Midweek Musings

Pineapple lipbalm with pretty pink hearts

Hello you little beauties! Hope this week is treating you well so far. I'm having a very busy one, but it's going well so far. Actually, today is my last day in work, then I'm off for 5 days, yay! I have a whole 5 days off to myself, and I feel spoiled. It's my little treat to myself since it's my birthday tomorrow. I'll be having a lovely chilled few days with Gary, seeing family, and catching up with blogging. I have so many blog posts I want to get done over the next few days, but I've had no time so far this past week. Usually I post almost everyday, but this week might only be three. I say 'only', but I know that's still a lot! I'm just used to posting more, my caffeine induced self usually whips out posts left right and center. 

I thought I'd just do a little chatty, catch up post and share what's new in the world of Dorkface :]

Well after mentioning in a chat a few nights ago that I really wanted to try be healthier, a few lovely people on Twitter sent me messages of encouragement and it really gave me the boost I needed. I won't go into all sorts of details, but I will say I have eaten a lot better, made better nutritional choices and paid attention to the amount of exercise I'm getting. All small steps, but they feel like a miracle. I even declined birthday cake in the office a few days ago; madness! I hope I can keep it up. I'd love to lose weight, but I have to be honest it's not even the reason I'm doing it. I've come to love myself and accept myself more than ever this past year. I still have bad moments of hate and doubt, but they are much rarer. No, I'm doing this to feel healthier. I want to be kinder to my body and treat it with love. So wish me luck with this?

Handmade jewellery

Last weekend I hopped on the train to Manchester to attend the Bloggers Market with a few friends and fellow bloggers. I realised as I was one stop away from Manchester that I did not know the address, I hadn't a clue where I was going or how to get there. Honestly that just sums me up in a nutshell; literally no preparation! I quickly found the hashtag on Twitter, scouted out the Facebook page, got the event details I needed and used Google maps as my guide.
Eventually I got there and it was so much fun! Lots of people were selling crafts, clothing and various creations, including two personal friends of mine. Nia who makes all her own jewellery for Peace, Love, Free Spirit, and Laura who was a whole bundle of creations including this awesome quoted frame I've had so many compliments on. She can do customised quotes with beautiful designs by the way, so drop her a message if you'd like one.

Framed Art quotes

I also finally got my Burberry Kisses lipsticks in the post this week, I'm so happy! They are adorable, pretty as hell, and so moisturising. I got two because I'm super cheeky and made Gary get one too (hehe). I went for the Nude Pink and Military Red which are both amazing. I'll definitely be investing in the full size ones soon.

Burberry Kisses Lipsticks Nude Pink Military Red

The rest of this week has mainly been taken up by work; and plenty of it. My job is fascinating and I love it, but it really does take up all of my energy sometimes. I get home at around 6:20pm and just  barely keep myself awake for a few hours. Hence this week not having as many posts on the blog this week. But as I said, I have a few days off where I'll get back in the swing of things. I'm excited about my birthday because, well... I love birthdays! But I'm not thrilled about the idea of being 27 at all. I honestly still feel like I'm 19 years old. In fact, that's what we'll go with okay? I'm 19 again! Yay!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week, let me know what you've been getting up to?

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  1. Those Burberry minis are just too adorable.
    Happy birthday in advance. 27 is a great age, you've still a few to go until your 30's which everyone seems to fret over but really, I felt no difference :)
    The bloggers market looks like great fun, I'm loving those framed prints.

    Gill xx EyelinerFlicks

  2. The bloggers market event sounds like a fantastic idea, shame that there is nothing on like this in the South :)
    I love my Burberry mini, too cute and great for the handbag. Good luck with trying to get healthier, it does get easier but it is not easy (if you see what I mean) I am still trying to get there but I now love going to the gym...weird or what :P

    Pams Stuff and Things

  3. love the framed quotes, they look amazing! Something that would be a great addition to my home!


  4. So jeal of 5 days off! Hope you have an awesome time. I'm trying to do the healthy thing at the moment but this week hasn't been the best! But hopefully back on the bandwagon now! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

  5. Enjoy your time off and I hope you have an amazing birthday tomorrow! I really do love that printed quote you got, I will definitely be looking at the rest of her work, it's such a good thing to discover smaller businesses and people selling pretty artwork like this. - Tasha

  6. It sounds like you had a great week so far! And congrats on your goal to be healthier, and good luck, too! ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  7. Oooh those rings are very cute! Nothing like work to suck away time, but at least you are enjoying it!


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