kindle. I always have a 'to read' list by the way. I will never finish this list, because I add to it on a daily basis. 

My Eye Prep Routine

I thought I'd show you guys my favourite three products I've been using the past month or so.
This is based solely for my eyes, because it's become an important part of my makeup routine and I think it's brightened up my eyes a little!

We have;

Holiday Must-Haves

I decided to do a quick post of all the beauties I've been keeping in mind for my holiday shop.
I'm going to Greece in late June with my boyfriend, and I have been buying some of the cutest outfits/accessories ever! But even though I already have quite a few bits and bobs, I can't seem to help teasing myself with more.

This is my little wishlist;

Oh my gosh this is so cute! I immediately fell in love with this. I love polka dots, I love pink and I love that it resembles a flirty 50's pin up style. Plus it's underwired, which I insist on because I am of the bigger sized breasticles, and it just makes good sense :)

I love anything pretty or decorative, and these sandals are beautifully embellished. If you don't feel like you can handle heels on holiday, these are a perfect replacement. They are dressed up and would accentuate any evening wear wonderfully. I'm definitely getting these!

This is beautiful, quirky and would glam up any outfit. And if you can't indulge in a head dress for holiday, when can you? This is amazing! Especially at such a decent price.

Ahh, I love this set, it's so unique and versatile. I think this would look great whether walking along the beach, or enjoying a few cocktails in the evening. I'd probably just dress this up with jewelry and wedges.

And there we have it! My most wanted items. Of course, there are hundreds more I want but I id try to pick the the items I want more than anything.
What clothing/accessories will you be wearing this summer?

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