DIY Tassel Bunting

DIY Tassel Bunting cute

Happy Monday everyone! I know Mondays aren't particularly great for a lot of people, and even though I'm actually in work myself today with a long week ahead, I'm actually in a fantastic mood! I've spent the last few weeks concentrating on design work and social media work, which I'm SO glad for, but now is the time to put my heart and soul back into this blog. I love making this space somewhere I post at least 3-5 times a week with all my favourite things, and I haven't been able to do that as much lately.

So today is the start of a launch back into everything I love; I have posts lined up I've been meaning to do for ages, time scheduled just for blogging plans, and a bunch of enthusiasm to boot. Woohoo!

To kick this off with a bang, today I'm bringing you one of my favourite type of posts, a lovely little DIY! If you fancy creating a colourful little space for yourself at home within 10 minutes, then keep reading.

DIY Tassel Bunting cute

What you'll need:

A few pieces of coloured paper,
small pegs,
washi tape,

First, cut your pieces of paper into chunky squares. The size is totally up to you, but I did mine around 4x4 each. Consider how many tassels you want to create, as that's how many squares of paper you will need. Then you should use the scissors to cut the squares into strips of paper, with just a small space left at the top, keeping it all together.

paper DIY tassel

Next you'll want to roll each piece of paper up, with the strips of paper hanging down nicely. Secure in place with a piece of washi tape around the top of each tassel. You may even want to fluff out the paper a little to give it some 'oomph!'.
paper DIY tassel cute bunting

paper DIY tassel cute bunting

Now you're almost done! Keep going until you've created as many tassels as you need for your chosen space. Once you have enough, secure them to your string with some cute little pegs.

DIY bunting tassel

DIY bunting tassel kawaii

And viola! You have the cutest and colouful little decoration within minutes. You can even expand on this idea by adding glitter, teaming it with fairy lights, using patterned paper or hanging photographs. The possibilities are endless.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Find more of my DIY posts here.

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  1. Aw how cute is this DIY?! Your have a really pretty room, Jemma. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  2. Aw how cute is this DIY?! Your have a really pretty room, Jemma. :]

    // ▲ ▲

  3. They are soooo cute, I love the colours! And you've just given me a boost of motivation too, thanks!!
    x x | daisydaisyxxo

  4. This is so cute! Great post!

  5. This is so cute i love it! thanks :) xo

  6. This is so simple and yet so cute! I get the feeling your whole place is just as lovely as this scene :o)

  7. This is so cute! It really matches your set up!
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination

  8. So lovely and very simple to execute !!! Thanks for the cute idea :)


  9. This is such a cute DIY! I love a good project, might try this out this weekend :) x

    Georgina | Rent or Chanel?

  10. Oh, what a cute little bunting! Thank you for sharing the tutorial ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  11. These are so cute! They would be perfect for a kiddies party :) x

    Sinead | Dreaming Again

  12. loved this honey awesome tutorial! :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yay I love a tassel garland! I've been making loads for my wedding using bright wool ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Hannah x

  15. Yay I love a tassel garland! I've been making loads for my wedding using bright wool ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Hannah x

  16. LOVE!

    Sarah | <3

  17. These are super cuter! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›

  18. This looks a bit familiar hehe It looks so cute!!!

    Lots of love, Be || lovefrombe


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