What's in my handbag?

Yes, it's one of those posts!
Personally I love them, I'm a nosey sod and I love getting to peep into what you other bloggers have tucked away in your bags, so I thought I'd join in and do the same.
Firstly I should note, I've been using this bag this week because it's so pretty and new and I love it, but it isn't the most practical! The stuff I've photographed in genuinely what's been inside it, but I have only just about fit my kindle in there too! So as much as I love it, I'm only saying this for dressed up occasions now. Because my kindle must come everywhere with me, lol.

* Makeup
* Kindle
* Hello Kitty purse (a gift from a friend, which I adore!)
* My phone
* My notebook (mostly for blog ideas!)

And there you have it :)
Admittedly, because the bag is new it isn't full of crap. But I should say now, my bags usually have tissues and random keys and letters shoved inside too! ^_^
What's roaming around inside your bag that you can't leave the house without?
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  1. I love your notebook! It's so cute.
    I have nominated you for a liebster award over on my blog! Let me know if you happen to do it :)
    Jade xx

    1. Aww thanks hunni! I appreciate this visit too! xx


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