

*None of these images are my own. All found on Tumblr.

Doing: Not much. Lying in bed, browsing blogs making a to-do list for tomorrow.
Reading: Jon Ronson 'So You've Been Publicly Shamed' - it's fucking amazing. So interesting and horrific and scary and wonderful.
Loving: This book. Luna keeping me company while Gary works nights. The 'Deep Focus' Spotify playlist. Haribo. Pineapple bed sheets. Instagram browsing.
Hating: That I don't get paid to write/blog/create. That I'm almost 27.
Wishing: I was a little more motivated for certain things. That weekends were longer.
Wondering: About fear; the positives and the negatives. How far I've come. If I'll ever see some people again.
Planning: Tomorrow; it'll be a crafty/creative/productive day for sure.
Appreciating: Everyone who leaves me sweet comments, or tweet me saying they like my blog. Sounds silly and insignificant, but it's really not. Thank you for giving my soul a place to roam.

I'm feeling pretty nice right now. Sort of in this relaxed, creative, empowering, inspired mood. The kind where I'm not putting pressure on myself for once and I'm just appreciating the moment and all I have.

Speaking of appreciation, I'd like to say a little thank you here to anyone who follows this blog, visits often and takes an interest in this passion of mine. It dragged me up from the ground when I was at my lowest, and it keeps pushing me to be better and better. Knowing that I can write and someone, somewhere, is going to read it; it's powerful. Thank you.

I hope you all have a great Easter Sunday; if that's your thing. Otherwise just enjoy your day :)

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  1. Happy Easter, lovely. Keep trucking on with creating and one day your dream to write for a living will happen, I'm sure. and I'm nearly 27 too so we're all in it together!

  2. This is a lovely, sweet post. Have a lovely Easter 😊😊🐇

  3. Happy Easter!
    I'm with you on the Hating & Wishing.
    Rubi | Instagram | The Den |

  4. Such a lovely, sweet post!
    Reading your plans made me want to get up and be creative too!
    And seeing your appreciations made me realise how much I should be appreciative of too!
    Thanks for sharing lovely!


  5. Hope you had a lovely Easter! Keep smiling! Xxx

    Anisha ♡

  6. What a lovely post! And those are the best type of moods ♥
    Happy Easter!
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  7. Happy Easter to you Jemma! These pictures are so dreamy. I can completely relate to that feeling of wondering you've got - sometimes it all gets a bit much! I will always endeavour to come and comment on your blog, even though I often fall short of regularly doing it, because I love your posts, they're always colourful, thoughtful and interesting! - Tasha

  8. Great post =]

  9. As always a wonderful blog post Jemma! I love your blog and how cute and inspirational it is and glad that it makes you feel good to know people are supporting! Keep it up!

  10. Spotify playlists are amazing! Not so much Deep Focus, more like Rock Right Now, but still good :)

    Happy Monday!


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