Awesome Blog Posts of 2014

Can I just begin by saying this was almost impossible? Over the course of 2014 I've discovered so many amazing blogs, each with hundreds of brilliantly unique posts. And somehow I had to choose my favourites from them all, and keep them to a decent number? I could have sat here all day! But I haven't, don't worry. So if you know you're one of my favourites and you're not on here; please don't be offended. I'm human and can only include so many! :]

Okay, let's get to it shall we?
I've chosen the posts that have stuck with me, gave me pause, inspired me, made me laugh, or really connected me to that blogger in some way. You'll find a gorgeous 'mish mash' of blog posts here, and I suggest you all visit each of them!

Life Lessons From A Reluctant Adult-

I only discovered Toni's blog a few weeks ago, but it's fair to say I've become obsessed ever since. After wandering through her beautiful maze of posts, discovering her quirky personality and abundance of beauty throughout the blog; I was hooked. This particular post became a favourite of mine though, because she voices a lot of things I can understand, or need reminding of. It's refreshing to find another blogger who breaks away from the norm, especially if she's writing about feeling forced to grow up. I can relate, unfortunately :]

I'm pretty sure this was the first time I'd read one of Claire's posts and I instantly fell in love! She has an adorable and sweet personality that shines through every word she writes. The fact that she had done a DIY as cute as her was the cherry on the cake though. I'm a sucker for DIY posts as we all know, and this one's a goodun'!

My Small Little Wedding-

Who doesn't love a wedding? And even more so, who doesn't love reading all about one and seeing the photographs? Jessica is always one to be original, and her wedding was no exception. I can remember showing her blog post to Gary and being like,' THAT is what I want for our wedding!' Haha. No, we're not even engaged yet. Yes, I am that girl. But Jessica's wedding was beautiful and her post is one that stood out for me. She tells you the small challenges they faced during the day, she makes you laugh, and she makes you want a photographer as great as hers.

Ella is one of my favourite bloggers, and biggest artistic inspirations. Her work is beautiful and so unique, you can't help but want a glimpse into how she creates it. This post does exactly that. It gives you a step by step visual journey through her process and leaves you really appreciating the hard work that goes into it. I adore posts like this as it leaves me so inspired and definitely gives me the creative boost I sometimes need. Also, I will note that this post is from 2013, but I'm including it anyway as I only discovered Ella's blog at the start of this year along with this post.

Are you following Danielle yet? You should be! Over the course of the year she has become one of the best blogging friends a girl could ask for. She is full of kindness, she is sweet and always makes me smile. However, none of those reasons are why I've included her on this list! Otherwise I'd be here all day naming bloggers I love :] - And there are many of you! - But this post in particular, was one I really treasured and appreciated seeing in my bloglovin feed. I love a good How To, as we know, but this one is filled with a twist of Danielle's kindness. She shows us step by step how to make a really yummy treat for any passing birds outside our homes. Its cheap, easy, and so thoughtful! I think we could all benefit from taking a tip from Danielle and considering our little wildlife friends. Also.. as you can see Danielle is wicked amazing photographer.

READ THIS POST. Watch the video. Let it melt your heart. I almost don't want to say much about Leona's beautiful post, because I want you all to read her words and experience it for yourself. I will say this - I welled up watching it! It's truly heart warming and special. I'm grateful she has posted this online and let us all share her one of her most loved special moments. Trust me - you will love this post.

And there we have it, my favourite stand out posts! And yes, sadly there are many more I was tempted to put in here, but then it would have been never ending. There are so many good bloggers/friends out there who inspire me everyday. But I do hope you guys have enjoyed this post, and visit everyone on here! Also, this should be obvious but; None of these photographs are mine, I took them from the blogs featured and I really hope they don't mind! If you are featured in this post and you do mind however, please let me know at

Thanks guys! x
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  1. Aw bless you, you little star! Thank you so much for saying such sweet things about me and including me at all.
    You picked some lovely posts to include too. Leonas engagement has always made me cry everytime Ive read/watched it since we first made friends - amazing.
    Hope you had a good day yesterday. Sending you lots of love xo

    1. You're so welcome! <3
      And yeah Leona's vids amazing! Its my first time seeing it and I was blown away haha! :D xx

  2. Thanks so much for including my wedding on here... I feel so honored to be on a list with a lot of great bloggers! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and hope you have a great 2015!


  3. Thanks so much for sharing :D
    I love to find new bloggers to chat to so I definitely will be looking at some of these.
    Such a nice post for the end of the year. :D

  4. I'd not heard of any of these bloggers so it was nice to find some new ones to look at, especially when I'm buying a home this year. The DIY posts will certainly come in handy!


    1. Aww that's so awesome!! Each of these ladies has beautiful blogs!
      Good luck for when you move! :D xx

  5. love the shoes. it's so cool and unique. will check out this bloggers

  6. Thanks so much for this post! I needed things to read and this will get me started! They all sound so wonderful.

  7. Thanks so much for this post! I am new to blogging and it is always great to be pointed in the direction of other lovely blogs like yours!

  8. Ooh I love this post, always nice to find new blogs to read :)
    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine

  9. Love the DIY kitty pumps. So original and cute! :) Really nice of you to recommend and give mention to other great blogs. x

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK


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