January Challenge

I think if I had to sum up January with one word, it would be 'UNDERESTIMATED'. I basically underestimated how little time I would have for anything, and these days any 'free time' is planned out and executed methodically. Sounds fun huh? I kind of thrive on to-do lists and plans though to be honest, so it (sort of) works for me. I've been working full time for the first time in about a year, and this has been a huge adjustment. I love it, but I seriously didn't think about how much time I would have to myself when I came up with the 12 Projects Challenge

If you've read my previous post on this, you'll know I actually changed my mind about what I wanted January's challenge to be, half way through the month. Bad idea. It meant I had only two weeks to complete a new idea, which was to be a painting in the end. Two weeks sounds a lot, but when you're working full time, trying to find time with your boyfriend even though you work opposite schedules, planning trips and attempting to keep up blog posts - it all becomes a holy shitstorm of stress, pardon my French, haha. 

This means the images you see above are my painting SO FAR. I'm still counting this as a completed challenge for January by all means, but I really want to do so much more to this. I feel like it's only half way through. And to be honest, I have some paintings from a year or two ago that I still go back to and work on, so for me to be 100% honest with you I can't say that this is a completed piece. But I consider this a successful challenge completed for January - I set out do create something and learn something; which I have. I have learned I'll need to plan each project better, maybe not be as ambitious, and learn to enjoy whatever creative challenge unfolds.

Here's to February!

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Makeup Revolution Lipstick Review

Makeup Revolution Lipsticks
Makeup Revolution Lipsticks
Lipstick Swatch
Makeup Revolution Lipsticks
It's been a couple of months now since I've had a beauty review featured on this blog, hasn't it? That can be put down to two reasons; 1. I've not had much money to buy new products, 2. I've decided to only write about beauty products I love, in order to keep this blog a place full of happiness and positivity! And this is where Makeup Revolution enters.

Makeup Revolution products are going wild around the blogosphere right now, and have been for a while; for good reason too. They offer quality beauty products at really reasonable prices, and I've definitely been one to jump on the bandwagon. As of lately, I've especially loved their lipstick range. Offering a huge range of shades at only £1, which gives my typical lazy day makeup routine a quick and effortless pick-me-up. The two shades I've been using most recently are '100% Vamp' and 'Rebel With Cause' which are typical Jemma shades to be honest, as I'm all about the red/plum vamp vibe.

The quality of these lipsticks are simply gorgeous, they apply like a soft little dream to your lips, and have great staying power. For someone like me with dry lips, sometimes a lipstick can make it really obvious, and cling to the dryer parts. However with Makeup Revolution lipsticks, I find that they moisturise my lips to the fullest, while providing an great, consistent texture. All this while having the choice of so many beautiful shades!

Each morning I know I can apply these lipsticks with confidence that they'll look and feel good. There'll be none of that double/triple checking in the mirror, as I've done so many times with other brands. I would definitely recommend them to anyone who hasn't tried them yet.

I have my eye on their green 'Serpent' shade next. Yes it may be crazy, but I do have green hair.
Watch this space!

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20 Art Journal Prompts

I'm someone who thrives on creativity, if you don't know that yet. I spend every single day expressing myself in various ways to encourage creative process, whether it be painting, creative writing, taking photographs, drawing or my Art Journal. Since sharing some snippets of this journal with you guys, I've had a lot of questions asking how I get ideas for it, or where I begin. So I decided to put together a page of prompts for you if you ever wish to start your own. The trick is to not go in with any expectations, simply put something (anything!) on the page. 

Here are 20 prompts to get your ideas flowing;-

1. Record a moment from the past week.
2. Illustrate your favourite memory.
3. Paint your worst nightmare.
4. Fill the page with text - write the first things that come to your head.
5. Paint the page, using only your fingers.
6. Make a collage based on a song.
7. Find a photo of someone in a magazine, stick in your journal and write a fictional life for that person.
8. Stick down anything you can to fill the page - glitter, stickers, photos, wrappers, buttons.
9. Write a letter to someone with things you can't say. Tear it up. Stick the pieces in your journal.
10. Pick a colour. Fill the page with things of only that colour.

11. Find a headline in a newspaper/magazine, stick it in and illustrate it.
12. Draw portraits of people on post it notes. Fill a page or two of them in your journal.
13. Explore word art. Use text as images.
14. Pick a quote and make a collage to represent it.
15. Draw yourself on your computer, print it out, draw over it. 
16. Draw something small, and repeat it as a pattern all over the page.
17. Take a moment to imagine what your current feelings would look like. Create it.
18. Draw yourself using any medium you like.
19. Use watercolours to fill the page, and sprinkle glitter on top while still wet.
20. Sketch your favourite place.

Hope this helps all you wannabe creatives out there! :]

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Tips To Encourage Confidence

As promised from this post, I'm making 2015 a more confident year for myself. That's not to give the impression I'm a shy wallflower all the time - there are plenty of friends out there who will laugh at that description of me. But there are times when my confidence is seriously lacking, and it effects things in my life that I wish it didn't. I'm making positive changes and attempting to improve things, even if only in a small way. So I've compiled a list of things that are supposed to really improve and encourage confidence in various ways. I thought I'd share these with you guys, and keep this record here for myself to refer back to.

-Do something that scares you. If you can overcome a fear, no matter how small; you will be amazed by how awesome you instantly feel afterwards.

- Compliment others. Spreading happiness and confidence is just as important for your own well being, as well as helping someone else. Try to compliment someone every day.

- Compliment yourself! Point out something nice about yourself, every single day. Even something small; a new outfit looking good, your kindness, the way you can always make others laugh.

- Avoid perfection. Dismiss it completely, because obsessing over it will never leave you satisfied. I can relate to this Artistically, and I've found imperfections help me progress anyway :)

- Don't compare yourself. It's the quickest way to throw away your own confidence. You are not like anyone else, that's a good thing.

-Identify your talents. Everyone is good at something, so focus on your skills and confidence will come naturally.

-Talk about it. Tell a friend, write about it in your blog, confide in someone. If you share your concerns it can bring relief, and they may help you realise your worth.

-Never allow others to make you feel inferior. They cannot do so without your permission. Think positively about yourself; and the rest of the world will follow.

-Smile! This one sounds silly, but the Facial Feedback Theory is the idea that if we force ourselves to smile, it does actually encourage our mood to improve. So next time you're not feeling confident, put a smile on your face and you may end up being a little more sure of yourself.

-Power pose. Studies have shown that if we make our posture more confident, we feel more confident. So stand up straight, don't cross your arms or fidget, look straight ahead and smile. Maybe adopt a Superman pose. 

-Keep a journal. It helps to calm your inner voice, and reason with any stressful thoughts. In a way, you can talk yourself out of it.

-Learn something new. This will challenge you, help you feel more fulfilled and make you feel confident in yourself in a new way.

-Distract your inner fears. Direct your focus on helping others, and you will forget your own problems and insecurities. 

-Remember that confidence is a journey, not a destination.

I'm going to be doing all of these steps to hopefully improve my confidence and build self esteem this year. I'll be doing some daily and some when I really need it most. I may post again when I put some of these to the test, and I'll let you know how I go! Thanks for reading guys, and I hope these tips can help any of you who may need it too.

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Looking Back

Sometimes I'll get caught in a moment,
and I'll know it's wrong to look back,
but I can't resist the pull it brings,
I see and I feel everything over again.

There's these few seconds that we had,
a small flicker lost in time,
when everything felt fragile and delicate.
A snowflake falling down on my face,
you, watching with a smile.
Do you remember?

There was wonder and there was light,
the curve of a smile under streetlamps.
Fingers entwined and scared,
when nobody was watching.

This moment in time,
a small piece of my history,
a defining chapter with torn pages,
and no real ending.

Sometimes I'll look back,
and question whether it was real,
sometimes I remember,
everything you made me feel.

Do you remember?

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The Netflix Tag

I popped by the blog of lovely Alice Anne last night, and when I discovered she had sat down and created The Netflix Tag, my inner hermit rejoiced. I'm quite the Netflix addict, and thought this would be a cool way to find more shows to watch on there. Also I added two questions in at the end, because I really wanted to answer them haha. So let me know if you do this tag! :]

1. What are you favourite series' to watch on Netflix? 
Orange is the New Black, Dexter, Greys Anatomy, The Office, Skins, Lost and Rupaul's Drag Race!

 2. What are you currently watching on Netflix?
Scandal and The Office.. oh and some Friends.

3. If you could have any series, old or new put on Netflix, what would it be? 
Umm.. My Mad Fat Diary, Broadchurch, Sex and The City, The Simpsons, Adventure Time.

4. What is your one peeve about Netflix?
The navigation isn't great. You just end up scrolling for ages trying to find something.

5. What are your essentials for a perfect night in with Netflix?
Some snacks, a blanket, Twitter (because I can never relax and have to always do more than one thing at once...)

6. Recommend one series or film for someone else? 
Dexter - I always thought it was AMAZING. Every single second kept me captivated. And the final scene in the final episode haunted me.

7. Name a series on Netflix you keep meaning to watch but haven't yet?
Pretty Little Liars! Oh and Homeland. Oh oh and Sons of Anarchy. I've never watched a single episode of any of these. Everyone says they're great though.. lol.

8. Did you discover anything awesome because of Netflix?
YES - Jeff Who Lives At Home. Oh my god this movie pulled at my heart. I dunno it's hard to explain, but it kinda connected with me on things I can't even put into words. Just brilliance.

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Weekly Summary

I wanted to summarize this week with some photos, thoughts, and happy things - but I can't skim over the fact that this blog has reached over 800 followers! I just want to say a HUGE thank you to anyone who follows me, visits, reads my ramblings; because it makes me feel awesome, and encourages me in so many ways! It's made this past year the best one in forever and given me hope, confidence, challenges and new friends. I hope I can continue to make this blog a place you want to visit :]

Other Happy Things This Week:

.Topping up the green in my hair. Much vibrance oh wow.

.Doing my nails, because it's rare I get the chance these days.

.Planning the Liverpool Bloggers Event! We're all getting involved and it's so awesome! Amazing brands, a fantastic venue, lovely people! I'm busy planning a logo and name badges.. #Bloggersareboss

.Painting - Well, my 'mixed media piece' is more accurate. I'm so happy I changed my 12 Projects idea for this month. Check back next week for the result!

.Receiving compliments on my new blog design has been awesome this week - thank you all! I was so unsure if it would turn out okay, but I knew it was more 'me'.

.Gary has made me smile everyday as usual, but perhaps even more this week. While I was in work Thursday he spent his day tidying the whole flat, cleaning, organising all my makeup products all over the dressing table (huge job!), picking me up everyday from work, and cooking me wonderful meals. Highlights included candles. Super grateful for the man I share my life with.

.We've been watching The Office (US) all over again, and it's just pure heaven. We forgot how torturous Jim and Pam are though, haha. Our hearts break every episode, but we know the good stuff is coming.

.Making popcorn! Seems silly but I've only ever bought the pre-made stuff, never actually got to 'make' some in a microwave, until now. Fun :)

.Watching/listening to Ted Talks. Oh the inspiration/the joy/the courage! At least 5 posts have been drafted from Ted Talk motivation. I thoroughly recommend you go browse some of the most popular.

.People agreeing to let me interview them for my monthly interview series! So awesome, because these are all people I genuinely admire, respect and love. Funny thing though.. I got so worried these inspiring/busy/popular people would say no that I accidently double booked for February! Haha. So yeah you'll have a special extra interview for Feb to look forward to :] I'm also sorted for March too, which makes me feel super organised.

.Swapping lovely emails with Emma - cheering up my workdays!

.Practising confidence - if you've read this post, you'll know I'm taking steps to improve my confidence everyday. An update post on this soon..

.Getting lost in music - Sometimes the simple pleasures are the best. I'm loving being able to listen to my music at work. This weeks highlights have been MSI, Bon Iver, The Cure and Taylor Swift. Yes, all verrryyy different.

.Having hilarious Facebook chat convos with Danielle, Amy and Dee. Sending voice clips and videos and just being silly!

Hope you all have an awesome weekend! :] xx

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Practising Confidence


A thing happened today; a thing not uncommon for me, but still always uncomfortable. I came into work, sat at my desk and suddenly felt an overwhelming wave of insecurities. I worried none of my coworkers liked me, I worried I looked ugly today, I worried I was stupid, and plenty more. I'm sure you can all relate to feeling one of these things at some point in time, but it really disarms my whole body and mind when these insecurities surface all at once. In an attempt to distract myself, I scoured the Ted Talks website. Lately I've really enjoyed having them playing while I work, and I've found myself fascinated with various subjects of conversation. Anyway, I happened to see this video in the list of most popular Ted Talks.

It's such an inspiring and interesting talk, I thoroughly recommend you all watch it. It got me thinking about confidence. My own; how sometimes I can have plenty and feel like the life and soul of a party. And other times, when I'm a small, mess of a person curled into the corner of the room scared to make any sudden movements. I wondered about confident people, if it comes naturally to them, or if they 'practice'. And I've decided to practice for myself everyday, to see if I really can improve my life; whether in big or small ways. This will mean doing things I don't want to do, overcoming fears, feeling silly and trying to accept things which I cannot change.

I will be bringing you more posts on this, starting tomorrow. I'll be writing a list of ways to apparently improve confidence, from whatever sources I can get my hands onto. Then after trying them, I will be periodically letting you guys know how it's going and if I feel I've improved my confidence.

I hope you join me along the way and let me know if you have any thoughts on this topic, or even better- tips for me! Thanks for reading guys. 

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Digital Collage

If you've visited here for a while now, you'll already know I love making Art in many different forms; including my Inspiration Boards. I've been working on this the past few days, and I love it so much! It's a collection of drawings, textures and colours that have been inspiring me lately - none of the images are mine. I just like to make pretty arrangements of various things and find they inspire me even more. I'd love to print a series of these to hang on my wall..

I actually used this to influence my new blog layout, and I found it so helpful.

What do you guys think? I hope I'm getting better at these. You can check out more of my inspiration mood boards here and let me know! :]

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10 Things My Favourite Blogs Do


When I run through my list of favourite blogs of a weekend, as I often do, I'm always struck by how different they all are. There are Lifestyle bloggers, Beauty bloggers, Art bloggers, Business bloggers, blogs with clean white layouts, blogs full of life and colour, organised chaos, blogs full of text, blogs full of photographs. You get the idea. I love how diverse all these bloggers are, yet they all have some similarities which draw me in. I thought I'd talk about those similarities with you guys today.

First off, let me say that this isn't a list of blog rules according to Jemma. This isn't how you all need to be running/designing your blog in anyway. It's simply an observation by myself as to what I personally like in a blog, and I'm more than happy to be proven wrong. I love when I see people breaking the 'rules' and creating something awesome from it. And if you really look, I don't do all of these things on this list myself all the time. So don't sweat it if you don't either, okay? Okay.

1. Have a Clean Layout;
Yes, it's the one we all hear about most often, probably. But you don't have to stick with that 'all white' aesthetic for this to work. 'Clean' means having easy to read content, no backgrounds that clash with your images or text, no overlapping, and each section of your blog layout divided nicely.

2. Align images & text;
Not everyone does this one, and that's okay. But personally I do love when a blog's images line up with the content text - it just makes it look neater. If you don't know what I mean, see this writing here? Notice how the width of it matches my photograph above. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it makes your content look much more appealing.

3. Use large images;
Whether it's your own photograph, a drawing, a quote, whatever. Always try to use images that are large rather than tiny. There's nothing more effective than a small, dark, grainy image to put me off even the greatest of posts. It's not the most important thing, but a lot of people (including myself) prefer larger photos. BUT; please resize images so that they aren't too large. Anything over 1000px wide might take longer to load on certain devices. I resize all my images to 770px wide, because I know my content (this bit here!) is 770px. 

4. Have a good navigation system;
This one can be used effectively in a million different ways. Some blogs have a Nav bar at the top (like me) with an 'About Me', 'Contact Page' etc, and all social media clearly accessible at the top of the sidebar. However, you can also have all of this in the sidebar, or all in the top navigation bar. Or some blogs have a design which allows their nav bar to stay 'floating' at the top of their page even when you scroll. All can be executed beautifully. Just make sure its clear, in plain view, and easy to use!

5. Add personality;
This is the most important one of all, for me. It can mean the difference between me following you, or never visiting again. You want your readers to know there is more to than simple text on a screen. Write with humor, add a pop of colour somewhere, create a pithy bio. This is your chance let us know who you really are :] Which brings me to...

6. Have an 'About Me' page;
You wouldn't believe the amount of times I've visited an amazing blog, to be disappointed there isn't an About Me page anywhere in sight. Maybe you guys don't think this is important, but I really love getting to know the bloggers I visit. This is a place you can really introduce yourself, who you are, what you do, and the aim behind your blog. 

7. Poke Fun;
I mentioned having a sense of humor right? I think it helps stand a blogger out a mile away from the competition. For example, I follow some food bloggers when I honestly have no interest in cooking really. But they have such great writing styles! They share recipes and stories, they make me laugh, they make me come back. Sometimes I'll even be tempted to try out their recipes.. but then I remember that's an awful idea ;) Don't be afraid to joke around with your readers and poke fun at yourself. It shows how human you are! I'd much rather a blogger be less serious anyway.

8. Be different;
When you branch out and do something a little different from the norm, people notice. And you will be grateful you did. Blogs that funk things up a bit always stand out to me, and I appreciate the extra effort it takes. Even if it's something as small as, handwriting your bio line and scanning it in rather than typing it. Or maybe taking your beauty blog photos different from the plain white backgrounds we're used to seeing. Those things aren't bad, I love them! But if you make the effort to stand out; you'll be remembered.

9. Produce great content;
Obvious huh? And surely most important (I know I already said that about having personality.. but shh). Content is the backbone of your blog, and should be the whole reason you're doing it. Don't write up a post just because everyone else is doing that type of post - Do something you're passionate about. It will be more genuine and your readers can sense this. Look to your hobbies, wishes, thoughts, dreams. This is where you'll find your content.

10. Be friendly;
Lately I'm understanding the word busy like never before. But as busy as I am, I understand how important interaction with my readers is. Whether it be just replying to a comment when I get a chance, or chatting to people on Twitter - I try to be a friend to the people who visit my blog. My favourite blogs are all run by people who seem genuinely lovely, friendly and up for a chat. Even if they can't always message back - you get the sense you could easily be friends with this person. I would love for that with my own blog.

So there we have it; the ten things my favourite blogs have in common with each other, even with all their differences. I hope this might help some of you, or even just provide an interesting read. I'm thinking one day I'll have to finally get around to doing a Blogroll. But for now, here are three blogs I've visited most this week-

- The Creative Outlook
- Vanilla Craft Blog
- Lemon Freckles

Have a great week everybody! :]

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'It's a process'...

So at the very start of the month I revealed to you all in this post, that I'd be doing a '12 Projects Challenge' this year. Meaning I'd be attempting to explore/complete one creative adventure a month, in whatever form that may take. I have to say, I've really gotten into it! 
Having a specific challenge for my blog has always been intimidating for me, because I never seem to finish anything. I'm one of those people who never finishes a journal, never sees a project through to the end, or even finishes a film sometimes. You know the type. Maybe you're one. I do think I'm creative, and very inspired often. But my attention span always wavers, and finds something more interesting. So this challenge? Yeah, ..it is a challenge.
And this is the part where I tell the truth with you all about how it's been going. After all, that was my aim with this whole thing. To experience it, learn, report back, repeat. So here's the good, the bad, and the honest.
The good; I've learned something new and useful about myself. I can only work on something I'm 100% interested in. If it wavers slightly, or wasn't there to begin with; I'm not gonna force it. This means whatever else happens throughout this project this year, I will only work on things that interest/inspire me.
The bad; You see these photographs of me sewing away with pretty fabric? Yeah, they aren't quite relevant anymore. I began with a sewing project (by hand!), but discovered it was much too hard to do what I had planned without a sewing machine. Which meant I could either leave this project until I got a sewing machine, or persevere through; not quite enjoying it as much, or getting the most out of it. As you may have guessed, I decided to save this idea for another month.
The honest; So this means I'm left with only two weeks now to complete something brand new. This is going to be difficult, I know. But I've chosen something much more 'doable' and that I know I'll enjoy. I really appreciate what I've learned about myself and this challenge though already.
I hope you guys check back at the end of the month to see how this project turns out. You'll either witness me cheering over a success turnaround, or sobbing over my inability to do anything good EVER. In the meantime, I'm not gonna freak out. It's a process, and guess I need to enjoy every second of it.
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Colourful Hair

colourful hair dye tips

Let me start by saying this isn't a tutorial, (there are millions on Youtube!) and I am not trained in any way concerning hair and beauty. I'm a blogger, I write about my experiences. I do however think my experiences have provided me with some wisdom and tips I'd love to share with you guys. So if you've thought of taking the plunge on a vibrant hair colour, or are simply interested; read on!


1. Deep condition your hair the night before you bleach it. 
2.Wear old clothing, have an old towel and prepare to probably get dye all over the bathroom.
3.Rub Vaseline all around your hairline, ..unless you want stains on your face.
4.If your hair is dark, accept the fact that bleaching it will turn it orange. This is okay. If you want vibrant hair, such at this, then you can dye straight over it with your chosen colour. However if you want pastel hair, like this, then you'll have to keep the bleach on longer, or do two bleaching sessions to make your hair white.

1. Apply bleach to the ends of your hair first if it's dyed already. The roots will be easy and won't need as long developing.
2. Keep an eye on your hair as it develops with the bleach. If you don't need it to go completely white, then don't. Wash the bleach off as soon as you reach the lightness you need. Dark brown hair with bleach on (for me) takes about 45 minutes to reach an orangey/blonde shade. Then I pop on my green, leave it for like an hour and it's great.
3. Add conditioner to your dye, if you're going for a pastel shade and make the process less expensive! Don't buy a pastel shade, buy a vibrant one but add plenty of (white) conditioner to it! It makes the dye go a lot further so you buy it less often, and you still achieve the pastel shade!


1. Use coconut oil at least once a week until hair feels soft/healthy again. 
2. Have warm showers rather than hot. It will make the colour last longer, and keep hair healthy.
3. Use cold air only when drying your hair. Heat is no longer your friend.
4. Which means, avoid straighteners/curlers unless you absolutely have to.
I hope some of this helped any of you who may have considered going a bright colour :) Good luck!
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First Impressions

Working within a company that specializes in managing your online reputation, has been eye opening and important to me in many ways. If you don't know by now, I'm in a new job. It's very technical and hard to explain what I do at times, but all you need to know is I love it. And it's all basically about representing the way clients look online to an audience.  Which has got me thinking lately..

I have this blog and all my various social media channels, and each one paints a picture of me in small ways. I certainly know how I WANT to come across to an audience. Words like intelligent or creative come to mind, I suppose that's natural to want. I'd like you to see the real me, but with cleaner edges and a personality you can relate to. That's not so hard, right? Hmm.. maybe.

How am I representing myself online?
I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I struggle to be the person I so badly want to be. I love blogging, it truly is my passion. But I worry I'm not coming across true to myself, even though I'm trying. My blog gives me a chance to share my thoughts and feelings which I love so much, but I yearn for a way I can express my personality. My stupid accent, my clumsy manner, my ability to laugh at even the most mundane/questionable things- is not being shown here. And I'm quite frustrated at that to be honest. I'm not sure I'd ever try Youtube to be honest, but at that's the only way I can think to express myself more. I'm just curious about how I represent myself online, and how you all see me?

I certainly know I love bloggers even more when I feel like they have quirks. In fact I subscribe to a lot of people who blog about things I typically have no interest in, but I'm happy to because their personality keeps me so interested.

I'd like to start a discussion if possible, what do you guys think? Can you share with me what impression you get of me from my blog? I'd appreciate any feedback whether good or bad. Am I representing myself in a particular light? Do you think video is worth a try? (Not just for me, but anyone). Is it worth it? And if not YouTube, can you think of another medium to help challenge me or better express who I am?

Seriously all thoughts welcomed. And thank you for reading.
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Lazy Day Loveliness

The weekend is here, hurrah! I'm in such a celebratory mood that I'm making the most of it as much as possible. Since starting my new job, my weekends now consist of fitting in all the things I don't have time or energy for in the rest of the week. I thought you guys might enjoy knowing what those things are, and maybe it'll inspire your own lazy day this weekend...

- Reading.
These days reading is the ultimate indulgence for me, whether it's my favourite magazines or a new book. It's almost like the world stops for a while, and I get to be transported to a new place with new people. Even if I am simply lounging on the sofa in my pjs...

- Pampering.
There's nothing quite like scaring the postman when you answer with a face mask all over you. Taking the time to do those toenails, test out makeup, put a hair mask on and whatever else you might fancy, is just bloody great isn't it? This weekend I'm all about freshening up my skin and deeply conditioning my hair. After all, green hair is high maintenance you know.

- Netflix.
Binging on one of the greatest sources of TV and movies these days is heaven! And good news for all you Friends fans; it's finally been added on there! It may be the US version though, you guys will have to check. I'm one of those naughty people who cheats and uses both UK and UK versions of the site haha. Other TV shows I love to watch on there include Dexter ("Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen, again and again"), Scandal ("We're gladiators"), Lost ("We have to go back!") and The Office ("That's what she said"). Can you tell I'm a fan?

- Crafting.
Or just any creative activity in general to be honest. My job entails digital technology, social media and slaving at a computer everyday. Don't be fooled though; I love it. But at the weekend I really appreciate the downtime I get to let out all of my creativity. So whether it be painting, drawing, journalling, photography, sewing or getting out the polymer clay; something of the sort will always feature in my lazy days.

- Blogging.
And finally, the obvious one. I mean, it's Friday night and I'm sat here writing this to go out tomorrow morning (such a wild life I lead). But these days if I want regular blog posts, I have to squeeze as much as I can out of the weekend. I love doing it too, it's so relaxing and therapeutic. I also use this time to catch up with my favourite blogs, yay! :)

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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Skin Deep

Anyone with tattoos will tell you how annoying and patronizing it can be, to get some of the questions that we do, on a daily basis. 'How will you look when you're older?', 'Do you regret them?', or even; 'What are you going to do on your wedding day?'. Yes, I have actually been asked these questions plenty myself and it can be more than a little boring. My choices are my own, and I don't question anyone else's. Because tattoos are a visual thing though, for some reason some people feel it's okay to ask about our life decisions uninvited, or even question them.

So let's clear this stuff up quickly.

I will look like myself when I'm older, only with tattoos. I'm happy to accept I will be a grandma with ink all over my body, and the responsibilities that come with that.

No I do not regret them. But if I did I feel that's a very personal question to ask anyway, I wouldn't inquire about your life choices uninvited. 

Probably the one that annoys me most is the wedding day one. What will I do on my wedding day? I'll wear a beautiful dress, I will be surrounded by people I care about, I will make a promise to the man I want to spend my life with, and I will be 100% myself. I will not suddenly develop shame about my ink for one particular day. In fact, I'll look pretty awesome okay?


Now, onto the reason I wanted to write this post. I was inspired by Rachel's post from Illustrated Teacup, about body confidence relating to tattoos. I could totally relate to what she had said, and the quotes that were featured in this post. I'd love to tell you all about the beauty of tattoos, and their power. Yes that's right, power.

If you've read my blog for a while now, you'll know I've sometimes suffered with my body confidence and self esteem in general before. But my tattoos are never a part of those insecurities, in fact they are usually a weapon against them. One part of my body I hate most is my thighs; they're big and chubby and not great looking in shorts. However, whenever I look down and see one of my favourite tattoos taking up pretty much the whole space of my left thigh, I smile. Because now it's covered with something beautiful. It makes me focus on something good, and I feel unique rather than ugly. This is just one example, but it happens with every part of my body that is inked. I'm filled with love and confidence by each piece of art I add to my body. Some parts are there purely because I love the design, some are so very personal and meaningful to me. It's my own canvas, and I'll let it continue to develop and inspire me. 

I already have 9 tattoos (some have been extended/added to over the years), and I plan for many more. It's fair to say I'm addicted, I like the control I have over my own body in this way. I'm making it my own. Just to be clear though, as much as I love tattoos and probably always will; I'm not saying everyone should get one. It's there for life (or until you have a helluva lotta painful & expensive removal work done) and is a big responsibility. You need to make the decision to get one be 100% your own.

I hope this post gives a little insight into how tattoos can help someone and be a really positive experience. Or at least make people think before they judge my wedding day plans..

What do you guys think? Do you have any, or would you get any?

*Photos were taken before I dyed my hair it's current green!
* Not all my tattoos featured, as some were too awkward to photograph alone, haha.
*Newest tattoo - the bird, rose and heart locket on my arm.
*Most painful tattoo - My tiny finger one! (The smallest one too!)

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'All About Me' Tag

 Hello beauties!

You may have seen me tweeting last night about how exhausted I was - I had a lovely, chilled night relaxing with Gary and crafting towards my first creative challenge for January. It was fantastic, and just what I needed. Alas because of work my schedule is so much busier these days, and I wont have a post ready for a day or two. But quality over quantity eh!?

In the meantime, the lovely Meggan tagged me to do this little 'About Me' questionnaire, and I thought it'd be fun! Plus I always enjoy getting to know bloggers more, so I'm hoping you guys will too!

Have a great week!

  1. Name and age: Jemma, and I am (ughh) 26 years old. I think/act like 18/19 though
  2. Where are you from: Liverpool, UK.
  3. How tall are you: 5'6
  4. Do you have any pets: No :( But we're going to have a kitty in the future!
  5. Are you in a relationship: Yep! My lovely man is one of a kind.
  6. Tea or Coffee: I like both but definitely prefer coffee.
  7. If you couldn't wear bright red lipstick ever again, what would be your new "go-to": Dark purple. Or a peachy nude.
  8. What is one fashion item that you wish never happened: Umm... maybe denim jackets.
  9. Guilty pleasure food: Doritos and dip - YUM
  10. Favorite season: Autumn! :)
  11. One thing you wish someone one told you when you first started using make up: Subtlety is so much more beautiful.
  12. Have you ever dyed you hair? What colors: Haha, I currently have green hair so thats a YES. I've been brown, black, pink, orange, purple, red, blue.. umm? yeah. 
  13. Last Thing you bought: Umm... Monster?
  14. Favorite bloggers: Okay if I had to chose ONLY ONE! - http://eliseblaha.typepad.com/
  15. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Why: Seattle, because it looks beautiful. And I love the rain haha.


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