Dear Jemma 2015

I'm writing this on New Years Eve 2014, hoping you'll remember to look back at this in exactly one year..

Well another year has gone by, and how have we done?

As I write this, it is new years eve 2014. I'm hoping by this time next year when I read this back, some things will have changed. I'm also hoping lot's will be the same, which is nice to know.

None of this 'new year, new me' crap. Yes there are ways in which I'm hoping I've bettered myself - but overall I feel this is the cusp of self acceptance. I've spent the last few years basically hating myself and it's only in recent months I've realised what a bloody waste of time this was. So since I'm ending 2014 in such a positive place, I want to know it'll continue into 2015 with a bang.

So here we have it, the resolutions.. the rules. I hope I stick to them, but I'll see where the year takes me. If I've stuck to most of these, or any of these to be honest, well.. GO YOU FUTURE JEMMA!

1. Treat your body with more care.
Your body is a fantastic thing, make sure to remember. Hydrate it, move it, be active, appreciate every curve, line, freckle. Moisturise, indulge in luxury skincare, eat cleaner, take in less sugar, but don't obsess. I'm trying to avoid the cliche resolution of 'losing weight', by opting for a more general and quietly determined health wish for both body and mind.

2. Challenge yourself.
Okay so right now you've started a new job and part of it already requires learning a lot more about various digital media. This is great because that's one learning challenge that will truly benefit you (me? you? whatever..) and hopefully encourage you to keep learning new things. 2014 Was the year you really found your creativity again though, and how awesome it was! Let's keep that up yeah? I hope you have been when you read this. You had such plans, and I really hope they've been achieved. Paint, draw, sew, build, craft, learn. And do it all again.

3. Be kind.
Obviously I already think I'm a kind person, I try to always be nice and go out my way for people. But everyone thinks this way probably, and we could all do a little more. So whether it's making someone feel special without excuse (no birthdays, anniversaries, etc included) - I would love to know I'm doing all I can for people around me. Taking the time out to see people whenever I can, asking about their hobbies, life, family. Helping someone who may be struggling. Finding a cause I can get behind, encouraging happiness and positivity, donating money, time, old belongings wherever possible. I just feel like small changes could make a big difference.

I'll leave it at that, as I think they are the three main things I'd like to have achieved over this next year. I hope you, future Jemma reading this at the end of 2015; can look back over this with satisfaction and joy. And if not? Well okay, umm.. let's ignore this post, pretend it never happened, and try again next year.

Good luck.

Love from.. you.

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New Years Eve Nails

Reserved grey, with a little kick of sparkle here and there. I know I could go all out for New Years Eve, but this is just the combination I'm in the mood for right now. Maybe it's representing the New Year's I'm going to have. A simple one, Gary and I are staying in. But we're gonna celebrate with plenty of wine and happiness, and a little sparkle. I'm pretty content with that this year! No feeling will match bringing in the new year with the one I love, in a new home I love.

I know there are a million fancy pants brands out there, but I just always find myself buying Barry M nail products. I love them so much! Especially these two; Atlantis & Chai.

What nails will you be bringing in the New Year with?
Or couldn't you care less? :] Tell me either way!

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Hair Product Haul

So today I kind of went on a determined shopping spree. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen me moaning last night about the fact my hair grows reeeeally slow, and I want it much longer. It's annoying because I already knew I was planning on dying it - I'm finally in a job where they don't mind bright colours, so I'm gonna experiment with purple/turquoise. Of course I've had bright hair colours a lot in the past, and I know bleaching it will not help me in my quest to grow my hair. However, I've not had my hair a bright colour in about a year or two and it's killing me! So I've decided I'll go for it, and once it's done I'll concentrate on treating it like princess hair! I will nourish it and nurture it like a baby.

You can see all the products I went out and bought above, including the bleach I need to lighten my hair (I've used the Jerome Russell ones for years), coconut oil (a godsend) and the blue, turquoise and purple dyes I'm going to try over the next few weeks (eep!).

I had many suggestions on Twitter for products that will help keep my hair healthy, and even more excitingly; help it to grow! The Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatments were recommended to me at least 10 times, and I've decided to give them a go. I've picked up the tub treatment, the leave in spray, and the conditioner. I'll be using them all pretty frequently, and I really hope I see a difference in the health and length of my hair. I'll give it at least a month, but you can be sure I'll do a follow up post about how it's gone so keep your eyes peeled for that.

And you can be sure I'll get photos up as soon as I experiment with my new hair colours! I'll try find a chance to do them in the next week :] eep. 

So what products work for you guys? Do you have a holy grail product that makes your hair feel super healthy and nourished? Or have you tried the Lee Stafford Growth range? Let me know! x

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Awesome Blog Posts of 2014

Can I just begin by saying this was almost impossible? Over the course of 2014 I've discovered so many amazing blogs, each with hundreds of brilliantly unique posts. And somehow I had to choose my favourites from them all, and keep them to a decent number? I could have sat here all day! But I haven't, don't worry. So if you know you're one of my favourites and you're not on here; please don't be offended. I'm human and can only include so many! :]

Okay, let's get to it shall we?
I've chosen the posts that have stuck with me, gave me pause, inspired me, made me laugh, or really connected me to that blogger in some way. You'll find a gorgeous 'mish mash' of blog posts here, and I suggest you all visit each of them!

Life Lessons From A Reluctant Adult-

I only discovered Toni's blog a few weeks ago, but it's fair to say I've become obsessed ever since. After wandering through her beautiful maze of posts, discovering her quirky personality and abundance of beauty throughout the blog; I was hooked. This particular post became a favourite of mine though, because she voices a lot of things I can understand, or need reminding of. It's refreshing to find another blogger who breaks away from the norm, especially if she's writing about feeling forced to grow up. I can relate, unfortunately :]

I'm pretty sure this was the first time I'd read one of Claire's posts and I instantly fell in love! She has an adorable and sweet personality that shines through every word she writes. The fact that she had done a DIY as cute as her was the cherry on the cake though. I'm a sucker for DIY posts as we all know, and this one's a goodun'!

My Small Little Wedding-

Who doesn't love a wedding? And even more so, who doesn't love reading all about one and seeing the photographs? Jessica is always one to be original, and her wedding was no exception. I can remember showing her blog post to Gary and being like,' THAT is what I want for our wedding!' Haha. No, we're not even engaged yet. Yes, I am that girl. But Jessica's wedding was beautiful and her post is one that stood out for me. She tells you the small challenges they faced during the day, she makes you laugh, and she makes you want a photographer as great as hers.

Ella is one of my favourite bloggers, and biggest artistic inspirations. Her work is beautiful and so unique, you can't help but want a glimpse into how she creates it. This post does exactly that. It gives you a step by step visual journey through her process and leaves you really appreciating the hard work that goes into it. I adore posts like this as it leaves me so inspired and definitely gives me the creative boost I sometimes need. Also, I will note that this post is from 2013, but I'm including it anyway as I only discovered Ella's blog at the start of this year along with this post.

Are you following Danielle yet? You should be! Over the course of the year she has become one of the best blogging friends a girl could ask for. She is full of kindness, she is sweet and always makes me smile. However, none of those reasons are why I've included her on this list! Otherwise I'd be here all day naming bloggers I love :] - And there are many of you! - But this post in particular, was one I really treasured and appreciated seeing in my bloglovin feed. I love a good How To, as we know, but this one is filled with a twist of Danielle's kindness. She shows us step by step how to make a really yummy treat for any passing birds outside our homes. Its cheap, easy, and so thoughtful! I think we could all benefit from taking a tip from Danielle and considering our little wildlife friends. Also.. as you can see Danielle is wicked amazing photographer.

READ THIS POST. Watch the video. Let it melt your heart. I almost don't want to say much about Leona's beautiful post, because I want you all to read her words and experience it for yourself. I will say this - I welled up watching it! It's truly heart warming and special. I'm grateful she has posted this online and let us all share her one of her most loved special moments. Trust me - you will love this post.

And there we have it, my favourite stand out posts! And yes, sadly there are many more I was tempted to put in here, but then it would have been never ending. There are so many good bloggers/friends out there who inspire me everyday. But I do hope you guys have enjoyed this post, and visit everyone on here! Also, this should be obvious but; None of these photographs are mine, I took them from the blogs featured and I really hope they don't mind! If you are featured in this post and you do mind however, please let me know at

Thanks guys! x
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Art Journal Updates

It's been a couple of weeks since my last entry and for that I've felt guilty! I'm not sure why, nobody makes me fill in my art journal except myself. But it's a regular way to stay creative and get my juices flowing, so I hate when I skip on it. But today marks exactly one month since we moved home, and in that time I haven't found the will to unpack my many journals and sketchpads. Until now that is. I still don't really have a set space to work, which sucks but I'll try not to let it stop me. Sitting and doodling/gluing away on the floor is fine by me :]

Here's what I've been up to;

This one was just a full on collage with some scribbles, no drawing or painting this time around. I really tried to collect so many different textures, colours, shapes and text, to combine together. To be honest I'm really happy with this one and I'll be playing about with a similar style again soon.

As always, I'd love to know what you guys think?

And since this will be my last post until the weekend now, MERRY CHRISTMAS! :]

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Inspiration Moodboard 4#

Fourth in the installment and definitely my favourite so far! I'm calling it 'Fairytale Grunge' and I think that's a good way to describe my style in most ways. I really, really love this one.

You can find my other boards here.
All images collected from Pinterest, I do not own them.

What do you guys think?

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2014: How You Changed Me

*I apologise for this being quite a 'wordy' post, but summing up all the changes this year is hard! :]

With the year drawing to a close, and the inevitable masses of 'New year, new me!' mantras popping up all over Facebook; I can't help but think about how I've already changed. I feel a world away from the girl (okay, woman..) I was at the start of the year. I didn't realise at the time, but 2014 was going to change a whole lot for me.

In January I was still in the same job I had been in for two years, which I hated. Okay, hate is a strong word to be honest. It was 'fine'. I had plenty of friends there, I was making alright money - and by that, I mean I was working all the hours under the sun to get by, with a little over. But it was a thousand miles from anything career wise I actually wanted to do. After almost ten years working in retail/customer service I was beginning to crack. I had less patience, I was grumpier, I couldn't laugh things off. To top it all off, there was one person in work making my life hell. I started getting seriously stressed out, my panic attacks became more frequent, and I was becoming a mere shadow of the easy going person I used to be. It's fair to say, by Feb/March I'd had enough. It was far too much, so I quit my job and decided I needed to look after myself. And then came the inevitable panic over quitting my job..

The next few months became quite miserable to be honest. I was looking for work constantly, up until 3am sometimes applying for jobs. I felt queasy all the time, and my panic attacks were still going strong despite seeking medical advice. To top it all off, being on benefits to support myself was absolutely awful. I don't think people realise how bad it is unless you've been in that situation, so let me quickly sum it up. Even if you are educated, qualified, experienced, desperate for work, obviously trying your hardest, and basically a stand up citizen; you will still be treated like utter shit by the job centre. Oh! And the biggest joke of all? They never once helped me in any way get a job. No advice, no job updates, NOTHING. Just a weekly patronizing tone and signature on a piece of paper, thanks. I regularly left the place almost in tears. I wanted a job so badly, and was treated like lazy, money grabbing scum. I'm sorry about my little rant here, I just need to put it in perspective for you all on how bad I felt.

Anyway.. I finally did find work for myself; temporary jobs here and there. And for the rest of the year, it was just a series of new starts in new places. But by this time, I had began blogging. I never expected much from it, other than creating a place to be myself and be creative. But a whole new world was opened up to me without warning! I found a whole new mass of friends who shared my hobbies and quirks, I was motivated to work on my Art again, I suddenly had something that took over my days/evenings, and something that inspired me to be me again. My confidence had taken a huge hit at the start of the year, but it was slowly coming back to me now. The biggest supporter of this was Gary, and he seen how positively it was changing me. 

As many of you know, we finally (after 3 and half years together) got our own place together last month, and we have been in our own little bubble since. It has felt amazing to build a home with the man I love, and make a space we can feel proud of. And Gary has continued to support me through everything, including trying to find a job somewhere I can really sink my teeth into. Somewhere that will inspire me, allow me to do something I'm passionate about and start building a career. 

..And that job has come! As of a few days ago; I managed to nab a position working for a website company handling their social media and digital applications. Basically a dream job for me! I still can't believe it. They have took a chance on me and allowed me to take the first step into this field of work, without any experience. Which is just so amazing. And the craziest part? It's all because of this blog. This little place here, these words on this page, my little home away from home. They were impressed with it, and appreciated the dedication I have put in to make it work and learn for myself. When they told me that, I was utterly blown away. I felt so proud of my little blog. And thankful for anyone who reads it. That means YOU.

Today as I publish this, it's Monday. My first official day at my new job. I'm so nervous. Big changes are going to happen. I don't know if I'm ready for it all.. But I'm gonna go with it anyway. After all, at the start of the year I had no job, I lived with my family still, I was miserable, and really ill. Today, I have an exciting new job, a lovely new home, a sweet/supportive/loving boyfriend, and new hopes. I can't wait for 2015, to see what else life will bring.

New year, new me? No thanks. This 'me' is working out just great. x

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Blogging: Best Tools & Resources

Blogging can be a busy business, as I recently mentioned in my Blogging Myths post. If you don't use the right tools, or make advantage of the amazing resources out there, you could be missing out. I decided to put together a small list of the things I find most useful and help me keep my blogging schedule together somewhat. I am by no means an expert guys! Pshh. But enough of you have asked me recently, so I decided to put the most important ones (to me!) on here. Hope it helps you guys out a little.

1. Tweetdeck.
Tweetdeck is a dashboard application that allows you to manage everything about your Twitter account all in one place. Even multiple accounts. The best thing about this is the ability to schedule tweets whenever you want. Meaning you can tweet out about your latest blog posts on a regular basis, bringing in more views. On the rare days that I don't use this; I notice the difference big time. Another feature I love is the ability to create columns dedicated to certain users, or hashtags. That way I can see what all my fave blogger's updates are without getting lost in my busy feed.

2. Photoshop/Pic Monkey/Canva.
Okay so basically, get yourself a good photo editor dudes! I personally use Photoshop more than anything, but I know a lot of people don't have it. In which case, Pic Monkey and Canva are fantastic free editors that create beautiful images in a variety of ways. I'm new to trying Canva, but it seems like it has many creative ways to make your images stand out. And photography is your friend when it comes to blogging. Having beautiful images isn't everything, but it certainly helps.

3. Your Phone.
It sounds a little bit obvious, at least to me. But your phone is an incredible tool for managing your blog. You can download all the relevant apps (twitter, bloglovin, instagram) to stay on top of your blog notifications; even when you're out and about. Then there's your emails you can stay on top of too. Don't miss an opportunity to work with a brand or business, simply because you didn't keep on top of emails. Personally, my phone is my hero.

4. A Notebook.
And last but not least, the most simple and overlooked tool of all. Carrying a notebook everywhere with you, for when inspiration hits is invaluable. Yes you can use an app to make notes on your phone, but if your phone battery dies then you'll encounter problems. I can never remember a blog post idea I had unless I write it down! Also, if I'm being honest I much prefer putting pen to paper when developing ideas. So much more satisfying!

And there we have it. The four must have tools for blogging IMO. They'll save you time, help you get organised and hopefully grow your blog successfully. Let me know what you guys think.

What tools do you use?

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Top 5 Christmas Nails Under £5

There's something about this time of year that makes us all suddenly wanna emulate Christmas literally through our nails. We want the reds of Santa, the glitter of tinsel, the deep purples of our lips (rockin' that berry lip still obviously). Maybe it's just me. But I'm in the spirit, and my nails are too!

The five choices above are just ones I keep going back to right now, whether old or new - they keep my little fingertips looking pretty as an Instagram friendly picture could be! :] From left to right we have, Maybelline Colour Show 'Noite De Gal' (£2.99 From Boots), Barry M Textured, 'Princess', (£3.99 Barry M), GOSH Frosted '05 Rose' (£3.99 Superdrug), Rimmel Lasting Finish '030 Double Decker Red' (£2.99 Superdrug), and finally MUA Fever Red, (£1 MUA). 

It's fair to say there are hoards of bargains about! 
What are your favourites for Christmas? 
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Making Paper Chains

*Apologies for the terrible photos! :( I didn't have my usual camera available at the time.

Merry Christmas everyone! I feel confident I can say that now, with Christmas being a mere 8 days away. Have you all been enjoying your advent calenders? I keep forgetting about mine..

Anyway, I've been really trying to get into the Christmas spirit, as you may have realised from my recent posts. In this festive frenzy, I've rediscovered my childhood love for making paper chains! So easy and pretty, and a solution to not having many decorations in your new home.. if you may need it like me :]

I've been chopping away at magazines and various pretty papers, creating an eclectic array of loops to hang all over the walls. Old issues of Frankie magazine have been particularly good to me. I thought I'd share my creation with you guys and hopefully inspire you to make your own. Make your inner child happy!

Have you been getting excited for Christmas? :]

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Wallpaper Doodles

The title of this post may lead you to believe I have been reliving my childhood, by drawing along the walls of the house. But fortunately for my deposit; I have not. I have in fact been doodling on my laptop using my tablet. Much better.

I drew this anchor in a much bigger size, and really liked it. It was for practice more than anything to be honest, but then I decided I quite like it as a desktop wallpaper image. And so here it is! I'd love to create much more intricate designs for future wallpapers, what do you guys think?

Anyway, the full size image is here if you'd like to use it, feel free :]

Merry Christmas! x

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How To Have The Most Festive Day Ever

Whether you want to make this Christmas day the most festive ever, or you simply want to get in the spirit of the season before then; I've put together a list of my favourite ways to make the most of this Christmas!

Have Christmas music playing constantly. Nothing gets me in the mood quite like Mariah or The Pogues, but whatever floats your boat. Even if it's just in the background, you'll feel like you're stuck in a snowglobe of Christmas!

Accessorize. Nothing screams Christmas like tacky jumpers, earrings, headbands and plenty of glitter nail polish.

Bake. Nothing says Christmas like plenty of sweet treats. Especially anything gingerbread or with sprinkles. Get baking!

Light candles. Plenty! (In a safe manner of course..) Bonus points if they have an extra festive scent.

Put fairy lights up. This is a personal favourite of mine, I love them all year round anyway. But an excuse for more? Brilliant.

Watch all those cheesy movies you love. Personally I'm not a fan of the ever popular Grinch or Elf, haha. But the TV is full of various movies over December - take your pick!

Get creative! String up all your Christmas cards, decorate the whole house, pop tinsel around your bed frame, make paper chains - whatever! Unleash your inner child and milk Christmas for all it's worth!

After writing this I'm feeling so festive I'll be trying all of the above immediately! Do you have any other Christmassy suggestions? Leave them below! :]

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Purple Rain

I'm never gonna be the cool and stylish fashion blogger, who effortlessly puts outfits together to create a glamorous look. I'm far happier and more at home in a band Tshirt and jeans. Maybe every now and again a cute tea dress/cardigan combo. But more often than not, you'll find me in a hoody. Especially this time of year, when snuggling in my favourite lilac hoody practically makes me purr. That being said, it doesn't mean I want to slum it completely. I use my makeup to experiment and add a little bit of glam every now and again. Makeup is always my mask, my source of fun and my confidence. I can easily lose hours 'playing' with my makeup, storing it all away neatly, arranging it all, testing it out and trying new things.

In one of these recent playtime sessions, I realised I haven't wore much purple in a while. Sure I've gone as berry mad as any other blogger this time of year, but I've stuck to a red hue on my lips more than anything, and I haven't been brave enough to try any eyeshadows other than my nudes really. And this is strange since I used to get a kick out of trying every colour combination under the sun, especially purples. My favourite colour. 

Deciding to change that immediately, I used W7's In The Night Palette on my eyes, and Barry M Vicious Violet on my lips. Bold, Wintery, and definitely matching my hoody. I must say I'm happy to have found a little colour again. Here's to the next playtime session..

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3 Common Myths About Blogging

It's time to talk about some of the most common myths that are behind blogging sometimes. I've experienced every one of these points myself, and I know others who do on a daily basis. So whether you're a blogger who'll be nodding along to this post, or a non blogger who might realise something new about blogging; enjoy! And let's get to the bottom of these myths eh?

1. 'We Always Get Free Stuff';

To the people outside of blogging, it can sometimes seem as if bloggers get free stuff all the time. I've been asked multiple times from friends and family, 'What stuff can I get them for free?' and I have to say it can get so annoying. First of all, that's not how it works. If I ever get something gifted to me, it's because that brand/company/person has contacted me and chose to gift me with it. And its a rarity at best anyway. I know bloggers who have a much bigger audience than me and who still pay out for all their own things they choose to review or include on their blog. And my blog is much smaller, which means I obviously get offered less 'free stuff'. And let's break down this 'free' product anyway shall we? Whether it's something we like or don't like, if we do a post about it - that's serious time and effort put into that item. Planning a feature, taking photographs, editing, publishing, promoting; it all takes so much time and effort that a lot of non bloggers don't see. I can easily spend two days preparing a post. Now if this was a job I'd be getting paid a lot more than one freebie for two days work within my schedule. So yeah the odd freebie is nice, I won't lie. But you have to put it into context. I'm working on my blog 24/7 and it's a rare thing to be gifted from a brand. Which leads me to my next point..

2. 'It doesn't take much time/effort';

Anyone can write up a post and press publish, and that's all it takes.. right? Wrong. Sure if you want to try that; that's fine, but I can almost guarantee your blog won't get anywhere and you won't reach much of an audience. I'm almost scared to think about how much time I put into blogging on a weekly basis, but if nothing else it shows how much I love doing it. I've mentioned the time it takes to prepare and write up a post, which you'll wanna put some thought into. Then you have to take your photographs, and believe me there is a high expectation when it comes to bloggers. We need good lighting (damn you Winter..), high quality images and great editing skills to keep up with the crowd. I'm certainly no expert, but even just trying and always improving where I can takes so much time. Then there's promoting your blog. This is hard. You have to try do this very often, without becoming 'spammy' or annoying. And you have to cater to your audience; consider what they want to see, across various platforms. I regularly use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Stumbleupon to promote new posts, or engage with my audience. If I schedule tweets throughout the day when I know I'm going to be too busy, (which is often - I work full time!) that easily takes an hour the evening before.

3. 'We're all doing it to be the next Zoella';

To be honest, this assumption is one I've seen inside the blogging community from other bloggers - as well as non bloggers. There's a certain belief to some that if we spend this much time blogging then we must be trying to get famous or trying to become so popular online we're the next big thing. And Zoella is a great example. Yeah she's great and she's done so well, but we're not all the same. For me personally, I do this because I simply love it. Since I discovered blogging I have felt more inspired, involved in a community, creative and happy than I have in years. I will do it for as long as that continues, even if I never have much of an audience. If it managed to get me into a career I love, or it somehow became possible to do this for a living then WOW. That would be amazing, but it's not the goal. It's not the reason I do it. I'm sure I'd be very disappointed if it were. And I know there's so many other bloggers who feel the same. Also, we all have our own unique blogs. I love to use mine to write about lifestyle posts, be creative, share my artwork, talk about important issues and include my love of beauty products. I'm never gonna change that to be more like someone else.

And so there you have it! The top 3 myths about blogging, in my experience. I have asked multiple bloggers across various platforms, and almost all mentioned these three things. I hope this clears a few things up for newbie bloggers or non bloggers alike :] I've loved sharing my thoughts on this - but tell me what you think! Leave a comment letting me know if you agree with any of these assumptions or you have any others on your mind.

Take care! x

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Inspiration Board 3#

Cute collars / lazy days / coffee / glitter / Winter makeup / over-sized everything / sketchy illustrations / collages / watercolours / berry tones / 

Just some of the things inspiring me lately.

You guys have surprised me with the amount of love for the previous inspiration posts, which is awesome! I love putting them together because it creates a nice collection of images for me to keep handy too. I think I'll keep doing these but I can't guarantee how often they'll be. After all I can never guarantee I'll be inspired...

What's inspiring you lately? Please let me know in a comment! :]

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