My very first official interview!

Liverpool, Merseyside, UK
As some of you may already know from previous posts, I won a competition with Amazine online and UK magazine Company. Since then they contacted me for an interview for their newsletter, and it was a lot of fun answering some of their questions and being involved with such cool companies.

I thought I'd share the outcome of that interview with you all, as I'm so happy with it.
And thank you to for this lovely opportunity!
Let me know what you guys think please.

Happy reading :)

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Oh Lorde!

I've been excited for Lorde's MAC collaboration for a while now, and keen to see what products would be included since she has such a signature look to her makeup.
They've finally revealed the products, and they've kept it simple and sweet which I really like.

There's the Lipstick in 'Pure Heroine' for £15.
This is exactly the dark plum/purple shade you would regularly see Lorde wearing herself, so it's nice to know she's only included products she would genuinely wear.

Then she is famous for a precise black line on her eyelid, for which they've brought out the Penultimate Eye liner in Rapid Black, £17.

Easy to recreate that signature flick for yourself then!

I'm really impressed they've kept the collection so small, it feels extra special then. I will admit though, I'd have loved if they included a blush too. A very subtle one mind, because she's known for embracing her pale skin, (which I adore as a pale person myself!).

So what do you guys think? Will you be trying these products in June when they are available on ?
Let me know! xx

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Pink Ladies

So it's been 13 years since Elle Woods hit the screen in Legally Blonde.  Crazy huh?
If you were anything like me, you were obsessed with this film. The girliness, the quotes, the PINK.
I still love it now, years later on nights when I need a really good girly film to paint my nails or do my hair to.
You can't help but get into the spirit from the opening credits.

The fashion is something to be admired, whether you like it or not. This is one girl who looks good in head to toe pink, whereas I'd look like a giant cupcake. Of course it helps to look like Reese Witherspoon!

Then came Mean Girls, "On Wednesday's we wear Pink", and many more Pink obsessed ladies in film and TV that we adored over the years.
So I was thinking I'd do a post dedicated to Pink fashion. If you're feeling extra girly and would like some cute Elle inspired additions to your wardrobe, then look no further. I've put together some sweet pink pieces with links for you to enjoy!

Hope you enjoy, leave a comment below!
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Beauty Review:

Sleek Face Contour Kit

So I've been wanting to practise contouring for a while now, as I've never really, truly nailed it.
I'd heard a couple of good things about the Sleek Contouring Kit from other beauty bloggers and also from Pixiwoo on Youtube. Especially considering the amazing price (£6.49!) this seemed like a nice choice from the opinion of my purse!

It comes in a small compact with a contour and highlighter split inside, a lovely little package easy to pop into your bag for convenience. 

Now for a beginner like me, Sleek have thoughtfully included a guide to contouring your nose and cheeks and using the highlighter effectively. This guide shows you with pictures step by step how to go about contouring, and I found this very helpful! Although it does help to see someone do this themselves as we all know, so popping over to Youtube is always good for a 'How To' vid.

The kits come in 3 shades; Dark, Medium and Light. I'm quite pale and fair skinned so I always go for the paler option when it comes to make up and I found this was a nice match to my skin. It darkened it just slightly for the contouring, and lightened it subtly with the highlighter. No awkward stripes to be seen!
The powder itself is very soft, subtle and you only need a small amount which is so satisfying; knowing you don't need lots and lots to create a good effect.

Now as you can see from my photographs, I used the Real Techniques contouring brush with this kit, which I found perfect, but I know you could find a multitude of brushes to work well.

So how did I do?
Well here's a photo taken after my first little practise test.

Now, I only wish I had a before photo to compare for you! I was so excited to try it though, I forgot! Please forgive me. I'm sure I'll do a post soon enough though with a before and after comparison of my makeup routine, so you can really appreciate the difference.

I think you can see on this photo though where I've tried to create a subtle dark shade in the hollow of my cheeks, to slim my face down (hopefully!) and lighten the apples of my cheeks. I do need to keep practising though because I found I weren't natural at blending the contour in! Hopefully it doesn't look too awful though, and I'll get better.

Overall I'm really quite impressed with this kit. Especially as a beginner, I found it was useful with its guide inside, and it was such a reasonable price. As I mentioned, you do only need a little of this so it should last a long time too. I'd give this a thumbs up!

What do you guys think? Have you tried this? Could you suggest a better kit? Or maybe you know a good contouring guide for beginners? Let me know!
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Magazine Review


I've wanted to mention Frankie magazine for a while, so I'm happy to be finally posting about it here!
Frankie is a national bi-monthly magazine based in Australia, covering Art, Design, Photography, Fashion, Travel, Craft and much, much more. 

I only discovered Frankie last year and have been a massive fan ever since.
The only downside is that because I live in the UK, I don't get each issue until about 2/3 weeks after it's released. But it's a small price to pay because the magazine is amazing.

It's arty, cute, sarcastic, witty and smart. 'Quirky' doesn't seem to say enough about this little gem.
My favourite parts of each issue are always when they feature some sort of special, unique craft shop or design work by a small Artist. I also appreciate how beautiful the matte pages are, it sets it apart from other printed magazines in quality. It just feels special :)

As you can tell, I love Frankie! I think it's awesome, and definitely one of my faves.
If you are interested in Frankie or want to know where you can pick up an issue, visit their website here -

Let me know if you're already a fan yourself! :) Or if you try Frankie, let me know what you think!

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Rimmel Shimmer Review

Rimmel Wake Me Up Shimmer Touch

Today's post is about a great little product I chanced upon in Poundland! Of all places. This is the Rimmel Wake Me Up Shimmer Touch in 'Flush of Pearl' shade.

I find it crazy that I could ever find a beauty product I like for only £1. I'm not being a snob, I love a bargain - it's just so unusual, and typically cheap means terrible (usually).
But I've been wholeheartedly surprised with this baby. I saw it on the shelf and was tempted by it, as I like a few Rimmel products and I thought, why not? For a pound I really couldn't say no.

I love any beauty product that makes me feel fresh and 'made up', even when I'm not, and this one now falls into this category. The texture is really smooth and light, and applies nice and evenly. 

I applied this on the apples of my cheeks, brow bone and a little on my collarbone too. You can be generous without worrying you'll end up looking a bit 'Bowie', but you can get away with only a smidgen too! And since it was so cheap, I didn't feel too careful with it which can sometimes happen with expensive products. This is why I tried it across my collarbone and I found it accentuated the area wonderfully. 

This shimmer is subtle, and looks beautiful under the light when you catch a glimpse. It's a really quick and easy way to light up your face when feeling a little grungey. 

Now, bear in mind the RRP price is £4.99 as shown on the Rimmel website, that's quite a bargain!
So if you feel like trying it, I'd recommend hunting it out at a Poundland :)

What do you guys think? Have you found any cheap bargains in unexpected places?
Let me know, and follow me on Bloglovin for updates!
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This is the question being asked by
And although it sounds like a strange question, there's a fantastic challenge behind it.

This idea is based around the knowledge that we live in a high speed world, with instant access and an impatient environment all around us. We never have a chance to just you know, chill out! We never get to really appreciate the moment, whether it be big or small.
This is all about taking the time to reflect on what makes you happy, what makes you feel good and what moves you. Even if it is only for a moment, by doing this on a daily basis you will learn to appreciate the little things, notice how lucky you are and become more optimistic.

Okay, here's the deal.

Go to sign up and choose how you're gona record each happy moment.
Personally I've chosen to do it through my Instagram account @ladybeemo so I can take photos to document each moment in some way.
You also have the option of Facebook, Twitter etc. Or just keepng it completely private. Remember, this is for yourself anyway. Not to show off all over Facebook or try make people jealous in some way.

You're gonna think of something once a day that makes you happy. It could be anything. 
Had a fun day out?
Ate a yummy meal?
Read a great book?
Made someone smile?
Take a photograph, write it down, tweet it, whatever. Document that bad boy.

You're capturing happiness right there and keeping it saved up!
Pretty soon you can look back over this and you will be reminded of your happy moments. Taking the time each day to observe your own happiness, sounds obvious but it really works. 

So, follow me on Instagram and you'll see me uploading something every day with the #100happydays tag.
This is my very first entry for the challenge;
*Spring flowers blooming finally!*

Are you going to try this challenge? I think you should! And tell me about it so I can follow other people's happy journeys too! :)

Good luck!

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Friday Faves

So I've decided to do a Friday Faves list! Hopefully I'll remember to do this most Fridays, but don't be shocked if it isn't every single week. I don't want to create a list just for the sake of it and not have a real passion for what I'm writing about. I'll only ever do a Friday Faves list for things I really wana share, write about or I think may be fun :) So here we go!

Best Female Movie Characters

Yes, there are flaws to this list, and you may not agree with my choices. But these are just a little list of some of my favourite female movie characters, who I think deserve a mention; not in any particular order.

1. Amelie Poulain - 'Amelie'.
Love-able and whimsical do-gooder whose naivety charms you from the first moment on screen. An innocent girl in Paris sets out to help the people around her, and ends up falling in love. A beautifully written character with quirky traits you cannot help but admire.

2. Clementine Kruczynski - 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'.
Probably one of my all time favourites. Clementine is a combination of strange, impulsive and free spirited. She represents a strong female, confident in her sense of self. Her impulsiveness is something to be admired, even if it doesn't always turn out great.

3. Enid - 'Ghost World'.
A teenage outsider whose wardrobe and hair styles I cannot help but envy. Hers is a refreshing tale of teenage voyage into adulthood. Her cynical ways and witty remarks leave me wanting more. I haven't read the comic the film was based upon unfortunately, but let me know how the character compares if you have? Personally I relate to her and sometimes feel sorry for her, but will always adore Enid.

4. Katniss Everdeen - 'The Hunger Games'.
Love or hate The Hunger Games films, you have to acknowledge the popularity of this character. I myself included am a real fan of the books/movies, and I love Katniss. Her character is strong, stubborn and skilled. I love whenever you see female characters who rely on only themselves, and Katniss fits the bill.

5. Lisbeth Salander - 'The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo'.
I've read the books too many times to count, and seen both the Swedish and American versions of the films. I actually love both and recommend you do try the Swedish versions if you aren't put off by subtitles. If I had to choose though, I'd say Rooney Mara was my personal favourite playing Lisbeth. Lisbeth is anti-social, independent, gifted, introverted and often hostile. I find it empowering to see such a strong, unconventional female character who is so compelling you cannot help but root for her. She brings out the feminist that should be in all of us. She is the ultimate Antiheroine. Yes, I love her wholeheartedly!

What do you guys think? Any characters on this list you love/hate? Who else do you think deserves a mention? Let me know in the comments!

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So somebody turned 26..

Okay you got me, it was me. I know, I know, I look way younger right? Right?!
Ahem.. Anyway, it was a pretty lovely birthday and I feel very grateful for the gifts I received and the time I had. I've been very spoiled.

Just thought I'd update on here to show off some of my wonderful gifts, and also my new red hair!

Do you like it? I'm very happy with it, and I've wanted it for a while now.
I'm kind of known for changing my hair colour very frequently, but I've been 'good' for a few months as a brunette, until now. I get bored easily, and I like to funk it up whenever I get a chance. In all honesty I will probably change it again in a few weeks, so watch this space!

Now, for the presents! I got seriously spoiled by my boyfriend, as he got me gifts he has known I've wanted very badly. I wanted to share these as some of them were lovely beauty products I felt I should tell you about.

1. A whole lovely Clinique skincare set! This is the 3 step kit for skin type 2. Skin type 2 is for Dry/Combination skin. I had a personal consultation with a Clinique expert in Debenhams, to determine which range would be best for me. I thoroughly recommend this before buying one of these kits! Do not guess, as you could end up with something that will not help your skin at all, or even make it worse. The consults are free and very useful. Also, you can buy introductory kits at around £20 rather than the full price kits, so you can see if you like these products. Again, still get a consult though! I'm so, so happy with this as I've wanted a really good skincare routine for a while and Clinique products are always great on my sensitive skin. A wonderful gift!

2. Ghost 'Captivating' is one I had never smelt until recently and I instantly fell in love! I'm a fan of a few of the Ghost perfumes so this is another beaut I'll be adding to my perfume collection.

3. And finally, my most precious gift! I'm going to sound like such a geek saying makeup brushes were my favourite birthday present, but they really were! These are the Real Techniques Core Collection brushes I'd been lusting after for a while, and they haven't let me down.
From left to right, the set includes; a Contour brush, a pointed Foundation brush, a Detailer brush and a Buffing brush. They also come in a nice case which can also be used as a stand, and it has space for some other extra brushes you may want to carry around with you.
I personally adore the Buffing brush more than anything as it can be used for foundation or powder, and I've found it particularly useful for applying foundation. Other brushes I had tried didn't run as easily over my skin, or blend as well. The Contour brush is another valuable addition to my brush set as I am seriously trying to up my contour game!
I feel this set is a wonderful addition to my makeup bag and I'm very happy :)

So there you have it! Some of my very special gifts.
I feel very grateful and I'll be sure to put them all to good use.

Thanks for reading guys!
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Spring Nail Choices

So many colours, so little time!

These are the shades I've been sticking to lately, especially the Rimmel 60 Seconds ones.
They're so sweet and vivid, the colours really pop.

Yes I know I look strange painting my nails various shades, but hey! I like to be different.

I'm a huge fan of Rita Ora's Rimmel London collab for these nail varnishes. There's a lovely selection of baby pastel shades, and also really vivid brights. I keep picking more up everytime I'm in Superdrug!
I would recommend a topcoat over these though to make them more durable.

What nail colours are you wearing?

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