Five Favourite Daytime Lipsticks

favourite daytime lipsticks

I'm the type of person who loves a bright lip; the bolder the better. Give me a powerful red or a deep gothic purple and I'm a happy girl. I'll try out every orange, pink and even blue under the sun. However, there are plenty of times I need a good, subtle daytime sorta' lip too.

If I'm going to a restaurant, for example, there's no way I'll be wearing a Ruby Woo no matter what staying power it promises. Eating, food, drink, a bright lipstick and me just don't mix. I'd end up with it smeared across my face, or I'd be too worried about it to eat comfortably.

Then there's those times I'm nipping the local shop first thing Sunday morning. Sure, a lippie that packs a POW is great; but when it's teamed with the first leggings you can find and yesterdays tshirt - it sort of doesn't look great. So enter, the casual daytime lippies.

Blogs To Visit This Weekend

Bank holiday weekend - we all love it don't we? Even me, working from home. I know you'd think it wouldn't make a difference but it does. Everyone seems in a happier mood, there are loads of bank holiday bargains around, and sometimes it even affects Gary at work, which means we get more time together. Plus there's just that feeling of bank holiday-ness, haha.

In the spirit of keeping things upbeat and awesome, this weekend I've made it my goal that I'll be visiting a heap load of blogs everyday this week. Sometimes this is hard because of long working hours, other priorities, yadda yadda yadda. But not this week. I've carved out time specifically to make sure I can, and I'm excited. I'll be leaving comments, following people and hoping to spread a little bit of blog cheer.

Smile! Janina Maxiwhite Toothpaste and Whitening Strips

It's National Smile Month - yaaay! As if I needed any more reasons to smile. However I'm someone who is really shy about my teeth, as I don't think they are my best asset. I'm always a bit hesitant to do a huge full smile in photographs, and I'm always looking for ways to improve them.

However I might have just found something that really boosts my smile confidence; enter Janina Ultra White Toothpaste and Whitening Strips*. After seeing Hayley's review of them, I was super excited to give them a try! I will admit a part of me was a little scared of using whitening strips, as I never have before, and I worried about my teeth being too sensitive.

But I needn't have worried at all, I began using both products together, and found them fantastic to use. I started out using the toothpaste each morning and night; which tastes really strong, but doesn't feel really strong - if that makes sense? Like, I could tell it was powerful stuff, but I felt no pain, tingling, discomfort of any sort. Just a great, deep clean. I definitely noticed my teeth looked brighter after even just one go, and even my boyfriend noticed them whitening after a day of use.

Parallel Magazine

Hi guys :) I hope you're having a great week! I wanted to get into the habit of posting more casual, chatty posts featuring 'new favourites' of mine. This could range from anything from music, beauty buys, random coffee shops I visit or shopping hauls. So I hope you guys will like this more personal, free spirited type of blog post.

I have felt super inspired this week, creatively. I received a copy of Parallel magazine, which is a quarterly feminist mag covering topics on gender, race, sexuality, age, liberation, activism and disability.

It is AMAZING tbh. I loved how 'arty' the whole layout was, and how they seemed to make every single page really stand out and have its own unique style. 

The articles were so interesting and thoughtfully written, and gave me so much to think about and have even inspired some upcoming topics for this blog. My favourite part of the whole thing was the Art section, where they feature a whole range of artists, and it's awesome! I absolutely love discovering new artists and creators. So yep, definitely worth checking out guys.

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Making Memories With Cheerz

If you follow me on Snapchat (Jemmamorgan) you may have seen me recently gushing over my latest pressie in the post from Cheerz, that photo company that never fail to just get me. Those fab guys let me customise a beautiful photo album* for myself, and the result was just wonderful!

I'm one of those people who loves taking photographs every single day. Whether it be selfies, the cat, blog photos, landscapes, artwork, whatever! I love to document everything. In fact, you may remember me creating a few photo themed DIY posts on this blog too; like the 4 Ways To Use Polaroid Photos, and the Photo Collage DIY. So yeah it's fair to say I'm a fan of photographs being kept, stored and displayed in different ways.

I'm Obsessed With My Pores

It's no joke guys, I'm totally obsessed with my pores. I agonise over them daily, and no matter how much I improve them, clear them, minimise them; I'm always after another solution to help make them a little bit better. I use pore strips, the best skincare around, and I study my pores in a magnifying mirror often, to see the damage. It's probably not healthy, but everyone has their little annoyances, this just happens to be mine.

In fact, I've began looking up local beauty salons to see if I can afford to get regular facials; because I'll gladly pay people to obsess over my pores with me! Haha.

Anyway, that's why primer is important to me. A good primer can smooth over your pores, hide them, blur them, make it easy to cover up with makeup, the whole shebang! And I've been around the block a little with primers for this reason. I'm no snob either, I'll try the latest expensive one from popular brands, or a local drugstore brand is just as fine with me. In fact, I quite like one I found last year at Wilko's. It's not perfect, but it's quite nice.

My Tsum Tsum Collection

Hi guys, happy Monday! Today I thought I'd do a little Tsum tsum update post, since I have a few of these little cuties now. I've made it no secret on this blog before that I'm obsessed with Tsum tsums, and I love collecting them. I'm currently trying to save up for some upcoming things, so I haven't bought many lately, but I'll definitely be making some new purchases soon. In the meantime, here's what I have so far!

tsum tsum collection

Friday Feelings

Happy happy joy joy. That's me today guys, HAPPY. More than simple happiness actually, I feel motivated, I feel strong, I feel.. challenged. I feel like I could burst out of myself with happiness right now really. These days are just the best!

This week has been fantastic so far for me. I've had some amazing feedback from design work, where each person has seemed really satisfied with the outcome of the work; and that's always fab to know. I love knowing each person is really happy with the design, and I've had a lot of those vibes this week.

I also joined Slimming World, eek. Scary at first to be honest, I didn't know what to expect. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while, and I just want to feel healthier really. However despite my worries, the group leader was lovely! I did feel a little bit like the typical new girl, not knowing anyone. But it was totally fine! Everyone was nice, it was casual, chatty, helpful and really motivating. Not one part of it shamed anyone for their weight, gains, or anything negative like that. And your weight is kept private, only your losses/gains talked about. So that's great! I'm due to go back on Tuesday morning, so let's hope I see a little loss from my first week! I've been doing well, and I feel motivated.

9 Easy Ways To Support Your Favourite Bloggers

9 ways to support bloggers

*Throws good cheer all around*

Okay, we all know that it's nice to be nice and supporting others really does make a difference. So I'll save you the whole preach.

You really can make a huge difference to a friend with a blog though, or someone you admire; through some really simple acts of kindness. I thought I'd share some ideas of the ways in which you can do this today, and I hope you guys enjoy!

You could also call this a list of '9 quick ways to be BFF's with your fave blogger' - because I'm sure they'll love you after this, haha.

1. Comment/interact.
Interaction is key to us as bloggers, we need to see that there's a point to us spending hours thinking up ideas, writing, planning and editing. So leave a comment, send them an email, tweet about how much you loved a recent post - whatever you'd prefer. But letting them know you're there, reading their words, can really make someone smile and feel valued.

Thank You.


There's an old journal that I keep in a drawer, at the bottom of my bookcase, underneath other books, papers, photographs and random tat. It's a rich blue journal, with a gold ribbon inside, thick quality pages (you know the kind that just feel wonderful?) and an image of a flower embossed on the front.

It's only half full. It has some old train tickets stuck inside, notes scrawled throughout; some dated, some not. It has a photograph or two, and a whole load of doodles in a range of pens (I never use pencils).

It's a book full of misery, it only tells tales of woe. It speaks words of shame and desperation, etched throughout the pages like a deep and painful scar. Deep and raw emotion scream out on the page, half told stories, cries of worry and sentences that never end.

This book is a token from the worst year of my life.

Vichy Dermablend Foundation

vichy dermablend foundation

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen me banging on about my latest love; Vichy Dermablend Foundation. Now typically, my favourite foundation has always been Double Wear; however, I really feel Vichy might have stolen my heart a little bit.

I'd heard nice things about this Vichy Foundation before, but for some reason I didn't expect much from it (Why? Who knows!). So when I opened it up, popped some on my makeup brush and started applying it; I got quite the surprise. In fact, it started applying so nicely and giving me a damn flawless complexion, that I actually let out a little 'Oooh!'.

DIY Cute Storage Box

DIY cute storage box

Happy weekend folks! I hope you're all having a good one :)

I promised more creative/crafty/DIY posts over here on this blog, and today I am keeping that promise! Maybe they're not really your thing, but I adore these types of posts and thought it'd be fun.

Since I'm planning to make DIY's a more regular feature, I thought I'd start off easy today with a simple storage box DIY. This'll be good if you want to make your office space look cuter, provide a new place for makeup (those ALEX drawers from IKEA aren't cheap!) or create a place just for those little knick-knacks we all have hanging around.

What you'll need:

- Any old box/container of choice.
- Wrapping paper/sheets of colourful paper.
- Scissors.
- Washi tape.
- Clear tape/glue.
- Card.

2016 Blog Goals Update

blog goals

I'm a very goal orientated person, which I've spoken about before in a previous post. Goals keep me inspired, motivated and on the right track. So 2016 started with me writing down everything I wanted to achieve this year, and there were a few blogging goals in there, of course.

Mainly they were about trying to hit certain statistics, or try new things - and most of them have been really successful which I'm thankful for. There are some I'm still working on too which is great, and there are even some I changed my mind about. For the record, it's okay to do this! Reassessing what you want is a good thing, and changing your mind is more than alright.

Today I wanted to share with you guys some of my goals for the rest of the year, and the little steps I'm going to take, to hopefully achieve them.

Elf Makeup

elf cosmetics makeup

I recently decided to put in a little order with ELF Cosmetics, as it's been absolutely ages since I last got anything from them. I've loved everything I've tried from them before though, so I was keen to try something new!

I picked up the Tone Correcting Powder in 'cool', lipstick in 'Classy', Soothing Lip Balm in 'Strawberry Creme', and the Brightening Eye Color palette in 'Butternut'.

elf cosmetics makeup beauty

New Healthier Lifestyle Habits

I've recently been looking through my goals for 2016, that I wrote down at the start of the year. One of them was to start living a healthier life, and as hard as it can be, it's really important to me. I struggle so much with making healthy life changes, so I've been working towards taking small steps rather than one big change suddenly.

I thought I'd share with you guys some of those small steps today, in case any of you have the same goals! :)

1. I've taken up yoga as part of my day to day activities, and I've felt myself becoming stronger and more flexible. I couldn't believe how hard it was when I first started, I thought it'd just be some light stretching (silly Jemma), but it really pushes your body and I've found the challenge really fun actually. I enjoy it because I can do it from home at any time, and go at my own pace. All you need is a yoga mat and a guide. I actually started using the Wii Fit Yoga game, which was awesome. And now I also find videos on Youtube to try out different things.

Cute Tech Accessories

Happy Tuesday guys! I hope the week has started off well for you :)

I thought today I would do a wishlist for you guys, since I haven't for AGGGGESSS. And if I can't tease myself every now and again, when can I?

This month I'm eyeing up tech accessories from the pretty to the helpful back to the pretty again.

From top to bottom, left to right;

Watercolour Mac sticker - Etsy | Skinny Dip kitty headphones - Urban Outfitters | Shell wallet flip phone case - Tech21 | Spaceman USB light - MoMA STORE | Marble Mac sticker - Etsy | Totoro mouse pad - Ebay

The laptop stickers are obvious pretty accessories I definitely need, and the Totoro mouse pad is just too cute to turn down. I completely fell in love with the kitty headphones and I'm determined to make them mine! The most helpful items are the flip wallet phone case; because then I could have my phone sat upright in bed watching ASMR videos as I fall asleep, and the spaceman USB light would be so helpful for late night typing!

Let me know what items you're drooling over?

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                                                   *Post in collaboration with Tech21.
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I'm Making Stickers!

I was always obsessed with stickers as a kid; whether it was collecting them in a book, putting them all over my bedroom door (I did this with Hunchback of Notre Dame stickers once and my mum was FUMING), putting them on handmade cards or all over my school books. Stickers were my thing yo. In fact, it's fair to say they still are; I have about 3 boxes JUST for stickers, and I'm constantly buying more. They're my fave.

However when I was younger, I always wanted a sticker maker. You know those diddy little, DIY things that were advertised everywhere? I was in love. But for some reason I never got one. Maybe I didn't nag my mum enough, or maybe she remembered the door incident and thought better of it. Either way, even twenty years later I was still keen to make my own stickers.

Which is why I'm exceedingly excited to tell you guys today that I'm finally making my own - woo! And much better than an 8 year old me could have managed, I hope. I've been working away behind the scenes to put together packs of stickers for sale on my Etsy shop, and they're finally here!

My New Morning Routine With Teami

Around the clock working makes for unhealthy habits, I can tell you that from first hand experience. Instead of proper meal times, you end up just grabbing a quick snack, you don't drink as much water as you should, and mornings become a blur as you try to get yourself pepped up for another day. At least for me anyway.

I've always been a lover of both coffee and tea, probably because I was raised in a household where my parents enjoyed both regularly. However I've always treated coffee as my lifeline, my course of energy and the only thing that could possibly get me through mornings. Until now that is.

I recently received a pack of Teami Energy*; a blend of Oolong, Yerba Mate, Ginseng, Lemon grass, Peppermint Leaf, goji berry, and Rhodiola rosea. Packed with rich antioxidants; it's a source of natural energy that also helps improve immune system, aid in digestion and even help clear your skin! Winner.

North West Blogger Meet Up

You may have seen all the excitement last week on social media about the #NWMeet event in Liverpool, and I was lucky enough to attend. The lovely Katy was kind enough to arrange the bestest day ever for a bunch of us, and I had so much fun seeing old bloggy friends and making new ones.

The event itself was held at Ameriesko in  the center of Liverpool, downstairs in the venue. I met up with a bunch of lovelies beforehand to go together, and we were a loud bundle of excitement and laughter. I was even reunited with my one and only JIV haha.

Brunch At Revolution Liverpool Albert Dock

Recently I had the pleasure of being invited along to try the new brunch menu for Revolution at Liverpool Albert Docks, and I was excited to give it a try. This particular Revolution is in the heart of the Albert Docks which is a picturesque location (only a fifteen minute walk away from where we live!) and surrounded by a variety of other bars/restaurants, galleries, museums and tourist spots.

Inside My Journal

Hi guys, happy Tuesday! Today I wanted to share with you my most precious item that follows me everywhere these days - my journal! Prepare to delve into a colourful, messy world of scribbled notes and cute stickers.

You've probably seen the huge craze of bullet journalling making the rounds everywhere the post few months, it's hard to avoid. Personally I LOVE it, it's right up my street as a stationery obsessive. If you aren't familiar with it, basically it's a way of making your own journal, with a blank notebook, laid out however you want, and using a system of bullet points and an in depth index to keep things organised. I recommend watching some Youtube videos, as you'll understand better. When I first discovered this system, I got reaaaaally excited (yep I'm lame). But there was one little problem. The whole bullet journal thing seems to revolve around short and sweet bullets, getting to the point, and keeping everything laid out neatly. It's even common practise to have a 'key' for what each different type of bullet means (like - could mean tasks, a circle could mean upcoming activites, etc). Sure there are bullet journal masters out there who are making their own awesome, unique ones and decorating them fabulously; but the felt I'd still be a little restricted if I did things that way. 

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