To Buy Or Not To Buy?

So recently I was sent the Nokia Lumia 735* to try out and review. Let me be clear immediately here, I was not paid in any way, I do not get to keep this phone, there was no compensation for it. There. Now maybe you'll stop thinking this post is an Ad, lol. 
So why did I agree to do it? Well to be honest, I'm in the market for a phone. Or at least I will be in a few months time. So this seemed like a great opportunity to try out one and see if it works for me, before committing to it. You never get that opportunity otherwise, so I thought I might as well take full advantage.

Now I need you all to know I'm someone who LIVES on my phone, seriously. I know many of you can relate here, but I need to tell you how bad it is. I check Instagram as soon as I wake up, reply to tweets on the bus to work, spend the day glued to my phone throughout work (I'm allowed to), reply to emails almost instantly, shop on my phone, make notes on my phone, listen to music... everything. It's definitely not recommended. But that's the way it is. So it's important to me that I have something easy to use, full of useful functions, looks and feels nice and keeps up with me. Here's how the Nokia Lumia 735 did on trial...

The Good:
The sleek, beautiful design. Orange isn't really my thing, but this gorgeous bright design does appeal to me. I seen online it also comes in bright green, which looks BRILLIANT. And the thin, super sleek style felt amazing to use, I definitely prefer the feel of this to my current phone. As for the camera, this phone boasts to be the 'selfie phone'. And I will admit, the facing camera was better quality than what I'm used to. It does well in low light, and keeps things sharp. 

The Okay/Bad:
The normal camera view however, well.. I kind of expected more. It wasn't bad by any means, but it just wasn't great, you know? I really felt more of an effort could have been made here since they tried so much with the selfie cam. The main thing I didn't like though was the usability. At first I thought it'd be because I wasn't used to this totally different phone, but after two weeks I can confirm I just don't think Windows phones have cracked it yet. They've mastered beautiful designs, but functioning day to day just isn't cutting it for me. I didn't like that the menu was hidden off to the right of the screen, where you swipe it back and forth, rather than as an option on the 'home' screen. It didn't seem to pull my notifications in immediately from my apps, even though I could see them popping up on my existing phone. The sound quality through headphones was great, but not so good as a speaker. (Although this is not very important to me.)

The Verdict:
While there are many great things about this phone, I don't believe I would purchase it myself. I liked it very much, and found a great deal to admire. But ultimately I think I'd go for something else. I think it's fantastic value for money as a mid-range phone, and would recommend anyone within a mid price range to try it. But I use my phone so much, I'm willing to pay out more for something that I'll love everyday.

Do any of you have this phone? If so how do you find it? :)

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  1. I've just sent my trial one of these back too :) haven't written my review yet but I think most of my feelings about it are the same!

    My only difference is I actually DIDN'T like the feel of it. I have quite small hands and I just really struggled to feel secure holding it.

    Think I'll be sticking with my iPhone for now :) xx

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. Ahh really!! I quite liked the feel! I duno, felt quite swish :D I just think the main uses for the phone were a let down which is a shame really...
      Thanks for popping by lovely! xx

  2. I briefly had a Nokia 635 I'd bought towards the end of last year because my iPhone just started giving was okay for the first day or so but soon after I couldn't stand it. If it had a better camera and more apps, I would have grown the like it. I liked the battery saver!

    But like you said, it was slow with notifications!

    Luckily as I was looking for a new phone, I won a competition Stephi LaReine's competition on an Android (which I've never had that platform before) phone, an LG G3S which I adore now. The camera is better than the Lumia I had - not as good as the LG's bigger sister, but I'm not too fussed. It's a good phone and even though I'm like you with being on my phone all the time, I've actually got to a point where I'm not complaining about not having an iPhone haha.

    1. That's amazing that you won it, and it suits you so well!! :D xx

  3. I bought my dad this for Christmas and he absolutely loves it but I'm not fussed on it, find it so confusing! x

  4. The most important thing to me in a phone is the camera quality. It needs to have both for regular and front facing.. it's 2015! It needs to keep up haha Phones are quickly replacing point & shoot cameras..

    It's weird that the menu doesn't have quicker access .,, there's no customizing it?

    1. YES! Completely agree, the quality should be there now for both cameras! Surely that's standard!

      Nahh the access is just completely different to Android/iphone and I dont think I'm a fan really! :/ xx

  5. My old work phone was a Windows Phone and I really wasn't a big fan of it. They didn't have many app options that I had on my Android at the time, and I found it just really frustrating. I've heard that they've improved, and maybe they're fine for people who aren't glued to their phones like you and I, but not for me!

  6. This phone just isn't for me. I've read a few reviews but as of yet, i'm still very much in love with my iPhone. I'm a big Apple geek though and usually (not always) fall in love with there products pretty quickly. xx

  7. I've read lots of reviews about this phone. I like the sound of it but for now i'm sticking to my iPhone.


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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