Book Review 1#

If you only know one thing about me, know this; I am a bookworm.
I don't mean that I like reading and every week or so I'll start a new book, or wait until I see one that really intrigues me. I mean I devour books. I start a new one every few days at least. I'm always reading something. I'm that girl on the bus who nearly misses her stop because she is engrossed in a book. I read every night before I go to sleep, usually for at least an hour, and I carry my Kindle everywhere. I love the printed word, and part of me is sad about having a Kindle. But I needed one! The house would be overrun by books otherwise. It was a spacial issue. But I still have printed books that are on my 'to read' list, and every now and again I'll pick up a book that I can't find on Kindle. I always have a 'to read' list by the way. I will never finish this list, because I add to it on a daily basis. 

So! Since it's such a big part of my daily routine, I thought that I'd maybe do sporadic book reviews when the mood takes me. It'd be nice to share what books I've been obsessed with and whats really got my imagination going. So I hope that you enjoy these every now and again!

My first review is of a book I just finished by Jon Ronson and is titled 'The Psychopath Test'. This one has been out a while and some of you may be very familiar with Ronson, but for me this was my first time reading his work.

Below is the official book synopsis as shown on the back of my copy.

The title alone immediately attracted my attention because I'm a fan of all things Crime/Killer/Psycho/etc in general. So I thought this book would be right up my street as a great insight into unhinged minds. I was not disappointed. For me it basically went like this;

First Chapter: Hmm, interesting, but get to the psychos..
First half of the book: Insightful, curious and keeping my attention. Making me question my own thoughts, feelings and flaws. Wait.. Am I a psycho?
Three Quarters Through: Learning so much, and definitely convinced I've met a few psychopaths.
Last chunk of the book: Woah, I totally hate pharmaceutical companies. But I love this book! 

Yes, it was an instant hit with me. It was so interesting, clever, and really made me question the human psyche and all it's strange quirks. Without giving too much away, I'll say the main theme of this book is to really dig deep into some important questions; 
What makes a Psychopath? 
How do we define these people? 
How do we discover them? 
And whose decides treatment for Psychopaths?

There are so many important and thought provoking stories all rolled into one in this book. Don't be put off by the serious issues here, it has its comedic moments. Ronson is a delight to read, he doesn't take himself too seriously and this contrasts nicely with the subject matter.

I would recommend this book in a heartbeat, I'm so glad I read it and I really do feel like I've learnt a lot. Or I'm at least more open to the fact that not everything is black and white.
Overall, brilliant.

What do you guys think? Have you read this? Would you?
Let me know!

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