Bad Baker | Christmas Cupcakes

Hello lovelies! A merry December to you all :]

I don't know about any of you, but ever since the weather's been getting a little frostier, and Christmas began looking just around the corner; I've been enjoying night's in more than ever! I've been getting warm and cozy inside with a blanket, a mug of hot chocolate, and a good book. And sometimes you just need something warm and sweet out the oven to accompany that.

Today I thought I'd share with you my recent attempt at Christmas cupcakes, as part of my month long quest for the perfect Christmas treat :]

Now you should all know by now that I am not a fabulous baker. In fact, I wouldn't even describe myself as 'good', as I am usually awful! But even disastrous people like myself can still enjoy baking and feel a sense of satisfaction when things don't go as bad as they could. This would be one of those times.

I followed a simple vanilla cupcake recipe, very similar to this one. And then just had all sorts of childish fun with icing and decoration! 

Now as you can see, they are not the neatest or most perfect of cupcakes. I doubt I'll ever be the best baker, I'll never have people 'ooh' and 'aahh' over my mad bake skillz, and I'm more likely to create a mess in the kitchen rather than a masterpiece. That being said though, it'll never stop me trying!

I have so much fun trying and failing than never giving it a go, and I urge you all to try too. This month I will be giving myself a few baking challenges, probably all Christmas themed and I hope you enjoy seeing my failures.. and mild successes (maybe). So put your feet up and follow along, laugh at my disasters, or even join me by baking your own Christmas treats! Let me know :]

Lots of love!

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  1. *Tummy grumbles* I want cake! I love the little festive iced(?) shapes. We definitely share a similar baking style, haha... I really want to make some gingerbread people, houses, pets, everything this Christmas. xxx

    Kirsty - Effortlessly Excessive

    1. Oooh gingerbreak men and houses sound amazing! I've never tried them & I'm sure I'd mess them up, but it'd be so fun to try! haha :D xx

  2. Those cake toppers are SO CUTE. I sometimes want to be a perfectionist with my cupcakes, but the best tasting ones are always the ones you don't take too seriously! x

    1. I would LOVE those cupcake that look store bought, but I'm far too messy for that haha! :D I bought those little cake toppers in like Home Bargains for like £1!! :D xx

  3. Finally someone who has as much skills with baking as I do! I love your little cupcakes, I think they look pretty damn sweet and the cake toppers are perfect. xx

    1. Haha aww thanks! I do try but I'm so clumsy/messy/basically terrible at baking LOL - Doesn't stop me trying though! So much fun! :D xx

  4. I love them! And as Lemon Freckles said... it's great to see some cakes that look homemade. Anything too perfect baking wise is weird hehe x

  5. Ah they are so cute! I really need to do some Christmas baking, think I will try and do some this weekend :) x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. Oooh hopefully yours will be so much better than mine haha! :D Let me know if you do! xx

  6. These actually look so cute! I'd love to have one of these with a cup of tea! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  7. I love these cakes and would deffo eat one (or more). I think they are look like proper homemade cakes!!

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. I will admit, as imperfect as they look -THEY WERE DELICIOUS! haha x

  8. I think they look adorable and tasty! :)

  9. I'm awful at baking i hate it! It's so therapeutic to me but i always seem to stuff something up, these looks so yum xx
    Love VictoriaJanex

  10. These are perfect cupcakes. It's so cute and delicious looking.. wish you could send these through the internet LOL

  11. these are so absolutely cute! I love the little reindeer!

  12. Those cupcakes are so darling <3 I love those Santa, reindeer and christmas tree decorations.


  13. Wow these are so beautiful you've put so much effort into decorating them! This has definitely given me some ideas for Christmas ! :) xxxx

  14. These are SO adorable! My sis and I recently tried to make Christmas biscuits and they turned out awful. Might have to try buns instead! :D Wish we could get some of those cute toppers nearby. They're adorable. :)

    Sara Bloo xo

  15. These cupcakes look so cutee and delicious. If I was the one who bake them, they'd probably look horrible and taste so bad haha


  16. These cupcakes look so cute and delicious! This adorable post makes me hungry :))


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