Being Fierce

This week has seen my anxiety pull me under and almost drown me for the first time in around a year. Anxiety is a struggle that I battle with, and mostly overcome. A lot of the time I'm treading water, and it's hard, but I can see the shore. This week left me gasping for breath and scrambling more than I'd like to go into though. And quite frankly, I've had enough. Anxiety, you are a cruel bitch whose shit I'm not willing to put up with anymore.

Of course, I'm not saying there's a choice. Please; anyone else who suffers, do not be offended by my attitude right now. I'm simply saying that I'm choosing to be FIERCE. I'm going to push through this with all the power I can muster, and I'm gonna come out the other side stronger. I'm determined to not let this be the defining factor in who I am. I'm going to be the girl who makes you laugh, the girl who chases her dreams, the girl who isn't afraid and the girl who also, sometimes, feels anxious... and that's okay.

There are going to be hard times again, of course. But I promise myself I will concentrate on the good throughout it. I'm not going to feel like a failure, or a freak, and I'm not going to worry about what other people think. I'm going to remember this moment, and how I got through it.

I'm going to be fierce.

*There are hundreds of ways you can deal with anxiety, and I fully recommend always consulting with your doctor about this.

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  1. I needed this post! As someone who also suffers from anxiety, I know exactly what you mean in this post. It's not always easy to break the vicious cycle of anxiousness and worry, but having a positive attitude can sometimes be a great help. It's hard to muster, but it is possible x

  2. I suffer anxiety but this last.few months I really haven't been a bad and I think that's because I have started trying really hard to think more positively. I still occasionally have my hard days but at the moment I think I am on top of it more or less. Often reminding myself that something will not be as bad as I think since I got through a similar experience helps. Well done Jemma, good on you for.choosing to be fierce! I hope you can come back to this post in the future and feel even more proud of yourself!
    Rebecca | The.Two.Twenty Somethings

  3. Proud of you Hun. Xxx
    Love Vicki | victoriajanex

  4. Aww lovely I'm so sorry you've been feeling this way but so proud of you for fighting through it! You are a wonderful person you can do this! I struggle a lot with my anxiety & depression and I'm just not the person I used to be anymore so I decided to buy a cute little journal & start to write some positive things about each day in the hope that it'll help...I haven't got round to it yet but I'll keep you posted haha :) you will overcome this lovely you are amazing ♡

    Love Claire xx

  5. Jemma, you've helped me before with my anxiety and you encouraged me to talk about it more openly. Fighting with it is the only right way in my opinion xx


  6. You're one of the bravest and most inspiration people I know! I only know half of the bad things you have been through and so many people would not have come out the way you have! one of my favourite quotes - ' if you're going through hell, keep going' - winston churchill :)

  7. This is wonderful Jemma. I've been really struggling these past few months and it helps so much to read about other people's bravery and courage. Go Jemma!! I will be rooting for you xx

  8. Tell me about it dude. I had a panic attack today when every single Scout, Brownie, Rainbow and RAF cadets group came marching towards me drumming and glockenspieling while I tried to get home. I completely lost it.
    I should try this fierce thing. *hugs*

  9. Proud of your strength to write this x

    Paige | Paige Says

  10. I really hope you start feeling better soon Jemma! I know all too well this daily struggle and sometimes simply saying to yourself, "Today I'm going to be happy." can make all the difference. I needed to see this post today and you've inspired me to carry on fighting back against stress and worry, because ultimately, you're the one in control and it can be beaten. I really hope you're feeling brighter soon and you are completely right in that it is OK to not feel OK - we don't have to be smiley all the time. Sending you lots of love! - Tasha

  11. I love this post, it is so honest and emotional, you are a wonderful person and I am so glad I've got the chance to get to know you. Keep strong xx

  12. I hope that everything goes well! I totally understand, anxiety is a huge problem for me as well ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  13. Yes! This is so good! I have anxiety issues too and it's so hard to not get pulled under by it at times. I get surprised how quickly I can go from being ok for awhile, to being an absolute mess. Wishing you the best, and calm thoughts and feels.

    I write about my anxiety disorder a lot on my blog, not sure if reading would help, but you aren't alone. My blog is

    xo, C

  14. Good on you for being brave enough to write this post. Wishing you all the luck in the world to beat this,

  15. Love this post =]

  16. You are Fierce and will overcome this! power to you!! xxx

    Anisha ♥ All You Need Is Red Lipstick

  17. Loving this post! So proud of you, sweetheart for writing and posting this! xxx

  18. Such an inspiring post. I always suffer from crippling anxiety, it's stopped me from working for a little while. This has cheered me up! Well done you <3


  19. Such an inspiring post. I always suffer from crippling anxiety, it's stopped me from working for a little while. This has cheered me up! Well done you <3


  20. Anxiety rules my life at times and it's awful, it has stopped me from doing things I love. But I am getting better I think, I have good days and bad, we should all help each other out!


  21. Feeling very inspired here, your posts always have that effect on me :D thanks for sharing!


  22. Anxiety has started to play up with me in a new job and not so nice co-workers, and I needed to read this post <3 x

  23. Well done you huni!

    Rach //

  24. Good for you! Sometimes we just have to be strong.


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