Getting Creative With Glitter

glitter makeup

You may have seen me sporting lots of glitter and colourful makeup recently, if you follow me on Instagram. Perhaps you wondered what the hell I was doing? Well to be honest with you guys, that's not that unusual for me. I'm a total glitter whore and I love getting creative with makeup - it's so fun! I may not be the best at applying lip liner, or really mastering a great contour; but you can damn well be sure I'll try out the most daring looks, and I'll be happy to go outside my comfort zone.

January Advertisers

The first month of the year has come and gone so quickly, I barely had time to adjust. I'm still writing '2015'  and I probably will until around March if I'm honest. 

This month has been an amazing one for advertisers - with my sidebar being packed with fierce, fun females who have been inspiring me with a huge range of posts!

I thought today I'd let them introduce themselves a little, and it'd be fun for you guys to get to know them. So please say hello and give a visit to my lovely January advertisers!

Five Favourite Beauty Blogs

five favourite beauty blogs

*Warning. These bitches will make you buy shit...

Hi guys! I hope you've all had a great week so far.

After the success of my recent blog post; 5 Favourite Creative Blogs - I thought I'd keep sharing my faves with you guys, and do a little series. I'll also be featuring my favourite lifestyle blogs, that blogs that always give me a giggle, and more. So keep your eyes peeled for those. In the meantime, today I thought I could share my favourite beauty blogs - each just as wonderful as the other. I have so many other favourites old and new, but these are the five go-to blogs for me when I want some great beauty recommendations. It's worth noting, none of them ONLY blog about beauty - but they are certainly the people who make me want to read about their beauty products most. I hope you enjoy!

Happy Things

Hello to a new week, a new fresh start, a new chance to... look forward to the weekend? Whatever it may be, I hope you're all feeling good and had a great weekend! Personally, mine was pretty damn perfect to be honest. I just wanted to share with you guys what I've been up to, and why I'm such a smiley bugger right now. Plus I love a good catch up post.

The week started off much like any other typical one; lots of work and a hectic schedule. In fact it was probably a little more hectic than usual, because I knew I was going out over the weekend and I was trying to get ahead of schedule. I was looking forward to going out with one of my best friends in the world, and my other closest pals from college.

We've been friends for 12 years now, and these girls are amazing. We always have fun, and I never laugh as much as I do with them. We always have memorable times together, so I was really looking forward to the weekend. Needless to say we had a pretty epic night (perhaps you caught some glimpses of it on Periscope!) and it was the best. It was made even better by the fact that we went to some bars that we knew played awesome live music, and one of my old friends was performing! I haven't seen him since I was about 19 and it was amazing! We walked in, and as we were walking through the crowd I was like, 'Ooh I love this song!'. I turned to see who was playing and seen it this guys I hadn't seen in years and had a bit of an excited squeal. He soon recognised me and dedicated a song to me, and it was just one of those lovely moments really. The rest of the night was a huge laugh and I came away feeling lucky - as well as a little drunk... as I'm sure you all expected. Good music, good friends, surprises and alcohol. Fantastic combination.

Blog Confidence

Okay, picture this scenario; your mum/dad/brother//nan/friend/coworker discovers your blog and is reading through your posts. This thought might fill you with dread, it might be a little uncomfortable but not necessarily the worst, or it might be the norm for you!
For me, I'm not particularly bothered, but neither am I totally pushing my family to go read my blog. That being said, I know they have (or possibly still do! Who knows. Hi mum. Love you. Go away). But I'm not totally horrified by the idea, even if it's not my preference, and I think that's because I'm confident in my blog. Sure I'm not saying it's the best, but it makes me happy, I feel like I'm constantly improving, and I'm learning more about myself as I go. Plus, I don't write about anything I truly would absolutely not want my family reading, which I guess helps. There are things I'd prefer they didn't see, or know - sure. But nothing that keeps me up at night. Plus they never tell me they've read it, and I'm not there to see the reaction. So this helps a bunch too.

Friday Five 18

Five things you might not know about me;

1. I sleep between 5am-10am on average.

2. I have never seen The Goonies.

3. My whole face is full of freckles, but they only really come out in the sun.

4. I'm the youngest of my siblings, and the only girl.

5. My favourite games are all Zelda ones, particular on the DS.

Drunk Dork... 5? I Wanna Say 5.

Here we are again guys. What can I say I have a weakness. It's called being awesome on a regular basis.
Do not read this blog if you are young and impressionable and will give in to the peer pressure of my drinking lol. No really.
Anyway it's coming to the end of a good week, and it's about to get even better, yay! I go out on Saturday with all my college friends and its going to be immense. We're out from about 3pm... and staying out all night yaaay. So if you'd like to see me drunk periscope. I recommend you watch your phone on Sat. LOLZ.
Anyway question time -
what's your favourite stuff to draw/paint? 😊

- Thanks Amyyyyyyyy! I love doing people mostly. I like creating characters from nothing and making stories about each one as I go. I also love making colourful collages, it makes me SO HAPPYYY.

to be drunk or not to be drunk?

- Always be drunk Elle.n hahhahaa.

Okay and someone just asked me on Whatsapp to name a situation where I completely changed my opinion on someone/something and why did it change.
This ones hard. thats what she said ahahhaha

Blog Advertising; Things You Should Think About

Blog advertising is something I've taken part in for almost two years now, and I think it has amazing benefits. I am someone who sells blog advertising, and also regularly buys advertising from other bloggers too. Both of these have gone very successfully for me, and I wanted to talk today about some important things you should think about before buying or selling advertisement.


I feel quite confident in my advertising packages, and I think they work well for people. I actually have someone who has found it so helpful, that she's advertised with me for over four months already, and has booked another four with me too. Something must be going right huh? Right now, my advertising slots are booked up until July 2016. Yes, July. A lot of people are surprised when I say that it's booked so far ahead of time. But I think there are a variety of reasons for this.

I have spoken to advertisers past and present, talked about the reasons why they bought with me, and what worked well for them.

The Girl Gang & Femsplain Talk Communities

The past two months have been absolutely crazy since starting #TheGirlGang - especially as I only expect about five people to join! As I type this, there are over 1500 members, ...woah.

During this short time I've had the pleasure of bringing some lovely opportunities to members, set up a newsletter, form a positive, encouraging community and talk to some amazing people. Very recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with Amber; the founder of Femsplain. Femsplain is a community that publishes stories and shares ideas, with a strong focus on women's issues. Though both our communities are open to absolutely anyone, Femsplain is US based, and The Girl Gang is UK based - which I think is cool. 

We thought we'd talk about some of our thoughts on these communities (questions asked by the lovely Emma, one of the Femsplain babes!), and share them here for you guys. I hope you enjoy :)

What I'm Really Like Behind The Blog

Dorky. Insecure. Loud. Impatient.

All words which accurately describe me. However sometimes I really feel like just saying words at you guys like that doesn't get across who I am or what Im really like, away from this blog. I'm always drawn to the truth in people, anything that's truly relatable. I love people who put it all out there and share things with others even if they look stupid. Especially within the blogging community where we're trying to be perfect and professional so much of the time - it's really refreshing when people go against the grain.

So here's a proper introduction to Jemma. Hello. I'll try to not ramble too much, but that sort of happens in real life, so I'm never surprised when it happens here on the blog.

I'm 27 years old - I'll be 28 in April. I hope that you're all shocked. I hope the comments section gets filled with 'Oh wow Jemma you seem much younger' type of statements, haha. If not... I'll know I've been kidding myself. I was born and raised in Liverpool, and live here still (though I lived in Bolton for a brief and horrible stint) with my boyfriend (he's from Plymouth) and our cat, Luna.

I try to put my best self on this blog, and only show the fun/exciting/happy parts, just because I get the most enjoyment out of it that way I guess. But I'd also love you guys to know the real shitty things about me, because it's only fair.

Five People On Twitter I'll Always Follow

It's no secret that I'm a Twitter addict. No matter the time of day, where I am or what I'm doing; I'm usually tweeting, or scrolling through my feed. People are no longer surprised to get replies from me at 4am chatting casually. In fact, I get asked at least once every few days, 'Do you ever sleep?!' by someone. Hey, we all have our addictions. Maybe yours is caffeine. Okay, I'll admit, I'm addicted to caffeine too. Whatever.

Throughout this Twitter addiction, I've noticed a fair few things about how the people I follow can be categorised. Okay, so we're all special little snowflakes, unique and everything... but sometimes there are trends too. I'm attracted to certain types of people, and I notice it on that platform more than anywhere. 

5 Amazing Creative Blogs

I feel like I have quite a varied audience (hello YOU!) for my blog. There are those of you who love general life update/chatty posts, those of you who are beauty bloggers and appreciate seeing my new fave purchases, those who like that I sometimes even blog drunk (why??!) and those who like when I share my latest creative experiments.

I myself like writing a little of everything, and the blogs I read vary hugely in their categories. But admittedly, my bookmarks are mostly full of creative blogs that inspire me. Whether professional looking, or quickly thrown together on Tumblr; I love any kind of blogger who shares their artwork, creative writing, textile prints, fun diy posts or illustrations. I love people sharing ideas, and talking about what went wrong/right with a project. Those are my favourite kinds of blogs, they motivate me and keep me going. Today I thought I'd share five of them with you, that I've admired for a while.

Prepare yourself for total inspiration!...

1. Elise Joy.

Elise is someone whose blog I come back to time and time again. Hers was one of the first blogs I ever read properly, and I've followed her for years. She's basically a creative powerhouse with her own blog, podcast, shop and workbook. Her blog is one of the most inspiring and motivational bookmarks I have on my browser. I recommend visiting her archive and browsing all her fantastic diy posts.

10 Things I'm Grateful For

Today I'm feeling grateful, even more so than usual that is! 
Maybe I'm feeling extra happy because it's a Saturday, and they give me all the nostalgia sometimes. You know when you were a kid and Saturday's meant waking up to two whole days free from school, morning cartoons and playing out with your friends until it got dark? Without sounding really boring and old, those were the days!

Of course my Saturday's now can be just as good. I'm a grown up who can damn well do as she pleases. So today, I'm going to be blogging, clearing out my wardrobe and drawing. Not too bad.

Here's 10 things I'm most grateful for lately-

1. Making plans.
One thing I most want to do this year is have more little adventures; and I've already begun by making plans with blogger friends all over the country for the next few months. I have upcoming events, days/nights out and trips planned that I'm so excited for!

2. Gym enthusiasm.
So grateful that Liv is just as keen as me to keep up the gym, and we've been going 3 or 4 times a week so far. I'm also pleased at how much I'm enjoying it! I know that's down to awesome company.

Friday Five 17

This week had some dodgy moments for me, but I'm still counting it as a winner! I finished a huge, exciting project that I can't wait to share. But admittedly it drained me, and it was a huge relief to have it done and over with. I have kept up my appearances in the gym with Jiv, yay! I'm actually really enjoying it, it feels so good to hurt each day afterwards; knowing I'm getting stronger.

I also faced some negative things this week, some worries, some bitchiness. I found the best reaction, was no reaction at all! Brilliant. This weekend I'm planning a new little series of drawings which I'm excited about, and I might share those on here soon if they go well.

Anyway, I hope you guys have had a great week.
Here's this week's five!

Five animals I'd choose to be (if I had to be one!);
1. A Cat (easy life).
2. A Horse.
3. A Elephant.
4. A Lion.
5. A bird.
1-3 are my favourite animals by the way... enjoy that piece of trivia...

#TheGirlGang FAQ

Hello GG members, and anyone else who may be visiting! :)
I wanted to create a full FAQ page for all the questions I get on a regular basis now regarding #TheGirlGang. If I direct you here on Twitter, or if this seems a little extensive; I promise you it's only because it's absolutely necessary at this point now. With so many members, I've found that my Twitter/Email/Facebook inbox is FILLED every single day with questions and requests that I simply can't keep up with any more. In fact I regularly panic about looking so ignorant. Especially as I design full time and have so much work outside of blogging/GG that I do, I just have to make that a priority and sometimes I can't reply to everyone (though I do try!).

So here we have it. #TheGirlGang full FAQ page, which I will update often. If you notice anything missing which I should address, please DM me on Twitter, or email me. Thank you.

What's #TheGirlGang all about?
Trying to spread a little joy, making a supportive community where members can help each other with anything, positive thinking and a little bit of magic. I fully believe having a positive network like this can help spread kindness and good things!

Collage Work: A Storm Of Colour

Today I wanted to share one of my latest collages with you guys. They're something I've shown on this blog many times before, although it's been a while. This one is basically a visual representation of everything inspiring me lately, and everything I want my blog to be. Colourful, edgy, girly, unique, and slightly off kilter.

Images are from artwork that inspires me, my own drawings/doodles/magazines and Pinterest.

You can find more of my collages/moodboards here.

Let me know what you think, or if you enjoy making collages? :)

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5 Ways To Promote Your Blog Posts

how to promote your blog posts
Blogging; it's a hella hard game sometimes. Even if it's just a hobby, we write and we share. But sometimes sharing our blog posts can be tricky. I mean, you want as many people to read as possible, you want to make sure you're reaching your target audience and you want to make sure you make a good impression. But how do you do all that without being super annoying? That's basically the question, right? 

Well, here's the thing; I'm not here to say I'm an expert - sorry! But I do know that the way I promote my own blog posts seem to work for me, and gets results. So why not share those little tips and tricks with you guys? :) These obviously aren't rules of thumb, and different things work for different people. I'm just gonna share what works for me. Hope you enjoy!

Friday Five 16

First one of 2016, woohoo!

I hope everyone has got that fabulous Friday feeling, if that means the end of your work week that is. I myself don't have that feeling any more, as I don't have set work days; but it's lovely to see everyone all over Twitter feeling pepped and excited for the weekend no less.

I myself will be at the gym, experimenting with photography projects and catching up with friends this weekend. I hope yours is fun! 
Anyway, here's today's five.

Cosmo Do Perfume?

cosmopolitan perfume

Yes that's right. One of the most surprising things to make it's way to my mailbox this month was a perfume brought by the one and only Cosmopolitan. The magazine we see on a daily basis has now branched out in scents, as of September 2015.

It's all about 'fun, fearless females', and the scent captured is supposed to represent this image that Cosmo have been building for years now. So how does it rate, honestly?

Beauty Goals for 2016

Looks aren't everything, obviously. But beauty is fun and we all like to feel our best, whatever way gets us there. For me; beauty can play a big part in how I feel, how confident I am, and ultimately how I act. I decided I'd like to make a list of all the little beauty goals I have for 2016, in the hopes it will keep me motivated.

This isn't me being super 100% serious though, I mean... I'm not gonna get super down on myself if I dont own 200 MAC lippies. Ya feel me?!

Beauty Goals for 2016-

1. Skincare - Master it! I have already got some holy grail products now, but there are still aspects of my routine I'd like to have perfected this year. Finding the best exfoliator will be one.

2. Find the perfect lipstick. Okay this sounds silly, especially as I know I have at least 40. But none of them ever feel 100% perfect all year round. I want one that applies beautifully, lasts ages, doesn't smudge easily, goes with my skin/hair and can become my signature colour. Where are you?!

Welcome To Wonderland

Hello lovelies! I've been so excited to share today's post with you all, and I've been squealing with joy ever since I knew it was going to happen! You see, I was recently contacted by the lovely Tessa from the HOW Jewellery Club, with an offer I couldn't refuse.

If any of you don't know, I love all things Disney (actually, why have I never done anything Disney related on my blog before?! Hmm. Ideas...) and I even have an Alice in Wonderland tattoo on my foot which features some famous AIW icons (namely the mad hatters hat, teacup, potion etc) and it also has 'We're all mad here' written underneath. It's a tattoo that really speaks to me, and hopefully represents my quirky, childish side.

Anyway, when House of Wonderland got in touch and mentioned December's box was an Alice in Wonderland themed one, well I jumped at the chance of course! (Okay this is about to get photo heavy, in an attempt to do this box justice!)

Let's Have A Little (Or Big) Catch Up...

I've been dying to catch up with you guys properly for days now, I really felt like I had a million little things I needed to say. None of them super important to be honest, but it always feel so good to indulge in a chatty post with you lot - it's my favourite type of blogging! I hope you don't mind.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and 2016 is already being kind to you. I got utterly spoiled by loved ones and I feel very grateful. My favourite gift by far as my new graphics tablet from Gary; it's something I need to use every single day and him getting me an awesome one makes a big difference! We had a quiet Christmas and New Year to be honest, and I was okay with that. I never usually like staying in on NYE, but this year was okay. I brought in 2016 content, working hard, being creative and feeling loved. Perfect. (Okay, not perfect. Perfect would have been 15 Jagers, blaring music and all my friends around, but there we go.)

Drunk Dork 3

So I'm writing this one in the company of a dear JIV aka Liv. We've had quite a few drinks and we've been on periscope all night and it got a bit weird tbh. I've had to delete some because oh my god they were awful. OMG It got rude.

Lemme just get real for a sec. Tonight we ordered vibrators from LoveHoney. I got one for Liv as a pressie because if you cant do that for a mate WHAT THE HELL CAN YOU DO. Im a good friend.

We also chatted about what makes someone gay, how to tell if someone is gay, and very many a sexual thing haha. Oh dear.

Anyway she's a good little JIB.

I forgot what else I wanted to talk about.
She's made me a white chocolate latte. She's whipped. HAHAHAHA.

I was thinking about secrets and we revealed a few on Periscope. Well, we played that '2 Truths 1 Lie game' LOL and nobody guessed my truth right. I duno hwo to feel about that haha.
Liv moaned at me saying I have to have a lie in tomorrow so there we go. Lie in for Jem. She's gona text me from the front room like a freak when she wakes up. ALSO someone on periscope got liv to keep saying 'Mike Hunt; over and over. HAHA. Yep. I'll leave you to work that one out haha.

I am gonna curl up in bed in a bit with my latte and clean my makeup off and get in jim jams even though liv moaned aba jim jams im making her sleep in them or gary will get a surprise when he comes home in the morning hahahahahaha. Liv pure pantless in da living roo HAHAHAA

On Monday I'll be seeing JIV again for our new PROJECT hahaha. For 2016, and its gonna be awesome. Then I also have to give her her vibrator next week too, obv. She'll be fuming if not hahahaa. So if you all realise Liv is extra happy next week YOU KNOW WHY. HAHAHAA.


Hello 2016.

LOLZ Mike Hunt.

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10 Things That Inspire Me

January is a time when most of us find ourselves more motivated, determined and inspired than ever. There's something about a new year, a new calender, a blank page that seems so appealing and refreshing. It's wonderful to have a reminder that we are in charge of our own life, and we can damn well do with it what we please.

This year, I hope to be even more creative than last year. Don't get me wrong, I feel like a super creative person anyway. But I would like to explore new hobbies/activities that I've never tried before too. With this in mind, I thought I'd share with you guys a list of things that always inspire me. Because we can never have too much inspiration, right?

Some of these things are quite random, but they never fail to light a fire inside me so I've included them anyway. 

The Cutest Makeup Storage

LOOK HOW CUTE IT IS. Okay, hey, yes, hello.

Apologies. I planned on writing a proper intro there, but I couldn't quite hold back in how cute this makeup bag is from the guys at Planet Camping. The lovely folk over there decided to send me one (Hi Leigh!!) and when it arrived I swear I looked like the heart eyes emoji.

It's now my most unique and quirky makeup bag I own, woo! Also super spacious too which is handy, since I seem to find that I can't stop buying lipsticks and eyeshadow palettes.

I had no idea Planet Camping did anything so fun and cute, which made me want to mooch about their site for more info. After a good nosey through, I came away quite impressed with all the fun accessories you can get to make camping even more fun (and super useful obviously!). I got thinking about what festivals/trips I'd like to do this year, and I think January is the best time to plan out these things. I'm very tempted by Download this year, and The Secret Garden Party festival which I've never been to. But failing that; I at least want to organise a group camping trip somewhere! How fun would that be?!

I'd love to know if you guys have any particular camping locations around the UK that you think are lovely/worth a visit? Please let me know, I'm determined to have lots of adventures this year! :)

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Stick to Stigu Planner

Let me start today by admitting to you guys I already have a bunch of planners; I'm a bit addicted. There's no easier way to tempt me than to put a blank, pretty planner in front of me - you can be sure I'll buy it within minutes. The problem I usually have though is I don't have one single planner that is completely perfect for me. Functional, useful, nice layout, pretty, etc. There's always something. So when Stigu got in touch with me and asked if I'd like to receive their planner to try out, I thought 'Hell yes!'.

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