2014: How You Changed Me

*I apologise for this being quite a 'wordy' post, but summing up all the changes this year is hard! :]

With the year drawing to a close, and the inevitable masses of 'New year, new me!' mantras popping up all over Facebook; I can't help but think about how I've already changed. I feel a world away from the girl (okay, woman..) I was at the start of the year. I didn't realise at the time, but 2014 was going to change a whole lot for me.

In January I was still in the same job I had been in for two years, which I hated. Okay, hate is a strong word to be honest. It was 'fine'. I had plenty of friends there, I was making alright money - and by that, I mean I was working all the hours under the sun to get by, with a little over. But it was a thousand miles from anything career wise I actually wanted to do. After almost ten years working in retail/customer service I was beginning to crack. I had less patience, I was grumpier, I couldn't laugh things off. To top it all off, there was one person in work making my life hell. I started getting seriously stressed out, my panic attacks became more frequent, and I was becoming a mere shadow of the easy going person I used to be. It's fair to say, by Feb/March I'd had enough. It was far too much, so I quit my job and decided I needed to look after myself. And then came the inevitable panic over quitting my job..

The next few months became quite miserable to be honest. I was looking for work constantly, up until 3am sometimes applying for jobs. I felt queasy all the time, and my panic attacks were still going strong despite seeking medical advice. To top it all off, being on benefits to support myself was absolutely awful. I don't think people realise how bad it is unless you've been in that situation, so let me quickly sum it up. Even if you are educated, qualified, experienced, desperate for work, obviously trying your hardest, and basically a stand up citizen; you will still be treated like utter shit by the job centre. Oh! And the biggest joke of all? They never once helped me in any way get a job. No advice, no job updates, NOTHING. Just a weekly patronizing tone and signature on a piece of paper, thanks. I regularly left the place almost in tears. I wanted a job so badly, and was treated like lazy, money grabbing scum. I'm sorry about my little rant here, I just need to put it in perspective for you all on how bad I felt.

Anyway.. I finally did find work for myself; temporary jobs here and there. And for the rest of the year, it was just a series of new starts in new places. But by this time, I had began blogging. I never expected much from it, other than creating a place to be myself and be creative. But a whole new world was opened up to me without warning! I found a whole new mass of friends who shared my hobbies and quirks, I was motivated to work on my Art again, I suddenly had something that took over my days/evenings, and something that inspired me to be me again. My confidence had taken a huge hit at the start of the year, but it was slowly coming back to me now. The biggest supporter of this was Gary, and he seen how positively it was changing me. 

As many of you know, we finally (after 3 and half years together) got our own place together last month, and we have been in our own little bubble since. It has felt amazing to build a home with the man I love, and make a space we can feel proud of. And Gary has continued to support me through everything, including trying to find a job somewhere I can really sink my teeth into. Somewhere that will inspire me, allow me to do something I'm passionate about and start building a career. 

..And that job has come! As of a few days ago; I managed to nab a position working for a website company handling their social media and digital applications. Basically a dream job for me! I still can't believe it. They have took a chance on me and allowed me to take the first step into this field of work, without any experience. Which is just so amazing. And the craziest part? It's all because of this blog. This little place here, these words on this page, my little home away from home. They were impressed with it, and appreciated the dedication I have put in to make it work and learn for myself. When they told me that, I was utterly blown away. I felt so proud of my little blog. And thankful for anyone who reads it. That means YOU.

Today as I publish this, it's Monday. My first official day at my new job. I'm so nervous. Big changes are going to happen. I don't know if I'm ready for it all.. But I'm gonna go with it anyway. After all, at the start of the year I had no job, I lived with my family still, I was miserable, and really ill. Today, I have an exciting new job, a lovely new home, a sweet/supportive/loving boyfriend, and new hopes. I can't wait for 2015, to see what else life will bring.

New year, new me? No thanks. This 'me' is working out just great. x

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  1. Ah what a lovely post! Totally know what you mean about being stuck in a rut at work.. knowing you're doing something you don't wana do day in, day out is a crappy feeling. Glad you managed to get the job you wanted! Hard work pays off :)

    Beth // Bethany Georgina

    1. Aww thanks so much Beth - although I'm sorry you understand the feeling! <3 x

  2. I know what you went through because I'm going through it at the minute! It is one of the worst places you could be in and they really make you feel like the crap on the bottom of their shoe, comparing you with the ones that just want money for their next drink. I may have only known you for a couple of months, Jemma, but you have easily become one of my blogging best friends and I don't know what I'd do without you! You are going to rock this job and have a brilliant time doing it!

    Don't forget...if you need a PA, I'm here! ;) hahhaa! xxxxx

    Dee | PromptsbyDee

    1. Dee you made me emosh! <3
      No but really, I know exactly what it's bloody like, and it breaks my heart! It really gets you down and Im always here if you need a chat or a moan! But I definitely understand! 2015 will bring you luck and happiness I just know it, - its karma! :)
      Thanks so much you little cutie! You're my Blogger BBF! Haha! :D xxx

  3. This was such a lovely read, it's amazing to hear how your life ha taken a turn for the best in the space of a year! I still haven't figured my life out yet and I dunno if I ever will have a career but you have inspired me that it is possible so here's to hoping 2015 will be the year for me. I wish you the very best for your new jobs and hope 2015 will be a great year for you x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Don't worry my life is full of imperfections, but I'm just being so grateful for the blessings I've had these past few months! There is definitely hope for anyone if there is for me! :) Thanks so much Alina, I wish you the happiest 2015 ever! <3 xx

  4. Wow congrats Jemma, you really deserve to be happy. Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you sweetie :)


    1. Aww thank you gorgeous! <3 And you, have the best year yet! :D xx

  5. This was a great post for me to read. You are a prime example of someone not giving up on their hopes and dreams. And look where that has gotten you? You have a new job which I am sure you are going to love. Your blog is excellent and you are so dedicated to it. It is quickly becoming one of my favourite blogs. I have to admit I am a little jealous of how fast it's growing and how successful it is. Well done :) I am so glad that blogging has grown your confidence. You seem like a down to earth person who deserves it. Also I really hope that you and Gary are having a wonderful time in your new house together. I am so glad that you got out of the job you despised because nobody deserves to be unhappy. Anyways I think I will end my small rant here. I am wishing you all the best for Christmas and the new year, you deserve it. Ellen. x


    1. I know I've told you this on Twitter but this commnet was so, so, so sweet! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and giving me such about feedback, full of positivity! Thank you for saying this is one of your favourite blogs too!! - That's amazing!! :D
      Wishing you all the love and luck for the new year! Merry Christmas! xxx

  6. lovely post! A massive congratulations for your job! I wish you all the best for the new year
    Amy x

    1. Aww and you too Amy! Thanks so much!! <3 xxx

  7. I'm so happy for you Jem! you absolutely deserve this! Here's to 2015! x

    1. THANKS DUDE!! <3 No more... 'That dog's gorra job!!!!' Hhahahahaa :D xxx

  8. Hooray and congratulations on the new job! Here's hoping 2015 is awesome for you x

    1. Aww thank you! Merry Christmas and wishing you all the best for the new year!! <3 xx

  9. What a lovely post! Amazing how the life can change in the space of a mere year! Congratulations on your new job and all the best for the New Year! x
    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. Thanks so much hunnie! It's so true - life can change so drastically! It's amazing :) Wishing you LOVELY Christmas and new year! :D All the best! xxx

  10. Absolutely fantastic post Jemma! You always know how to inspire me :D The mindset you were in earlier this year is my mindset at the minute about wanting a career, I'm so pleased it all worked out for you, it gives me hope that 2015 will be that moment for me too. Congratulations and I really wish you all the best! Have an amazing 2015 :D


    1. Aww thank you so much Kate! <3 I will keep my fingers crossed and wish that 2015 brings you so much joy and luck ^__^ Nothing lasts forever, as this post has shown - and bright times are ahead!
      Wishing you a lovely Christmas and new year darling!


  11. Congratulations! You deserve this so so much. I've just finished an 18 month apprenticeship doing social media and digital marketing at a PR agency and, as a blogger, it's a fantastic career to have :-) It's also extremely competitive so well done you - you'll be amazing! I'm so happy for you!

    Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year xxx

  12. Eeep, so much exciting news! Massive congratulations on the job lovely - here's to 2015! :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


  13. Wow - such a lovely heartfelt post Jemma. So happy to hear you have found a job that you love and that you got to it through your blog. Such an amazing connection and I hope it all turns out brilliantly for you. You certainly deserve it! Have a lovely Christmas hun :) x

    Brenda BusyBee | Makeup Revolution & Benefit Giveaway

  14. Congratulations! You should be so proud and it just goes to show how beneficial having a blog can be x

  15. What a wonderful post hun! 2015 is going to be amazing for you xxx

  16. I am so, so pleased for you! And glad you blog, because it really is a lovely blog :) Congratulations on your new role, you must be thrilled. I love how blogging can really help in applying and ultimately getting a job, you should be very proud! Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! x

  17. This was wonderful to read this Christmas Eve, Obvs not the stress and unemployment - part (i can relate) but the getting a job you wanted and being happy! yey!
    Merry Christmas

  18. Congratulations on your new job! Its amazing doing something you love, and you should be so proud of this blog for helping you get there! I hope 2015 is amazing for you :)
    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine


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