Beating The Sunday Blues

Let me talk you through a quick scenario; It's about 8pm, you've had a nice day, you've got a few more hours to kill before bed, yet you're wasting it feeling miserable and there's a small feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. It's Sunday night. - Sound familiar?

This is me every single Sunday evening, until recently. I've always made the most of the weekend and seen Mondays as a hellish ordeal to try and get through as quickly as possible. Which means every Sunday night feels like the time for fun has come to an end, and I have to get back to all my responsibilities. I wanted to change this as much as possible, and I've managed to make things a lot easier for myself recently. I thought I'd share some of these tips with you guys, in case any of you suffer from the Sunday blues too!

1. Give yourself something to look forward to: Gary and I have started a new routine which has really helped me feel more positive about Mondays (and weekdays in general). We now have a plan which means every Monday after I get home from work, we have a movie night with snacks and pamper ourselves. Okay, I pamper. Gary just goes along to cheer me up (he's a good'un I know) and it really works! I now get through Mondays knowing we're gonna have an awesome night together doing something special. It's a great start to the week.

2. Plan and organise: Okay, admittedly part of the feeling of dread is because all my responsibilities seem to come crashing down on me Sunday night/Monday morning, and I don't have to let it happen. It sounds boring, and I guess it is a little; but getting everything prepared and not leaving anything until last minute really helps. Got a deadline to meet? Start planning it out into steps and feel accomplished when you start it early, even if it's a very small step. Big day coming up? Plan your outfit, your bag with everything you'll need, and even your lunch (if you take your own). Knowing you've prepared will make it a little less daunting.

3. Midweek treat: A little like number 1, but for the middle of the week. Don't make weekends the only time for fun, spontaneity and freedom. Go out after work, even just for an hour! See a film, buy that dress you wanted, or even just catch up with a friend. Make sure fun is always sprinkled throughout your week and it won't feel so monotonous. 

4. Make a change: Is it possible for you to do something completely different sometime this week? Learn something new, find a new hobby, make an effort with a new friend, go somewhere you've not been before. When you look back on your week, you'll feel really satisfied with using your time so well.

5. Make someone else feel good: It's the easiest way to cheer yourself up, and you're killing two birds with one stone - Oh god I hate that saying, it's awful isn't it?! Please don't kill birds! - But doing something for someone else will instantly lift your own mood. Send someone you care about a handwritten letter; it's one of the nicest things these days in a world of emails and texts. Check in with friends you haven't seen in a while, arrange a date with them. Live with your other half? Make them their favourite meal and run them a bath. It can be so simple and easy to give you both a smile :)

6. Recognise it for what it is: Sometimes I can make myself feel awful and I won't even know why. But if I remind myself this happens most Sundays and I'm probably overreacting, it really helps. Talking myself down makes me see how silly I was for feeling so bad. These feelings are valid and real, but recognising that they're simply an effect of small troubles that I can conquer through these steps, makes all the difference. 

I know not everyone works Monday to Friday or is in this sort of routine at all, but you can apply this to whatever day suits you best. I hope this helps someone else like it has helped me. Let me know what you think?

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  1. I have felt like this but decided to work 3 days a week after a lifetime of Monday morning dread. Bit poorer but lots happier! is me xx

    1. Aww well at least you know what works for you now! :) x

  2. I know this feeling all to well! And i agree you need inject fun throughout the week, ive changed my mindset in the sense that I look at Mondays now as a fresh start to the week! It really helps me look forward to it thus making me feel alot better Sunday night! Great post as always Jemma! ;) xxx

    Anisha ♥

    Anisha ♥

  3. I love the idea of treating yourself mid-week, though it's too easy to find excuse. For me, I'm trying to save as much money as possible and I'm on a diet - which leaves films/books/pampering really and I try and do that each night to relax. Hopefully with the clocks changing I'll be able to go out for an evening stroll instead! x

    NINEGRANDSTUDENT: A Student Lifestyle Blog

    1. That's a fab idea! It'll help make you feel refreshed too! x

  4. I don't really get the Sunday dread as I love my work! (Yeah I'm a weirdo, I know!) But I think the ideas are great for any day of the week to give you a lift when you need it most :) I do admit I flag a little when it comes to Wednesdays - so think I'll definitely take your advice of having a mid-week treat :D

    Thanks lovely,

    Mark x
    That Gent Mark

    1. No, I actually love my job Mark! Haha. But for some reason I still get this. I think it's just 'responsibilities' I hate, haha! x

  5. I really need to start doing things in the weekdays because I seem to get in a slump after work and do nothing else. My boyfriend works different hours to me so it's impossible to see him in the week sadly but I still plan weekends to look forward to xx
    Love Vicki | victoriajanex

    1. Aww yeah that'd be nice to look forward to! I get myself in a slump Sunday nights knowing my free time is over haha. xx

  6. I haven't yet entered into the world of work, so I'm not too sure what I'll be feeling on Sundays, so I think I will be returning to this post to battle these feelings. I really like the idea you have of planning something exciting for Monday night so you have that to look forward to when you are facing the hardest day of the week!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX

    1. Aww I hope it goes lovely for you Hannah! To be honest I love my job, I duno why I'm like this haha! But these tips help me at least :) x

  7. These are great! I am definitely going to start doing the first one with my fella. Such a great idea!

    1. Oooh let me know how it goes! Honestly it's been awesome for us both :)

  8. I haven't had the sunday dread since being at school (and knowing I had less and less time to finish homework), but I like these tips for the end of almost every day anyway aha. 2, 4, and 5 are my definite favourites, planning is so helpful, and making someone else feel good about themselves is something I try to do at least once a day :)
    Great post!

    little miss fii || Fii x

  9. These are great tips! I get Sunday dread all the time, especially because the end of the weekend also signifies the end of time with my partner as we don't currently live in the same place. Mondays suck! The idea of having something to look forward to at the end of the day is a great idea which I might have to get around to! xx

  10. What a lovely post, these tips really help! I get the Sunday Blues all of the time ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  11. This is such a cute little post! Some really lovely tips here, I'm incredibly fortunate because I love my job so the week is fine. I definitely love the sound of a mid week treat though!xx

    Honeypot Blogs

  12. What an awesome and lovely post! :) I definitely get very anxious on Sunday nights, as much as I enjoy my job, I somehow always feel overwhelmed when the weekend is over and start thinking of all the things I need to do. However, I love your advice as some of them I have already started like preparing and organizing for the week ahead, it's amazing what cooking ahead and making lunches can do to relax you, especially when you love cooking like I do! :) Definitely going to try some of your other bits of advice, thank you! :) xx

    Lucy x |~ LULU Locket || Lifestyle Blog ~

  13. I know this feeling all too well! Great post and some great ideas too. I've found planing ahead helps and let's you relax more for the rest of the evening.
    Me and my boyfriend watch The Walking Dead on Monday nights, so that's something we look forward to :) (...not sure what we'll do when the seasons finished though!)

    Naomi -

  14. Since I hate my job with a passion, Sunday evenings/nights are the worst for me. Around 6pm, usually after dinner I will almost always end up in some kind of slump, which for me, can sometimes kick start my depression and also makes it hard to pull myself out of a depressive stage when I'm constantly facing Monday morning again... So, no worries, you're not the only one who hates Mondays! I have been known to stay up all night on Sundays just for the sense of prolonging the time until Monday arrives or even crying because I hate Mondays so much.

    But... with that in mind... I LOVE this idea of Monday night date night! I'm definitely suggesting that to Kris on the way home tonight! We always fail on Fridays since that's supermarket day so Monday would be perfect!

    Thanks for the great idea!

  15. I work odd hours and days, sometimes I work 14 days in a row and often on my days off I get called in last minute to cover something. So I don't really get the Sunday feeling anymore. Instead I wake up dreading checking my phone in case I've been called in! The perks of 0 hour contract work I guess..! x


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