Zoeva Brushes & A Big Thank You

zoeva rose gold brushes

Recently I was amazed to win a giveaway from the lovely Claire over at Fine and Dandy (you all know Claire, right?). I was absolutely shocked as I never expected to win, as you can imagine. However, destiny wasn't on our side. You see, Claire had the brushes ready and waiting at home while her giveaway was on, and when it came to packaging them up... she couldn't find them. After searching for literally days, the poor girl got in touch with me crying and so upset. She thought that her or her boyfriend had probably accidentally thrown the box away, and she had been going crazy looking for it. When she spoke to me it was obvious how upset she was, and on top of all that she was worried about looking 'dodgy' (her words!) as if she hadn't had them all along.

I was absolutely fine, obviously! I hadn't lost anything at all, it was poor Claire who was down lots of money, and nothing to show for it. I could completely understand why she was upset but I didn't want it to be that she felt any responsibility to me. I felt so bad on her!

After insisting to her that it was silly to even apologise (literally how absurd is that?), you can imagine my surprise when I came home a few days later to see a pretty package waiting for me!

zoeva rose gold brushes

zoeva rose gold brushes

zoeva rose gold brushes

zoeva rose gold brushes

I almost cried because I was so upset at the thought of Claire spending even more money, and got in touch with her immediately to try send them back to her. She wouldn't hear of it though and I couldn't believe the extent of her kindness. She had felt so awful that she had gone and ordered another set for me. This is both amazing and heartbreaking!

So here's my promise; I'm gonna love these brushes like they are my babies Claire! They are absolutely magnificent both to use and to look at, I can feel the quality with every use. I have already sent Claire a thank you letter which hopefully she will have received by now, and I plan on showing my thanks continually in as man ways as I can think of.

So let's start right now!
Please, everyone and anyone reading this; go visit Claire's blog, follow her, tweet her telling her how awesome she is, and generally aim to make her smile. She is one of the loveliest people I've known because of blogging and one of my best blogging friends.


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  1. Aww bless her she is such a sweet heart!!

    1. She really is, I couldn't believe it!! xx

  2. That's so lovely of her! You're so lucky!


    1. She's one of the best people ever ever ever xx

  3. Those brushes are so photogenic! Just look at that rose gold shine! Eek the prettiness! And Claire is such a sweetheart! I can only imagine how she must have felt when she couldn't find the brush set! I'd have been mortified! Such an amazing thing to do to go out and buy another one, so generous!

    Love those brushes from now till the end of blogging times lady!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

    1. She honestly didnt have to, I felt awful on her wasting money! She is the sweetest person ever <3 xxx p.s. they are even prettier in RL haha!

  4. Aww what a sweetie she is, I love Claire's blog! Hope you enjoy the brushes they are just so pretty to look at!!


  5. Aww what a sweetie she is, I love Claire's blog! Hope you enjoy the brushes they are just so pretty to look at!!


    1. She has an awesome blog! Thanks Laura! xx

  6. Aww what a sweetie she is, I love Claire's blog! Hope you enjoy the brushes they are just so pretty to look at!!


  7. Aw this is the sweetest post I've ever read! So lovely and what a beautiful brush set. :) I'm on my way to tweet about Claire's awesomeness for you!

    Ashton xx \\ Beauty, Books and Babble

  8. That is so cute that she bought another set for you! Shows what a great person she is and friend to you. Lovely post to read :)

  9. What a beautiful story and a lovely girl! Faith in humanity restored.

  10. Your so lucky, those brushes look gorgeous! Claire is wonderful! Your both amazing :) xx


  11. awww that's lovely! So glad you got your prize - they're beautiful brushes!

  12. Aww bless this is such a lovely post. It seems you and Claire are both lovely, kind people! And the brushes look awesome ;)

    Amy | Get Glam

  13. Oh that's so lovely of Claire, she seems like the nicest person ever and they're a fantastic prize to win. I don't think anyone would ever think she was "dodgy"!

    Sian xx Cakey Dreamer

  14. Such a terrible thing to have happened. I really don't know what I'd have done!
    It was so nice of her to replace the prize. :)

    My Blog
    Fashion Giveaway click here !
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  15. What a stupid boyfriend :D But aw so sweet of her to go through all the hassle. The Zoeva set is so pretty with the rose gold details. I think I would not dare to use them. Hope you're well and we'll speak soon xxx

    Caz | Style Lingua

  16. Aww wow that's so sweet of her. They look so lovely... I never clean my makeup brushes but if I had these I would definitely look after them better!!

  17. N'aww, how sweet, and you're such a dear for being so nice about it, too! The brushes are absolutely lovely; they look so luxurious and ahh, I want them!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  18. Aw, an ultimately happy ending, but poor Claire! Those brushes look gorgeous, I hope they're as lovely to work with as they look!



  19. That's such a lovely thing to do and a really amazing post! The brushes look fab xx


  20. this is absolutely wonderful! the brushes are beautiful and so is Claire :)


  21. Omg bless her! That's beyond generous and I'm sure you will love them more for it now!

    Neesha | Reinventing Neesha ♥

  22. They're certainly some stunning brushes, and absolutely lovely to read a story like this where everyone is understanding of each other!

  23. Bless her! I hope her boyfriend reimbursed her :O xx

  24. These are SO pretty! Will you do a review soon?
    Desirée || melodydamsel.blogspot.com

  25. That is so sweet of her!! The brushes are gorgeous x

    Abi | abistreetx

  26. Oh my goodness I think these are the most beautiful brushes I have ever seen!!!!! I need to start saving up :-)
    abiee xx

  27. That is so sweet! Might have to look into getting some of these, they look beautiful <3

    Suzy | Eeep I'm a Blogger

  28. These are so so beautiful! And such a lovely sweet post :) xx


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