Open For Business

It's gotten to the point where a fire has lit up inside me, and the fierce desires to follow my passions are scratching their way to the surface, unyielding. I've mentioned before how important blogging has become to me (here), and that's because it fuses so many of my passions into one outlet in a way that makes me happy. It's brought me some amazing opportunities so far, and I've found myself wishing I could push things further and really testing the waters to see what I can make of myself. 

And then I realised; why am I sitting around wishing for things to just happen to me? Are things just magically going to get better? Well, maybe... Some people are lucky like that. But, do I really want to leave it all in the hands of luck? Certainly not. The last time I took a big chance, I really didn't believe anything would come of it, but I was proven wrong. It's taught me I should just go for things anyway, you never quite know when magic will strike! But you do actually have to go for things, to strive, to try.

So here I am, I'm going to try. If I fall, which I may; well that's just fine.

I've decided to really push myself in various ways to to get a little bit closer to my dreams. I'm doing this creatively, professionally and bravely. 
Creatively; I've opened up an Etsy store. This is going to be where I put all my creations and crafty adventures for sale. I hope someone out there will like something I do, and believe in me enough to buy a little piece of me one day. I'll keep adding to this, so you should keep checking back! 

Professionally; I'm doing a variety of things. I'm now offering my design services, and this is something not just for fun or creativity, but to actually put my Art  and Design education to good use. If you fancy a new blog header or button, I'm your gal! I'm offering custom blog headers for only £16, and new blog buttons for just £4. You can see a header I designed recently for the lovely Aymie below, and a blog button for Dee.

I'm also doing custom illustrations, if anyone would ever want a portrait of themselves doing, or perhaps one for someone else as a gift. I'm really keen to push myself and my work to the best of my capabilities, and would love new challenges.

I'm also branching out into freelance Social Media Management. This is something that terrifies me, which bring me to how I believe I'm being brave. It's actually what I do full time for my job at the moment, but I want to venture out into freelance work for myself, as that would give me more freedom to work on my Art/Designs and professional brand. I'm skilled and knowledgeable in social management on a professional level, but learning how to do this for myself will be an experience, I'm sure. I already have a small business lined up as my first client, which I am doing on a temporary trial basis for free, just so I can start off my freelance portfolio with a bang. I'm excited to start this adventure and take a risk in going for my dreams to be honest! Wish me luck.

And as always, I'm going to be here. I'm going to be typing away on this blog and spilling my guts to you guys, in the hopes that someone out there will care what I have to say and support me. Every time someone reads my posts, leaves me a nice comment or just generally takes an interest in my life; it baffles me a little. In the best way possible of course! So thank you.

So here's the bit I ask for your support, you lovely people behind those screens. Send me your positive vibes, buy a piece of my artwork, hire me for a custom design for your blog, book an advertising spot with me, suggest ways in which I can improve, recommend someone to my services, keep up with my adventures, or simply wish good thoughts my way? I know, all of those a big asks of you. I appreciate that. But I have to ask, because going for your dreams means not holding back. It means being brave and not worrying about falling flat on your face. It means sending out positive thoughts into the universe, and just praying some come right back to you.

Or, it means getting lucky. But guys... I have terrible luck to be honest.
Let's stick with working hard and chasing those dreams like your life depends on it, eh?

I love you all xo

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  1. This is so exciting! Good luck with everything, I've always wanted to do a creative job so you've really inspired me, although I'm not sure I'm brave enough just yet haha! Looking forward to seeing what adventures come your way :) xx

  2. Good Luck Jemma! I wish you nothing but success and happiness! ♥♥♥ xxx

    Anisha ♥ All You Need Is Red Lipstickl

  3. This is so great! Congratulations, I'm so proud of you!! I'm in the same position as you at the moment, just trying to start up a business so I don't have to work in jobs I hate anymore. I just want to be free!
    I know you will go really far, not just because of your art and designs, but also because of your positive attitude and determination, I have no doubt that you will make a success of this :)
    Emily xx
    Emily May Designs

  4. Eeek! How exciting! I'm a firm believer that good things come to those who work their asses off so the very best of luck to you, although I'm sure everything will go perfectly! I've only recently discovered your blog (we have Twitter chats to thank for that ;) hehe) but can already see what a passionate person you are and I look forward to following you on your journey! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  5. Eeeek this is awesome!! :D well done you!!! I really don't think there's such a thing as "just good luck". Everyone who we think has had a lucky break has always turned out to be working their butts off behind-the-scenes for years, so that's definitely the way forward! :)

    All the best lovely one!! <3 xxx

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle Blog

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jemma you are so positive and creative such a go getter it really is inspiring! I feel proud of you for everything you are doing and wanting to try different things. I'm really not so motivated & this is wonderful! Good luck on all your ventures sweetie :) I know your passion and enthusiasm will totally shine through! You are such a wonderful person ♡

    Love Claire xx

  8. Good luck with all your projects, sounds amazing what you want to do xx

  9. Big congratulations to you, I hope all of your projects are successful! I love design as well, I'm thinking of switching my career path to that. All the love x

  10. The world is your oyster lovely lady and you deserve all the luck you can get. Your designs are amazing and I really hope you get lots of interest in them because they need to be seen everywhere! Big hugs lovely.

    Amy xo

  11. You deserve all the luck in the world, Jemma! You are the sweetest, kindest and craziest lady I know and I love it! You always let me natter on and you made the best button!! I'm so proud that you're taking such a big step!! xxx

    Dee | PromptsbyDee

  12. Good luck :D you've inspired me to start doing something too and stop waiting :) I hope everything works out brilliantly for you


  13. Good for you following your dreams! I picked up a paint brush for the first time in 10 years this week and it feels so good to be creative again. I hope the business is a success!

  14. Good luck! I'm sure you'll be brilliant!
    Debs xx

  15. Oh my, good luck! Would love to get an illustration, your drawings are awesome!! xx

  16. I can't even explain how inspired you've made me feel! So proud of you for chasing your dream and fully going for it - and now I really want to do the same!

    Also, I'm so buying something from your etsy sometime soon!

    Hazel xx

  17. Congrats on following your dreams! I'm a strong believer that passion and hard work is always rewarded by the universe in some karmic way, and it's clear that you put time and effort into what you do, and that you love doing it.

    All the best :) x

    | euhnella |

  18. Well done you! I know how much courage and confidence it takes to make a change to try and better yourself/follow your dreams and I'm so proud of you for doing all of this! Really good luck on your freelancing and designing!


  19. Best of luck in all you do, Jemma, and as soon as I can afford it, I'll be asking a blog header of you :) x

  20. Good luck with your new ventures!

  21. Your shop looks great! Good luck!
    Hattie //

  22. Congratulations on opening your store!!

  23. This is so exciting, I'm so happy for you! I'll definitely check out your etsy store ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon


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