The Life Of An Internet Addict

It's 3:30pm and I'm buried under a cocoon of blankets on the sofa, laptop in prime position, my fingers tapping away as the afternoon light starts to dim a little. Another rainy, grey day in England, with the trees outside my window knocking and bustling into each other like early morning commuters. My hair a wild mess of green waves, quickly scooped up into a hair tie out of the way, a few rebellious strands escaping and framing my face. My eyes intent on the screen, lost in my own world for what only seems like a moment. I've been here since first thing in the morning. I've not eaten yet, unless you count the two or three crackers I've devoured almost unawares, before going back to typing again.

To any outsider, sure; I'm wasting my day.
But is living a huge part of my life online always a bad thing?

Obviously there's no substitute for putting down our phones or laptops, and actually getting up and doing something with our day. Technology will never replace real human interaction, or the physical and emotional benefits of being productive away from a screen. But there is still a hell of a lot of good in using these screens to our advantage.

I'd like to simply remind some people that my heavy use of technology isn't always wrong, and it doesn't mean I'm living a life less fulfilling than yours. Yes today it seems like I'm doing 'nothing' just sitting here on a laptop. But I've used these past few hours to GET SHIT DONE. I've written a monthly plan for all college work I need to complete; what assignments need to be done and how I'll do them. I've spent at least an hour replying to emails with various companies about business collaborations, for both personal and professional reasons. I've edited photographs and written pieces for three blog posts that are scheduled for this coming week. I've paid bills, I've ordered my weekly shopping and I've been designing something for a new project.

All in all, I've accomplished a lot today.
And yes, I even managed to fit in chatting on Twitter. This is just part one of my first day off for this bank holiday weekend. The rest of my afternoon/evening will now be spent doing chores, a quick workout, cooking and showering. Tomorrow I'm even venturing outside..

A little reminder not to feel too bad if you're glued to a screen all day; it doesn't mean you aren't busy/productive/doing awesome things. Just remember to eat/drink/talk to people/get fresh air every now and again yeah?

How much time do you spend online?

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  1. Whilst I've been off work I've been spending too much time online, but like you said, I'm being productive! It's just that to others it seems like I'm always on my laptop. This was such a beautifully written post!
    Rebecca | UK Lifestyle Blog xxx

  2. This is such a great post! You can totally be productive while being online ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  3. Yes you can be productive being on the screen all day! I can get soo much done if i sit down and just engage in the world of technology for an hour or two! Great post jemma! Xxx

    Anisha ♡

  4. I really liked the way this post was written. :)
    People probably spend too much time on the internet but yeah I guess you're right, there are advantages to it :)


  5. I spend far too much time online, but sometimes It's really productive, like doing uni work or blogging, I get stick for being on my laptop too much but if Im not on my laptop odds are I'm being unproductive!

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine

  6. This is exactly what happens with me all the time! And I study a degree in website and graphic design, so that just feeds my internet addiction and is what my excuse is haha! Great post, been loving your blog recently :)

    I'm a new blogger and I'd really appreciate it if you could check my blog out! I blog about beauty, fashion, decor, design, lifestyle... anything really!!!

  7. Love this! I sometimes beat myself up about being online all the time, but if I'm doing something productive - who cares?

    Cait x

  8. I spend a lot of time on the internet in the evenings and at the weekend, but that is mainly for blogging and that is my hobby, so I think that is a good enough excuse to not get out of my pj's and hide behind my laptop :P

    Pams Stuff and Things

  9. Great post. I'm always online, i think the only time im not online is when im asleep. Theres nothing for me to do so being online is my sanctuary.

  10. Can I just say I agree with you! I'm also allot on my laptop.. but I'm sure getting allot done! - Such a great post and I love how you've written the first part. I literally saw the whole scene in front of me, which is amazing!
    Jade x

  11. I love this post. I spend a lot of my time off online and people question me about it. They ask me how I'm interacting with people if I am stuck on the internet. Mo will play his video games while I work on the computer and I try to get a lot done while I'm on here. I spend time blogging, editing photos, working on my photography business, and trying to build my blogging community. I spend time networking with other individuals on the inter webs and trying to make new friends!
    I love that you wrote this post!
    Love, Jenn

  12. For someone who can't get out a lot, the internet is the best thing that ever happened to me. I can talk to bloggers, friends and others with chronic illnesses with a few clicks. Yes a lot of my community and friends are online but I honestly don't care, I know that no matter what these people will have my back even though they're not "real life" friends. Thank you so much for writing this.

  13. Such a great post! I completely agree, but then at the same time I get very easily distracted on the internet, so my bank holiday Saturday has gone from a potentially productive day to binge watching Netflix haha! Not that that's a bad thing every once in a while!


  14. This is great! I spend way too much time online too.. But in my opinion if you're doing productive things there's nothing wrong with it! Yes, the internet is a big time waster, but it can also help you learn and achieve amazing things! Look at all these full time bloggers and freelancers, this is how they got their jobs! (and tbh they're my biggest inspirations)

  15. This is a brilliant reminder to people who do exactly that- and get a bad rep from it. I always have my phone in my hand to most people but I also bake alot, exercise and work damn hard in both studying and actual work. Its one of those of the balances that people dont always understand.

  16. I definitely can recognize it! I spend a lot of time online too - although being less productive than you probably - but I enjoy it. I'm doing great in school, I still hang out with friends, so what's the big deal? And wasn't it John Lennon who said 'time you've enjoyed wasting, wasn't wasted' or something along those lines? *drops the mic*

  17. An interesting post! I'm definately an Internet addict, however recently I've been trying to break away from it a bit more, and I have to say I've been so much more relaxed. Don't get me wrong I love time online and could spent a whole weekend glued to my laptop but sometimes I just don't know where to stop, my brain craves information, blog posts, twitter chats... just endless amounts of data, you can't keep up with it all and it starts to become stressful.. time to chill and think about nothing is so important too and I've been trying to do just that.

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches

  18. I love this. I think "internet addicts" inaccurately get a bad name. I spend most of my free time on the internet, but as you mentioned here, that doesn't mean that I'm doing anything. Sure, there's plenty of time that I spend reading about celebrities or commenting on stupid articles, but I also fit a lot of productivity in there.

    Internet addicts unite!

  19. LOL people inside the house tell me I spend waayyyy too much time on the internet. What they don't realize is that I'm not using the internet for leisure 70% of the time. :(

    Life With Antlers

  20. Kris and I have chats about this kind of thing all the time! We are big internet users, Kris is a massive technology fan and sine I met him, well I think it's pretty normal for us to become internet people. Before I met him I didn't think I spent too much time online, but that's probably not true.

    I've come to the conclusion that as long as we are happy, I don't really care if other people think I'm wasting my time on the computer. I don't even care if I'm not being productive and the only thing I have done is read blogs, watch some TV and looked up hamster toys... these days happen. Other days, like yesterday, I spent all day putting together blog posts, the same as Friday and a little today as well. I also spend a lot of time online for work too so there's no escaping it.

    For me though, being online definitely replaces some of the human interaction in my life, and I'm glad of that, I don't really enjoy socialising with people so I'm happy to just get my socialising online :)

  21. I agree! I must say though that I do feel really guilty and like a bit of a saddo when I'm online a lot, even if I am being productive :(

  22. I'm definitely an internet addict. In fact I'm currently at my parents' house using their Wi-Fi because I have moved into a new flat and don't have any yet and have been having some serious internet withdrawal symptoms!

  23. I loved this! The first part was like a story, you should write like that more often, it's awesome! As for technology, I spend 7 hours, 5 days a week sat in front of a computer, then the rest of the time on my phone. Technology and the internet has its good bits and bad bits, it can be absolutely wonderful for productivity and online shopping. However, it can be quite draining so I make sure I get some time away from the screen too!xx


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