“The Only Questions That Really Matter Are The Ones You Ask Yourself.”

frame with inspirational quote and kitten
*Frame/Artwork from Laura, who is taking custom requests.

..With that in mind, coupled with the fact that it's my birthday this week (Thursday!), I decided this would be an easy, getting to know me post. I might even learn a little more about myself too. I've taken questions from a bunch of posts I've been tagged in recently to answer, and I'm doing them all at once here. Feel free to answer them yourself. For now sit back, relax, and let's delve into my curious mind... 

1. What song do you think best describes you? Start with a hard one or what.. Umm. 'All Of This' by Blink 182 & Robert Smith has always been one of my favourite songs and I feel like I can relate to a lot. But describes me? Who knows... Baby Got Back???!
2. If you could choose any celeb to be a blogger, who would you choose and why? Kristen Stewart, because I admire her so much and she's so introverted. I love that about her, but it'd be lovely to read her words and get into her head a little.
3. What is your favourite word? Dude.
4. Did you ever have an imaginary friend? Nope. I'd say I was far too imaginative for that junk.
5. What TV series would you recommend to someone new? Dexter. It's always been one of my favourite shows of all time, and it's just beautiful and haunting ...and addictive.
6. What is your biggest regret in life? Allowing someone else to make me feel inferior. It happened only once, and almost ruined me. Never again.
7. If you could work with a particular brand, who would it be and why? I'd love to work with Benefit, Jeffree Star, Little Moose, Oliver Bonas, or just anyone fun/colourful/interesting :)
8. Do you believe in ghosts? Umm.. no. I don't think so.
9. What is your favourite type of weather? I like rainy days actually.
10. Would you rather be a bear or a wolf? A wolf for sure.
11. What’s your favorite way to spend your free time when you’re alone? Listening to music, reading crime thrillers or blogging. All of these while browsing Twitter...
12. What’s your favorite movie? Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. Always. But these are good too.
13. Did you like School/College/University? School was good enough, I was pretty happy. College was awesome, best time of my life, University was awful.
14. Biggest secret? Things I'd never share with anyone!
15. How many times have you been in love? Twice.. Maybe three times. I think more likely three. It's hard to tell... Confusing.
16. The most important qualities in a person? Kindness, Understanding, Humour.

17. Is there anything you wish you could tell someone? I'm so proud of you.
18. Google your star sign & paste what it says about you?
 'Aries tend to venture out into the world and leave impressions on others that they are exciting, vibrant and talkative. Aries tend to live adventurous lives and like to be the center of attention. Sometimes an Aries woman’s sense of humour will be a little too sharp for others around her and she will be viewed as being “bitch” or sarcastic.'
19. Is it right? Haha, I do think I'm very talkative and upbeat, and I like adventure! But I don't think I'm overly sarcastic or sharp with my humour.. I hope!
20. How do you feel right now? Relaxed, and looking forward to the end of the week.

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  1. Aww such a great post! And a great way to get to know you! Xxx

    Anisha ♥ www.allyouneedisredlipstick.com

  2. I like rainy days too ... when I was at uni I had a flat with those big windows and window seats and (as I was in Scotland) it rained alot so I used to sit and watch the world go by on the window seat and I loved watching it rain.

  3. This is such a fun way to do a few tags at once! Love posts like these :) xx


  4. What a great post! I love your photo, too ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  5. I always recommend Dexter to people, although given the crappy ending, I also recommend they turn the show off when the screen goes dark and you think it should end and don't watch the last 20 seconds!


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