A Guide To Tweetdeck

Tweetdeck is a desktop app you can use to basically organise and control your whole Twitter account in one place. You'd think Twitter would actually be the place to do this right? But Tweetdeck has so much more than Twitter in some ways! After mentioning a few times in blog chats that I use Tweetdeck, I've been inundated with questions regarding the different functions it has, and I realised it'd be easier to answer in a full blog post.

Whether you choose to schedule tweets or not is totally up to you, I myself find it massively helpful. I work full time and there is no way I would have the time to remind people of my new posts otherwise. Each night, I schedule some tweets for the following day. I'll have a couple every few hours letting people know of the days new post, a couple sharing my bloglovin link, and maybe one or two linking to an older post (or something from the past week or so).
If you aren't sure how to schedule tweets for a post that hasn't gone live yet, let me show you quickly. In the screenshot below, you can see this post as it is right now (Sorry I use blogger so this part is only helpful to Blogger users!).

You see that option to the right that says 'Permalink'? It has a link underneath it; this is the link to your post. If you tweet it out to people before you publish it, or before it's scheduled to go out; they still wont be able to see it. But copy this link before you finish editing your post, because you'll need this to schedule tweets. Once I have that link, I use it to schedule my tweets for whenever the post is going live.

For example, this post will go live Tuesday at 8am. So I'm going to schedule a tweet at 8:02am Tuesday with the link, to let people know it's up. I always do it a moment after it is scheduled to go live on the blog, just to be sure I've given it a minute to get posted before I start tweeting it.

Right, so anyway, back to scheduling. In Tweetdeck you can create a tweet with images and links, and schedule as many as you like, as far ahead as you like. Just be sure not to make any two tweets exactly the same, or they won't publish - Twitter doesn't like that.
tweetdeck guide
1. Write out your tweet, including links or any @mentions you'd like included.
2. Choose the exact time you want the tweet to go out.
3. Choose the date you'd like the tweet to go out.


Organising Everything
If you're like me, you'll love this part of the app more than anything. I love to keep track of certain groups of people, specific hashtags, or just anything I don't want getting lost in my general feed. Tweetdeck allows you to create columns for all of the things you might want 'organised' in their own feed. At the moment, I have 7 columns. Home (my full Twitter feed), Notifications, Scheduled Tweets, Fave people, #lbloggers, #crazybloggers, #bdib. 
So you can see it's a nice way of me keeping tabs on everything.

So make a column for specific people, all you have to do is click the plus sign (+) on the far left hand side of Tweetdeck, click 'Lists' and add the user(s) you want to their own handy list. I like to add a load of favourite in their own column, to be sure I'm keeping up with them :)
To make a column for specific hashtags, click the plus sign again, click 'Search' and type in the hashtag of your choice. You can also break this down by only viewing tweets with images within this hashtag for example, or only viewing specific users in this hashtag, etc. The list goes on and on! You can really be specific and make this tool work for you. Then simply click 'Add Column' at the bottom, and viola! Your chosen hashtag now has it's own organised column updating constantly for you.

Using the column feature for specific hashtags as mentioned above, is SO HELPFUL when it comes to blog chats. You can move all your columns around, and when a chat is due to start I always make sure I can see my column for the hashtag, my notifications, and a column just for the host themselves. That way I'm using one screen to view the questions, everyone's responses and my own notifications. Perfect! On busier chats, the feed can whiz by so quickly; but I still find I catch more doing this than doing it my old way - before Tweetdeck I used to have like 3/4 different tabs open in my browser and constantly have to refresh them; it was hell.

There is even more I could go into for using Tweetdeck, but even just tackling the basics has made this a pretty long post already! I honestly think everyone should give it a go because I think it's bloody brilliant. I'd never use Buffer or Hootsuite again to be honest. And did I mention you can control multiple Twitter accounts at once with this baby? 

Download it here if you fancy giving it a go.

Let me know what you think, and I hope this helps some of you!

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  1. I've used Tweetdeck for years - I miss their app though. I love how you can have all the columns of different hashtags - so easy to follow chats that way :)

    John ¦ Shout John

  2. I never knew this existed - how amazing is this?! ai am definitely going to be using this - It seems like it will make me a heck of a lot more organised x thanks for sharing


  3. Oooh I didn't know about the favourite people thing - I'll need to give that a go! I'd fallen out with Tweetdeck for a while because it had been quite glitchy for me but since the recent update it's been fine, I just need to get back in to the habit of using it again xx

    Charlotte / Colours & Carousels

  4. I use Tweetdeck but never thought about having columns for chats. Such a good idea, thanks!
    Laura x FloraLoo Two

  5. I love Tweetdeck so much! I have a column for my faves too, because I end up using them as a bit of a bookmarks system for tweets I see and don't have time to read, say if they tweet a link.

  6. ooo i did not know Tweetdeck could do that where you can organise in each column! i use hootsuite which is good for on the go as its an app on my phone but im totally going to be downloading tweetdeck! Thanks Jemma! xxx

    Anisha ♥ All You Need Is Red Lipstick

  7. I'm not a huge fan of tweetdeck, always preferring Hootsuite. but they are really clever for keeping an eye on chats and streaming different topics to make it easier. Twitter can lose a lot of important info otherwise!

  8. This is so helpful thank you! I am definitely going to be taking a look at it!

    Kariss x

  9. uuuh thanks for this sweetie! :) Can't wait to try it!

  10. Theres a lot to get your head round, im going to give it a go =]


  11. I started looking into Tweetdeck last week...I might give it a try because it sounds fab! :D xx

  12. I find Tweetdeck a lot easier and accessible than Hootsuite plus it allows you to send and show pictures with your scheduled Tweet. I usually have a scheduling plan and then it takes me ages to get it all into the system. I barely use the other functions of Tweetdeck though I need to sit own one afternoon to fully explore it. Hope you're well and we'll speak soon xxx

    Caz | Lunch Break Adventures

  13. These are SUCH helpful tips! Thank you! I didn't know you could do so much on tweetdeck!
    Sarah xx

  14. I love the idea of this app. I hate when you look at Twitter, and you've read like 3 posts and its already telling you there's 50 new ones! Think the organisation on this would be great, would definitely help me not to miss anything lol. Thanks for the tips!

    Debbie :)

  15. I normally use Postcron for all my social media but this looks way better! Thanks for sharing!! :D

  16. Hi Sweetie! I have been using Tweet Deck since you mentioned it to me in a email several months ago. I didn't know about the permalink bit though so thanks for that <3 xx


  17. God bless TweetDeck! Without scheduled tweets and columns we'd all be buried under an avalanche of information-overload. Ah, such are social-media-addict problems. x

    Jasiminne | Posh, Broke, & Bored

    1. ...also, I meant to say: Without scheduled tweets I'd actually have to wake up AT A DECENT TIME (i.e. at 8am, which is typically 3 hours after I publish a blog post - I'm nocturnal, k?) to push my posts on Twitter. Thank you, Tweetdeck, for keeping me in bed! x

      Jasiminne | Posh, Broke, & Bored

  18. Great stuff, will give it a whirl x

  19. What a great post! This is really helpful, thank you for sharing ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  20. I've been wondering the past few days how to schedule tweets for posts that haven't gone live yet, thank you SO much, now I can schedule tweets days in advance! :) x

  21. I love tweetdeck and always have it open. I've got two twitter accounts so it's a fab way of keeping track of both of them at once

  22. I'm working 35 or more hours 5 days a weeks, so I will be downloading this! Seem so so helpful x

  23. This is such a helpful post! I've been using (and complaining about) Hootsuite, but Tweetdeck looks soooo much easier :) x



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