Affordable Home Tips*

Recently I was contacted by Keepmoat asking if I'd like to take part in their affordable home challenge, encouraging people to upcycle/DIY/create pretty spaces at home at a low price. This is pretty much something I love doing anyway, so I jumped at the chance. I decided to break this challenge down into three easy, small projects that anyone can do and would work nicely in any home. 

I started with the bowl you can see above. I went out and bought a handful of plain white bowls, with the aim to funk them up a little and use them as display bowls. I don't have anything like this at all at home, and thought they'd make a nice place for keys, rings, trinkets.

I knew I wanted to make them rose gold, because whenever I see anything of a copper hue on Pinterest, I fall in love. I bought a copper spray paint from Amazon, which you can find here. I made sure to place the bowls on newspaper and some plastic bags, and spray with windows open for ventilation. This was incredibly easy, I just recommend spraying as far away from the bowl as possible while still covering the complete surface. That way, you avoid it getting soaked and dripping, which will then leave marks which won't look 'neat'. Overall it turned out beautiful, and I know have a pretty display dish for my jewellery!

Next up I decided to keep this rose gold party going, but in a totally different way. I gathered up some branches and sticks I found on some afternoon walks, and decided to work them together as a natural art piece for display. The copper spray was out again, and a glue gun provided by Glue Guns Direct; which made the whole super job easy! It also came with a bunch of glue sticks, a lot of them colourful and glittery. I didn't even know they did glitter glue sticks; amazing!

I was actually feeling really proud of this little baby by the end. It's so simple, and maybe kind of unusual. But that's what I love about it. It now displays on my boyfriend's desk and breaks everything up nicely. When I finally sort out my own desk/work area, I'll make another and put pretty fairy lights all over it!

And finally I decided we needed more photographs on display. I used the Free Prints app (available on both Android and iphone I believe!) to order some of my favourites, and I only paid for the delivery of my prints which was nice and affordable. Once they arrived I bought some string and pretty pegs to hang my chosen prints on, and added some washi tape to keep them easily hung up. You could also go for pins or blue tac, but I find washi tape prettier and doesn't ruin the surfaces in any way.

This was such a super easy way of making our place feel more homely, and so affordable too. I love having these prints on display, and I'm already brainstorming more ideas to display photos.

What do you guys think?! Would you try any of these simple DIY's?

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  1. I love all off these ideas! I am loving copper atm too! Xx

  2. Really great items Jemma! Love the bowl in particular! Xxx

    Anisha ♥ All You Need Is Red Lipstick

  3. These look like such good ideas! I am looking for more homeware at the moment, and you can't beat a bit of copper!

    Bethan Likes

  4. Love the Rose Gold tree and the cute way you've put your pictures up! Rebecca | xx

  5. Looove your little banner!! Can't wait to get me some of that rose gold spray!!! x

  6. Fab post my lovely! You're always so creative. Love the stick decor as I do a lot of DIYs with twigs etc. I actually made my Spring/Easter tree last week for my window! :D

    I had no idea you could get glitter glue sticks either - will wonders never cease?! lol


  7. These ideas are lovely! I'm planning on an Easter branch thingy to add little eggs and crocheted bunnies and chicks to spruce up the place, now I just KNOW I'll be spray painting my sticks first! I never even thought of spray painting bowls, I have loads of old mismatched ones in my room that I use for storage, but since I'll be in this house for another while I reckon I could be trying something like this to make the place seem more homely!


  8. These are all such gorgeous simple ways to change up a room.
    I'll have to give these a go!
    Victoria xx

  9. Glitter glue sticks. You have just revolutionised my life! <3 x

  10. These are great ideas. Those bowls look so similar to things you'd buy in the shop!!!
    I love the photos hanging too btw!


  11. These are such great ideas! Thank you for the inspiration ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

  12. I'm curious about this free prints app... I might look into that! I think I'd like so more up to date photos of myself and the bf :)

  13. I love getting all creative and crafty, I just never have time to do it!!! Might have to have a go in the summer holidays :) All three are such cute ideas! We must think alike, because I was just thinking the branches would look great with fairylights on, but then you said it a few sentences later haha!!

    Great post Jem :) loving your blog!

    lots of love!

    Emma xx

  14. I decided that this year I wasn't going to buy any new clothes and that has now spilled over into no new things for the house too so I love your DIY style! x


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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