April Interview: Georgina

I'm lucky enough that I remember the very first moment I was struck with the sudden inspiration to start a blog; I was visiting She Might Be Loved. SMBL is a blog written and created by the beautiful Georgina, and she had captivated me instantly with her creativity and quick wit. Today I have the unbelievable pleasure of featuring her for my April interview, and I couldn't be more grateful. I got to have a good old nosey into her life and ask the questions that most interested me!...

1. Why/how did you come up with 'She Might Be Loved'?
It's not a happy story but I guess it is now. I was quite down and pessimistic when I first starting my blog and had a dark sense of humour, I loved Maroon 5 and 'She Will Be Loved' but I obviously couldn't use that, so I let my pessimistic sarcastic attitude change it. I find it strange looking bad, as I was such an unhappy person and I hated my life, but now I'm happier than ever, feeling incredibly loved and I don't think life could get much better.

2. Who or what inspires you most?
It'd odd for me because despite my Mum, who I look up to and adore, I often find inspiration from everywhere. I don't look up to a set amount of people or things, I just look at the World around me and just keep going. I love people who are easily inspired, but I often find that as soon as I start to look up to another person, they'll do something that I don't agree with. It sounds weird, but I'd rather take the positive things from a lot of different people, then have to change my views every now and again to keep following the one who may do something I don't like from time to time.

3. If you continue to grow at this amazing pace, how would you like to develop or branch out professionally?
My friends and even boyfriend, Alfie, keep joking about working for me and me having a shop. God knows what we'd actually do there but it's a lovely thought working with your friends and family on something you created! I definitely want to keep growing my audience, my friends through blogging and the people I work with. I feel like I've met so many amazing people and I can't wait to meet more and connect with more this year in many different ways!

4. Do you have any advice for bloggers who would like to take blogging seriously, maybe even do it full time one day?
You can't do it if you just want free things and an easy life, I've stressed my body out to where I'm physically ill from trying to get on top of blogging full time and working from home as a Social Media Manager. It's not as easy as it looks, but if you love what you do, even when you're physically exhausted and Doctor's are telling you that you may want to slow it down, you'll still love it and enjoy doing your work. Getting a blog to the point where you can earn an income is extremely difficult and I'm not even there yet despite blogging *nearly* every day. If you love it – keep at it. If you need a break – take it. A blog should reflect your personality and passion, especially on blogs like ours when they're personal opinions and about our lives.
5. What has been your proudest moment so far in terms of your blog?
It's a tie between winning my award for Best Fashion Blog at the Plus Size Awards, despite being up against some of the biggest names in the blogging World, and becoming the face of Scarlett & Jo. It blows my mind thinking that I could have been (most likely) miserable in University studying a course I didn't want to do, but instead I work on the Internet and I'm actually happy.

6. Have you experienced any negatives to blogging?
Recently for the very, very first time! I was laid in bed just before heading off to Liverpool for the weekend and noticed a comment on my Facebook with a link to Reddit and I thought 'this is it'. Through all the interviews I had done recently and the publicity, I was constantly worried about negative feedback as I see it happen to everyone else, but it didn't come until I wrote a post on being 'bored' of the 'fat argument'. Reddit took my post to pieces, my weight, health, other people's health and they were actually brutal. My reaction? Read the funniest comments out loud to my half dazed boyfriend in bed, whilst he did the same back. It was a little bit of a shock, but when I started reading the comment, they were ridiculous and some, untrue. I'm happy with myself and if I'm not bothered about anything they said about me, then no one else should be.

7. What are your favourite types of posts to write/feature?
I love outfit posts when the dresses are really pretty and I get to go out and take fancy photos, I love rants, personal posts, makeup looks, my Halloween ones being my favourites. I pretty much like every style of post I put out, as I'll change it until I'm happy with it!

8. Do you have a post of yours that you particularly love, or are especially proud of? Would you link us? :)
My Recent Weekend Guide to Liverpool – http://www.shemightbeloved.com/2015/03/Liverpool-Guide-with-Travelodge.html 
It took forever to code up, ALT tag, write and it holds such incredibly memories on camera and off.
I'm Bored – Reddit's favourite
I often stay quiet on things like this and it felt amazing to finally voice what I thought!

9. You always seem like such a strong and positive person, what drives you to be that way?
I used to think my life was cursed, for a good 9/10 years actually, as silly as it sounds. As soon as I was happy, something bad would happen and I simply had to get myself out of thinking like that. I cut out all the bad from my life, some of it left of its own, and it left me with nothing to do, other than to find happiness. So I started my blog and found it. It sounds cheesy, but that's honestly how it went for me, from having one of the worst months/years/decade of my life, I completely banished that negative way of thinking.

10. What would you like you and your blog to be known for?
My honesty, sarcasm, and friendliness. I'm forever honest in my posts, even if companies fall out with me afterwards, I love adding my sarcasm into my writing and I love meeting new friends (like yourself! <3). I'd like my blog to be known as the place to come for 'no BS advice' on fashion, reviews, makeup, and a sassy attitude. Basically, just myself in blog form!

I can't even begin to thank Georgina enough for letting me interview her; she's such a sweetheart! You should all go get to know her as she's one of my all time favourites and I know it'd make her smile. Thanks for reading!

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  1. Wow she looks amazing in that purple dress! Going to check out her blog now.

    Danika Maia

  2. Georgina looks stunning! I've not read her blog yet, but I'm off to check it out now.
    Rubi | Instagram | The Den | http://www.the-den.blogspot.com

  3. Georgina is such a beautiful lady! I have just discovered your blog through the link she posted to this post.... pleased to meet you! xx

  4. Omg I love her she's such a sweet and adorable person isn't she?!!


  5. Aw what an interview, love this and love Georgina!


  6. This is such an inspiring interview! We can all learn from Georgina ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  7. I follow Georgina on Twitter and recently started reading her blog! I love finding confident plus size blogger they always inspire me! Xx

  8. Gosh thank you so much Jemma and everyone else!!!! <3

  9. Thanks for sharing this lovely blogger with us all. I am so excited to be a new reader of her blog :) What a lovely & inspiring lady! XD
    Sarah xx

  10. Wow she is so pretty =]


  11. This is such a gorgeous interview. The questions were fab but also I really like Georgina's answers. Lovely post!xx

    Honeypot Blogs

  12. Great interview Georgina is just great and very inspiring same as you gorgeous!!

  13. I love Georgina's blog, I love how honest she is and she's really friendly as well. Great interview!

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine

  14. Another great post. I love Georgina's blog. She's definitely someone I look up to in the blogging world! xx


  15. Georgina was also the one to inspire me to start a blog. She's amazing and so gorgeous.
    Beth x
    Mermaid in Disguise


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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