Colourful Hair

colourful hair dye tips

Let me start by saying this isn't a tutorial, (there are millions on Youtube!) and I am not trained in any way concerning hair and beauty. I'm a blogger, I write about my experiences. I do however think my experiences have provided me with some wisdom and tips I'd love to share with you guys. So if you've thought of taking the plunge on a vibrant hair colour, or are simply interested; read on!


1. Deep condition your hair the night before you bleach it. 
2.Wear old clothing, have an old towel and prepare to probably get dye all over the bathroom.
3.Rub Vaseline all around your hairline, ..unless you want stains on your face.
4.If your hair is dark, accept the fact that bleaching it will turn it orange. This is okay. If you want vibrant hair, such at this, then you can dye straight over it with your chosen colour. However if you want pastel hair, like this, then you'll have to keep the bleach on longer, or do two bleaching sessions to make your hair white.

1. Apply bleach to the ends of your hair first if it's dyed already. The roots will be easy and won't need as long developing.
2. Keep an eye on your hair as it develops with the bleach. If you don't need it to go completely white, then don't. Wash the bleach off as soon as you reach the lightness you need. Dark brown hair with bleach on (for me) takes about 45 minutes to reach an orangey/blonde shade. Then I pop on my green, leave it for like an hour and it's great.
3. Add conditioner to your dye, if you're going for a pastel shade and make the process less expensive! Don't buy a pastel shade, buy a vibrant one but add plenty of (white) conditioner to it! It makes the dye go a lot further so you buy it less often, and you still achieve the pastel shade!


1. Use coconut oil at least once a week until hair feels soft/healthy again. 
2. Have warm showers rather than hot. It will make the colour last longer, and keep hair healthy.
3. Use cold air only when drying your hair. Heat is no longer your friend.
4. Which means, avoid straighteners/curlers unless you absolutely have to.
I hope some of this helped any of you who may have considered going a bright colour :) Good luck!
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  1. Great tips... not brave enough to try bold hair but enjoyed this post.

    Meg | Meghan Silva's Blog
    @MeghanSSilva on Instagram

  2. Great post, I would love to have really bright hair but I think I am getting too old for all that :P
    Love your green hair though!

    Pams Stuff and Things

  3. I'm definitely not brave enough to bleach my hair, but I did buy a wig. These tips are great though!

    Rachael xo
    Girl Behind The Blue Door

  4. Great tips, I have always wanted to dye some of my hair a bold colour but have never had the guts!

    Bethan Likes

    1. Aww I hope you get the courage one day if you really want to!
      Thanks for popping by! xx

  5. Although I haven't dyed my hair in the longest while and I haven't been remotely interested in it (especially going a crazy colour or even bleaching my hair) I liked this post.

    Some of the tips you have given will also benefit other people!
    I used to put coconut butter in my hair and I intend to start again. I think it just adds more natural oils to the hair, making it healthier and adding more moisture to it.
    Also it is better to have luke warm showers. The heat from the shower water is doing the same damage to hair as heat products.

    I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate your tips. :)


  6. I really love your hair green and this is a fab post with great tips!

    I like dying my hair different colours but my experience of bleach left it in really bad condition (with hair left elasticated and breakage occuruing). Do you get the same but find the warm water and coconut oil really help with this, as your hair is in fab condition even after bleaching?! Xx

    Lauren Rose

    1. Honestly I can relate, bleaching really does do a job on your hair. But SOAK your hair in coconut oil at every opportunity and it'll soon love you again!

  7. Great hair advice :) I do quite similar to achieve my bright red hair too!

    Melissa ||

  8. Plus don't use the pastel directions because it sucks haha. I actually prefer to dilute my dye down with a conditioning treatment instead of conditioner. It's thinker and easier to work with for me. Plus when I dye it, I get the conditioning treatment and dye all in one. I try not to wash my hair a few days before bleaching to make it greasy, this helps keep it from getting damaged too much. Bleach baths, instead of just bleaching, saves my hair lots :)

    Plenty of good points you've made :)

  9. Very interesting! I'm not quite sure if I'll ever actually dye my hair a wonderful pastel shade, but it's something I've been considering off and on for a while. Thanks for these tips!

    xx Kathryn

  10. This is super helpful! Great post! Xxxx

  11. I've actually used the Directions Dye (in Flamingo) for the tips of my hair for the last 9 months. It works well but fades a bit too fast for my taste. Would you recommend any other colour than Directions?
    Great tips! I definitely need to get my hands on some coconut oil! :)


  12. I love directions and manic panic! I recommend just cold water to wash your hair xoxo


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