The British Tag

I've seen the British tag going around blogs and vlogs forever now, and I decided it was about time I answer some of these questions myself to see 'how British I am'.

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?
I actually like both Tea and Coffee, but I only have a drink every few days! I'm more keen on drinking juice or water.
2. Favourite part of your roast?
Broccoli is always yum, and I do love a good Yorkshire pudding.
3. Favourite dunking biscuit?
Rich Tea :) Boring, but nice!
4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?
Moaning! Haha. Usually about the weather. We are never happy. I'm an odd one because I moan about Summer. I really prefer rainy days.
5. Favourite word?
Out of typical British ones I can think of - 'Bloody'. It's a nice way to let frustration out without swearing haha. As in, 'It's bloody freezing today!'.
6. Cockney rhyme slang?
I don't know any, and I usually don't understand it anyway. I'm a Northern girl!
7. Favourite sweet?
I'm more of a chocolate addict. A Kinder Bueno would go down nicely thank you.
8. What would your pub be called?
Ha.. errm.. I'd have something weird and wonderful like, 'The Dancing Unicorn'.
9. No.1 British person?
Caitlin Moran. I've already blogged about why I love her so much here. She's amazing!
10. Favourite shop / Restaurant?
I love GAP and H&M more than anything lately. As for Restaurant? I'd have to say Prego, they do beautiful Italian dishes and it always comes with fabulous service.
11. What British song pops into your head?
This makes me think of Britpop - Blur, Oasis (), The Verve. To be honest they were brilliant. Now in modern times, first thought is Arctic Monkeys. I'm still loving 'Do I Wanna Know'.
12. Marmite?
Haaaaaate it! Bleughhh. I honestly don't know how people can eat it.

I don't think I did too bad there.. Okay maybe I'm not a very typical British person. I don't drink enough Tea, I don't know any Cockney rhyming slang and I hate Marmite.
What are your favourite British things?!
Feel free to take this tag and answer it yourself if you are British :) But I personally nominate Laura, Zoe, Claire & Kim. Have a go ladies! ^_^

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What's In My Bag?

I love these posts, I really do.
I like sharing a little teeny part of my world, and I love seeing what other bloggers have rummaging around in their totes, handbags, clutches, ..backpacks? Whatever they may be.

So lets see what we have.

A little notebook (cute & small for when inspiration hits!), Lumi Magique concealer, sticky notes (super fun & handy), No.7 BB Lips Beauty Balm, my phone in its adorable BMO case, a mirror, another lip balm (Nivea), headphones and a cute flower scrunchie!

I did also have a pen in there, but I lost it between emptying my bag and taking the photo - I'm a dope!

Lots of love!

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Liebster No.2

As some of you may know, I already received the Liebster back in March when I very first began blogging. But in the past month, I've been nominated for it at least a handful of times again, and since I've changed, and progressed a lot, I thought I might as well do it again for those of you who are maybe new readers :)

- - -

1. How much time do you spend on blogging?
- Quite a bit! Most evenings I'm working on a new post, tweaking my layout or even just chatting to other bloggers on Twitter. I love blogging!

2. What one thing would you change about yourself?
- I need to be more confident and happy with myself. I'm trying.

3. Your dream job.
- If not a huuuugely successful blogger ;) then working for a magazine, or writing in some way.

4. What is your go to makeup item?
- Oh god, everything. Haha. I like my face fully done up. In a rush though.. mascara & lipstick. I'm allowed to choose two okay! Lol.

5. Favorite musician/band.
- Too many. Eminem, The Breeders, Placebo, Foe, Hole, Iggy Azalea, Lykke Li, The Cure, Troye Sivan, Foxes, Marilyn Manson, Pink, Lily Allen, Lady Gaga, Nirvana, Nicki Minaj, Jenny Lewis. I like a lot of music, and it's all different genres.

6. What language(s) do you speak?
- English only. I wish I was super smart, and fluent in Japanese, Italian, French...

7. Dream car.
- Monster truck. (I don't even drive)

8. Favorite food.
- Pizza

9. Do you have a favorite quote?
-  "Live as if you'll die tomorrow", "Start each day with a grateful heart", ~Do more than exist". - I'm inspired by anything that really encourages happiness.

10. What are some beautiful memories from your childhood?
- Driving along the beach in my Dad's car, him basically just letting me turn the wheel.
- A big family holiday to Cyprus, swimming in the sea.
- Christmas times.
This question kinda makes me sad. 
11. What is your purpose of blogging?
- I love to write, and create things. My blog is my little world to get lost in. And I get to talk to other bloggers who inspire and encourage me. It's nice talking to people as passionate as you about the same interests.

12. If you could see anyone in concert, who would it be?
- Eminem, again. The Cure, again. Placebo, again. Ha.
Someone I haven't seen? ... FOE, Gaga, Nicki Minaj. 
13. Which 3 guests, alive or dead, would you have at a dinner party? Why?

- Eminem, I've idolised him since I was a kid. Louise aka Sprinkle of Glitter - Shes just so, so funny and likeable! Umm... maybe Kristen Stewart or Jennifer Lawrence. I seriously heart them both.
14. What is something you learned in the last week?

- Umm... not to read thrillers until 3am. Then you're too scared to sleep.
15. Is love at first sight real?

- Doubt it. I fell in love with my bf though from speaking online/on the phone every day, before I even met him though. So as unconventional as that is, it kinda makes me believe more than ever that you need to get to know someone to love them. And just seeing someone for the first time doesn't seem enough..
16. Do you have any unusual phobias or fears?

- Yes. Apart from the "usual", spiders, heights, etc.. I have trypophobia.
17. What do you think of facial hair on men?

- Love it. I don't like when Gary shaves (like once every 6 months haha).
18. What are you the most proud of?

- Wow.. I've no idea. Maybe just the person who I am? There's a lot I don't like about myself, but I think I'm a good person.
19. What's your least favourite word?

- Moist. Urghh!
20. Have you met any celebrities?

- Only small time. Nothing to write about.

I nominate anyone who reads this! :P

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A Letter To My Younger Self

What would you say if you could go back & tell that little girl anything?

*Oh wow, this photo.

Dear Jemma,
Hey! You're around 5 in this photograph, so right now is pretty awesome. You're happy, you're confident and home is pretty great. I wish I could say that lasts forever, but that's not true. I want you to stay confident though! Somehow you lose that along the way, I wish I knew what to say to change that. 
You are at your best when you are being yourself, and just having fun. Climb those trees, paint, be spontaneous and make the most of your friends. 

You should always love yourself, someone is gonna come along in the far future and make you think you aren't as good. It wont be obvious, but they'll start chipping away at the edges of you, making you question everything about yourself, and changing yourself. Don't do this, don't allow it. Don't give everything of yourself away, ever.

Stay close to mum, try to keep her feeling special and loved. She's gonna need it, unfortunately. I wish you could open her eyes to what's happening, but you cant. Just be with her along the way. Talk to her more, and remind her of life's little joys.

Forgive your Dad, quicker. And spend every single day telling him about yourself. Show him what you can do, show him who you are, what you're interested in. He knows you love him, but for some reason you never let yourself be silly, childish, honest, around him. I don't know why. Maybe you get so worried about making him proud, that you want to always appear grown up. Stop worrying, be yourself, he's your hero and he's gonna love you always. Even when he seems mad.. even when you get piercings and tattoos and he's really mad! 
Just.. tell him you love him again and again and again and again. And really listen when he tells you how proud he is. Because years later you will doubt it, even though you shouldn't. It will haunt you otherwise.

As for your student years - You're gonna love college so much, you'll miss it always afterwards. You'll make friends for life, brilliant memories, great work, have adventures, get in trouble and more. I wouldn't change a thing about this.
Uni.. look just don't go to Bolton. You end up regretting it so much. It ruins a good chunk of your life. It's not all bad memories, the first year had hella good moments, but all in all, it's a change I'd make. Choose another Uni. Go somewhere far, move away! Have an adventure! 

As for the rest... you got this. It all turns out fine, don't worry.
Things always get better, no matter how bad it seems.

So just enjoy it!
Love.. Jemma, just over 20 years later.

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John Frieda 3 Day Straight Styling Spray

Time for a little beauty review today.

I seen this John Frieda product in Boots, for £6.99 and decided to give it a try. As someone who is always fighting the frizz with my hair, and constantly straightening it, I like to try anything that promises to help me along the way.

This water based styling spray promises visibly straighter hair for up to 3 days after use.
I applied it evenly over my hair (between 7-15 pumps) while wet, and then continued to blow dry and straighten my hair as usual.

I've gotta be honest, I'm not very impressed. It actually suggests on the back of the bottle straightening your hair, which is annoying because I was trying to avoid this a bit more because it damages my hair so much. But I did as it said, hoping it would at least leave my hair super soft, shiny and straighter for much longer.

Nope. I honestly can't see any difference compared my normal routine. Maybe my hair took a little longer to dry as the moisture soaked in, but I didn't feel any benefit from this. It's definitely not as soft and shiny as when I use other hair products, like Tresemme Salon Silk serum. Which to be honest is one hair product I always go back to. And it's cheaper than this product!

Sorry John Frieda, I won't be trying this one again.

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My Week On Instagram

Hello lovelies!
Hope you all had a great weekend, and today hasn't given you the Monday blues :)

This is my second post of the day, wahey! I'm on a roll.
I wanted to show you my past week through my Instagram account, and reflect on how the week has gone for me. It's been a good one ^_^

From Left to Right, Top to Bottom:

1. Marceline is one of my faaave characters from Adventure Time, and my lovely boyfriend brought me a Marceline mug back from Plymouth whilst he was visiting family. I love it, as it's the start of a set now, because I already have a Princess Bubblegum one :)

2. We had a gorgeous relaxing day on Tuesday, popping the cinema and mooching around town. We found a gorgeous little coffee shop which I fell in love with. I also wrote about it here.

3. I changed my hair! Now, I have only had this blog around 5/6 months & I realise I've had only dark brown/black hair in that time. But, I've been known to change my hair A LOT in the past. I've had pink, blue, green, red and purple hair. Sometimes a mix. I love experimenting with bright colours, but unfortunately while I'm job hunting I have to stick to a 'normal' colour. So to satisfy my craving to dye, I've decided to lighten my hair a lot. At the moment my hair is ginger/brown and I love it! But I will be going lighter again soon! I'm going to try a really light shade.. we'll see how it goes!

4. Sorry about our scary faces! Gary and I decided to pamper ourselves and use some lovely face masks. Ok, ok. I made him. But he's a good sport and will always indulge me, haha.

5. Snippets from my journal. It keeps me happy. It's nothing special, and painting is really my interest, but it relaxes and inspires me.

6. Yummy! I've been baking cookies this week, and this batch was so good. I finally got them really soft inside and perfected the amount of sugar. I'm definitely not a baker, but every now & again I get a good turnout.

7. What can I say? Shameless selfie! I just like whenever I have red lips. They make me feel bold.

8. I love this palette from MUA. I've actually reviewed this a while ago here. It remains one of my faves! Have you tried it? I love neutral/rosy hues.

9. Rainy days! We've had a few lately, and I couldn't be happier. I'm definitely an Autumn/Winter girl. I'm glad we're getting to the end of Summer now :) Scarves, mitties, hats and jumper weather soon!

Hope you all had a lovely week!
Remember to follow me on Instagram :)

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Art Journal Part 7

A mix this week of drawing, collage, images scanned in, and found objects.
I really liked using images scanned in and editing them, then adding onto these pages.
Just something a little bit different, which was fun.

I'm thinking next week I might feature some of my work I keep in my old art portfolio, I'll see what I can find. Getting out my paintings will be great, but it'll make me miss painting even more. But I just don't really have the space here at all to paint :( 
That'll have to wait until Gary and I move.

Anyway, catch up with all my Art journal entries here.

Leave your thoughts below! :)

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Today I wanted to tell you guys what music I've been listening to and loving this past week 
They are mostly only recently discovered by me, so please don't judge me if you've loved a certain band or Artist for a long time, I'm always slow haha!


Her music has been described as 'dark R'n'B' by plenty, but I feel it has dreamy/chillout/techno moments too which really made her stand out to me. I've found Banks great to listen to while chilling out, blogging and when I'm awake late at night. Relaxing without being anywhere near boring. My favourite songs right now of hers are 'Brain', 'This is What it Feels Like' and 'Drowning'.

Foster The People 

Yes, I'm late on this one. Oh well, better late than never! Anyway these guys made their way onto my phone about 3 weeks ago, and I've not regretted it. Upbeat, quirky, indie, I like everything about their sound so far. Especially 'Pumped Up Kicks' and 'Coming of Age'.


Now, this is my love! Foe is UK female Artist I discovered randomly last year sometime. She is still small time, only one other person I know has heard of her. She has been on TV, radio and wrote about in The Guardian as 'New Music of The Week' in 2011. I love her music, it's SO catchy, quirky and yet dark. You can find her music around if you search her album 'Bad Dream Hotline', especially on youtube. In fact I'll leave a link here, to one of my favourite songs of hers. She is a wig wearing, weird girl with a sultry voice you'll die for. If you listen to one artist from this list, make it FOE.


Oh she's one I was meant to try for a long time. But just never quite got around to it, until now. Like her album name, she is Glorious. Great voice and catchy tunes of soft pop with a dark streak make her one to keep on listening to. I love 'Youth', 'Let Go For Tonight' and 'In Her Arms'.

Troye Sivan 

Oh this boy. As one of the super famous Youtubers who own the vlogging world, he has now gone into the music business. And in my opinion, he's done it successfully. His EP has just been released days ago, and already it's made a massive impact with fans all around the world. 'Happy Little Pill' is the first released track and I'm obsessed with it. There are only 5 tracks on the EP and my only downside would be that I want more. Go listen to it, see for yourself :)

Let me know what you think of my choices, and if you like any of them!

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Home Away From Home.

So this week has been mostly a bit of a chilled one, my boyfriend and I enjoying this week together that he has off from work and just taking it easy when we can.

Whilst we were out in town in Liverpool browsing for things, and awaiting to see the new Inbetweeners movie, (which was hilarious by the way) we found a little coffee shop/cafe tucked away in a quieter little space, called 'Home'.

I really enjoyed our little visit here, it was quiet enough that it felt lovely and secluded, but busy enough that we weren't the only one there. It was decorated beautiful and very simple, with local artists work adorning the walls and unique tables and chairs.

The drinks selection was fantastic, and as much as I loved my hazelnut latte, I wish I'd tried one of the special teas they offered. I'll save that for next time maybe. Gary did try a green tea and said it was perfect, and he was given quite a generous amount in a teapot.

The only downside I'd say was the food seemed really quite pricey. Don't get me wrong we seen the portions people were getting, and they did seem to be getting a great amount, but I just wouldn't pay £7 minimum for sandwiches. I weren't hungry so I couldn't even try anything but I'm sure I will next time. 
Because all in all, I was really happy with this little find. I found it charming, pretty and comfortable, and will definitely be going back again.

Would you like to see more posts like this, writing about where I've been visiting lately? Let me know in the comments! :)

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Art Journal Part 6

This week I wanted lots of colour, collage and a modern feel.
I'm quite happy with these pages :)

Let me know what you guys think

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Four Products That Surprised Me

Okay so I cant be the only one who buys things even if I have low expectations of them, right?
Well, I obviously buy them because I think they will be useful in some way, or I wouldn't bother at all. But these little foursome have surprised me recently, in a rather pleasant way. No bombshells are going to be dropped here, but they are quite nice.

First we have the Nivea Cleansing Cream Wash. I needed just a regular daily wash, and this one being pink appealed to me straight away. But I mean, I don't expect it to work wonders since it's so cheap, or really cleanse my skin. I just wanted something nice and easy I could use in a rush. The reason it's surprised me? It makes my skin SO soft. Like baby skin soft! I'm very much liking this. Now, I still use other products for a deep clean like my Clinique 1, 2, 3 set, but this is great for daily use when you just want to refresh quickly. Silky skin all around! Try it, honestly you'll be stroking your face in no time :)

Now the Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation. I hadn't tried this before this past week, even though I'd heard lovely things about it from other bloggers. I kept just passing by it in Superdrug and not even considering it, and I think I've figured out why. Please don't judge me, but I think it's simply because the packaging is orange. I know, so silly right! But I'm very impressionable, and although I don't want to judge products by the packaging, I really think I have here. You see, I'm not really a fan of orange at all. It reminds me of chavs with orange faces.. and just 'cheapness'. Very silly Jemma. Even sillier is the reason why I decided to try it. Remember I said I'm very impressionable? Well I was watching Zoella's Makeup Collection video about two weeks ago, and seen she has many bottles of it! And I'm ashamed to admit it was that easy to sway me, but I thought, 'Well if she has that many, it must be good!'. Oh dear. Anyway, it did surprise me! While I wouldn't describe it as the best foundation, it's a great price, it smells lovely, applies evenly and isn't too heavy. So great for Summer. Yep, I was surprised by it.

Next up is the MUA Undress Your Skin Foundation. This one, I just threw in my basket because it was cheap, I love a bargain and I don't mind trying MUA's products. They're so cheap, you don't really mind if they're a waste, and sometimes you will find a great product. I have to say I didn't expect much because let's face it, if a foundation is only £3 in Superdrug.. it's probably not the best. And while I'll say I still don't think it's the best.. it's a goodun! I'm actually happy I got this, its a great base, and has a subtle illuminating effect which really brightened my skin, especially my dark circles. I still needed some powder over the top of this, but all in all I was surprised and very happy :)

And finally it's the MUA Intense Colour Lip Liner. Same sort of deal here, MUA product's can be hit or miss but I don't mind misses because they're so cheap. Anyway, this lip liner is suuuper soft, and applies lovely. So I was already like, 'Yep, this is good'. But the surprising thing? I realised this is also wonderful as an eyeliner! It honestly looks so nice as a subtle, pastel pink liner on your lids and made me feel quite girly. I do love a product with multiple uses. Oh and side note, how awesome that it comes with it's own little sharpener? Yes, winner.

So there we have it. These little angels have surprised me in a rather lovely way :)
What surprise products have you gotten lately, and have they been good or bad surprises?

Let me know!
Thanks for reading guys xx

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My 100th Post!

Wow, well 100 posts in five months isn't bad I reckon.
I feel very happy to have 100 posts behind me. I strive to make my posts better all the time, I want to be a better writer, photographer, editor and all around 'good' blogger. I've found something I love working on, and hopefully I'm getting better all the time. Thanks to anyone who reads my posts, pops by often, comments and generally supports in any way possible. I really do appreciate every single thing.

So, to keep up this happy mood from reaching this little milestone, I've decided to make a list of 

100 things that make me happy

1. Blogging!

2. Music. I recently rediscovered my love for music and it's an instant mood lifter. Expect a playlist post coming soon..

3. Rainy days. There's nothing I love more than seeing huge black clouds in the sky and hearing the rain bounce against my window. 

4. My boyfriend. I couldn't not put him in this list. He's my main source of joy, everyday. He makes me feel like a princess.

5. Unicorns. Really.

6. Tattoos. Drawing them up, getting them done, enjoying the aftermath. I'm addicted. I think I have ten (I stop counting now) and I love them all. More soon.

7. Drunken nights with friends. Well ok, anytime with friends. But drunken nights are hilarious.

8. Autumn. It's my fave season! And it'll be here soon! :)

9. Having pretty nails. I never have bare nails, I love them all painted up thank you.

10. Night time. It's when I come alive and so much more interesting than the day..

11. Adventure Time. Oh my jesus I love it so much. I'll probably get an AT tattoo one day. I collect merch too. I'm constantly wrestling trying to decide who is my fave character. Right now its between Marceline and BMO.

12. Gummy bears. As in the Haribo ones. Love 'em!

13. Shopping sprees. Retail therapy really does wonders. Especially at the makeup counters in Debenhams <3

14. Cuddles in the middle of the night. As in, waking up and finding each other's arms and getting right in there.

15. Getting/giving unexpected compliments. This makes me so happy, especially if I'm feeling especially crappy, and I like to make others feel the same way.

16. Inside jokes with friends. Usually weird stuff.

17. Feeling awesome after an intense workout.

18. Coffee forever makes me happy. Especially if it's in one of my Adventure Time mugs.

19. Eminem. Did you not know I'm a huge Eminem fan? Have been for years. Marshall gets me.

20. Pizza. Yes.

21. Learning a new recipe, and it turning out well!

22. Looking through old photographs. Get them feels!

23. Seeing your favourite band play live and getting goosebumps.

24. Having my hair played with. Oh so relaxing and lovely. But not if it's by a stranger..

25. New socks. I don't know why, but this just makes me happy.

26. Getting lost in a book and losing all sense of time.

27. Disney movies. The Little Mermaid will always be my favourite comfort/happy movie.

28. Meeting someone new and they just get you. Instant friendship.

29. Those deep conversations that last hours through the night, when you feel you learn something new about yourself and the other person.

30. Forehead kisses. It just feels protective and nice.

31. Hearing your favourite song on the radio.

32. Handwritten letters in the post.

33. When strangers smile at you.

34. Trying something new and scary, and it turns out great.

35. Postcards. Sending and receiving them.

36. Making someone laugh. Yessss.

37. Fresh sheets on the bed. 

38. Travelling. Finding somewhere in the world you completely feel at home, even if it's thousands of miles away.

39. Random texts from people you haven't seen in a while, just to say hi.

40. When certain scents remind you of happy memories.

41. When people just remember your birthday.

42. Taking your bra off after a long day.

43. Getting 'I love you' texts.

44. Sunsets, enjoying them calmly.

45. Waking up from a bad dream and realising it wasn't real.

46. Bubble baths.

47. When someone's laugh is funnier than the joke.

48. Popping bubble wrap.

49. Getting new Vans. They're my fave.

50. Painting/drawing/being creative.

51. Creating fun DIY's.

52. Wearing red lipstick.

53. Finding the perfect dress.

54. Watching my fave TV shows.. Greys Anatomy, Sex & the City, HIMYM, The Office..

55. Cute phone covers.

56. Awesome female characters. Lisbeth Salander, Katniss Everdeen, Clementine Kruczynski.

57. I love anything pink and girly.

58. Glitter makes me happy.

59. Kittens. Because of course they make me happy.

60. Kristen Stewart. I kind of adore her.

61. When my boyfriend cooks for me. He's an excellent cook, and I'll admit I like feeling spoiled.

62. Having good hair days. That makes me really happy.

63. Just being around kind people.

64. Discovering a new talent.

65. Having alone time. It feels good every now and again to reflect, relax and be content.

66. Having really good dreams, and remembering them.

67. Just being stupid with friends.

68. Playing Zelda games. I like almost all, and they make me happyyy.

69. Getting my favourite magazines.

70. Cute hats.

71. Anything Moomins <3

72. Baking cookies.

73. Looking through photographs on your phone after a night out.

74. German Shepard's and Pugs! The best dogs ever.

75. Lucky Charms!

76. Yummy cocktails.

77. My Luna Lovegood wand. I just feel special with it..

78. Snowy days <3

79. Getting flowers.

80. Finding hidden book stores.

81. Long walks through woods.

82. Anything Hello Kitty.

83. Browsing through Pinterest/Tumblr.

84. Seeing rainbows :)

85. Holding hands.

86. Great makeup days!

87. Planning mine & Gary's future home <3

88. Watching Youtubers.

89. New notebooks. I'm a stationary geek.

90. Finding unexpected money.

91. Waking up and realising it's still early.

92. When someone seems really, genuinely happy to see you.

93. Fancy dress.

94. When cats do that kneading thing on you and purr.

95. Sending hilarious/random snapchats to friends.

96. Mermaids. Yesss.

97. Smiley kisses.

98. Lighting candles.

99. Louis CK. That guy's amazingly hilarious.

100. Knowing everything is gonna be okay.

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10 Things You Learn When You Live With Your Boyfriend*

* Or at least my boyfriend.

1. Socks are everywhere. They will hide from you, creep up in hats, among bed sheets and in bags! 

2. You now only get some of the duvet. 

3. If you don't tell him to groom, he won't. He'd happily have a monobrow.

3. He will surprisingly put up with your love of RuPaul's Drag Race.. And end up cheering for his favourite contestants and become a fan himself!

4. He will discover all your strange habits no matter how you try to hide them. 

5. You will drive each other crazy living in such close proximity, but you'll miss each other as soon as one leaves.

6. You cannot go to bed angry. Even if it gets to 5am, make it up first.

7. He will have no problem talking about bodily functions to you, no matter how you beg him not to.

8. You will get cuddles every single night, which is pretty lovely 

9. Everyone will immediately ask you when you're getting married/having kids.

10. He will be your biggest fan. Whether it's cooking a new meal or trying on an outfit, he'll be there to applaud and tell you how wonderful you are, even if you don't feel it.

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