Want Some New Blogs To Read?

Whether you're needing something to read while you stay in and celebrate the new year at home, or you'd love to start 2016 with a fresh new load of blogs to love - I have just the post for you!

This month I thought I'd give my advertisers the chance to tell you all about themselves, and why you should be following their blogs immediately! So without further delay...

Love From Be - I'm Be. I'm a fan of all things girly. I love to create things and to make everything look pretty. I also love to travel and share everything I live and learn on my blog. If you like pink, travelling, lifestyle posts, crafts or baking, I'm sure we will be great friends!

Wishes, Hopes & Dreams - I'm Fiona and I blog over at Wishes, Hopes and Dreams. I love tea, biscuits and anything with a Liberty London print to it and have also recently become obsessed with Urban Decay palettes. I love the #girlgang and all it stands for - especially helping other bloggers and being able to ask for help in return. I blog about anything and everything but only if I absolutely love it. This blogger is happiest with a large cup of tea, a good book and a cosy blanket.

Sazbomb -
SazBomb is a beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog. I'm hoping to start a whole new series featuring moving out, and baking etc in the new year so keep an eye out for that!

Katie Meehan -
'I'm a business student with a passion for photography, I started my blog as a place to write about the photos I've taken as my Instagram account grew. I've been blogging for just over a year now and it's something I love so much! I love all things makeup & beauty, as well as finding the best spots to eat and drink.'

Two Different Worlds -
Hi I’m Anjalee (aka Angi), the heart and soul behind lifestyle blog Two Different Worlds. I'm a shorter-than-average Northern girl who recently upped sticks and moved to the South.I spend 90% of my time daydreaming and often feel like I live in two different worlds (hence the blog name). My blog is a space for all things cute, creative and beauty-related and I love to chat about all of my passions. The things that make me the happiest are quirky homeware, pretty stationery, animated films, fairy tales, illustration, photography and matte lipsticks. My special talents include watching whole tv series in a week and consuming my body weight in Bitsa Wispa. If you like bright pastel photography, and down-to-earth nattering then hop on over to http://www.twodifferentworlds.com :)

Illustrated Teacup -
Illustrated Teacup is the blog of me; Rachel, a crazy cat lady and mumma-to-be (little eek, ok it was a big eek!) with a penchant for tea. Illustrated Teacup follows the life, adventures and antics of my husband Dann and I, alongside two MASSIVE fur babies, Dante and Archimedes. If you like food, beauty, a lil fashion, events and well just about everything else in between, including many cat photos, then you really can't go wrong!!

Queen Beady -
Hello, I'm Bee from http://QueenBeady.com - my passions in life are fashion & travel. Plus food. How could I forget? I blog from a little village in Yorkshire & I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm obsessed with pizza, Amsterdam and YouTube videos of animals. So if you like them, then we will get along just fine.

Things Sarah Loves -
Hey I'm Sarah from Scotland! As my blog name suggests, I blog about everything that I love: tea, beauty, books, lifestyle, travel and tea again (I'm a huge tea lover). I also write about my transplant story and the importance of organ donation which is really close to my heart. I love chatting to new bloggers (I run #ltbloggers on Twitter) so get in touch if you fancy a chat (preferably with cups of tea, haha).

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2015 In Stats: Blogging & Life.

Recently I spoke about how my goals went for this year, and if I achieved 'em all or not. I wanted to use today though to create a full reflection post on 2015, for both blogging and life. Prepare for some geeky lists, numbers and photos. All that good stuff basically.

New Year, Same Dork.

It's so tempting to join in with the 'New year, new me!' thing. We all laugh at it, but it's really cool to be honest. The idea that we'll really make a change, improve in whatever way we feel we need to, and really strive for a better self; is awesome. But the thing is, sometimes we hear it so much and it floods our feed, or takes over Facebook, Instagram, daily conversations leading up to new year... that it sort of ingrains itself in our heads. 'Oh shit, what do I need to improve?' 'What am I bad at?' 'What the one thing I hate most about myself?' 'I need to change.' It's not necessarily true.

2015 Has been a powerful and amazing year for me. I feel my whole life has changed. There are actually only one or two things that have stayed constant (my relationship, my love for blogging). I'm so happy with this, almost everything has improved. Some of it purposefully achieved by myself, some accidental, beautiful little gems of luck. 

I'm not saying my life is perfect. But I'm also not going to sit here listing the ways in which things suck. I'm not going to dwell on all the negative. I'm very, very lucky for the things I do have. I want to bring in 2016 as positive as possible. I think I'm getting close to the happiest I've ever been. I'm not quite there (2003-2009 are really hard years to compete with, so much love for most of my teen years) - but I'm getting damn close.

Favourites From My Shelf

It's not often I talk about books on this blog, which seems ridiculous really considering reading is one of my favourite hobbies ever. I love getting lost in a fictional world for a while, burying my head in something for hours to drown out reality. My favourite types of books are crime fiction, some light fantasy, anything that makes me giggle and those melancholy, pensive ones that stick with you for years.

I thought I'd share with you guys some of my favourite reads from my bookshelf, in case you're ever after a recommendation. Now, I'm not here to list all my favourite books of all time; I'd be here forever. But I will just mention one or two that totally grabbed me, changed me or stuck with me in some way. I probably won't even mention much what they're about; I simply want to share how they made me feel and why I liked them. Stick with me if that's your thing.

Drunk Dork 2

It's that time again guys, I'VE HAD A DAMN DRINK. It's okay, it's Christmas.

Also Im reaallly trying to not make spelling mistakes this time. Maybe I'll get someone to spell check before I publish, who knows. If you see some, it's not my fault.

Today/tonight's drink of choice has been purely prosecco, classy and that,

OH god I love chatting bloggers because it's like no other friendhsips I have to be honest. But ot makes me CRAZZZYY honest. Thing sI don't talk about to other people, I say to these bloggie gals. This si both amazing and terrible. Especially if drunk, ARHHH.

And tonight's music of choice is Eminem, nothing else. Because WHY NOT he is the best after all. Also I dunno if I've mentioned on the blog before but I had a little cry when I seen him live finally. I was just a few feet away from him and I sobbed like a little girl! It was like all my dreams come true. I've loved him since I was around 12, and I'm now 27, sooo... RAP GOD.

#IPartyWith River Island

The festive season makes most of us try to up our glam game a little bit, whether it be a smokin' dress, new makeup look or getting our hair done. Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but I especially feel like this around New Years. See for me, Christmas is quiet time to spend with family and chill out. But New Years is when I want to look my best, and make it a night to remember (even if I'm stuck at home in a prosecco haze singing to my cat!).

With this in mind, River Island currently have the #IPartyWith campaign up and running - celebrating the party season and friendship. I was tagged by the gorgeous Rebecca Coco (if you aren't following her already, I thoroughly recommend you do!) and we were given some pretty makeup and accessories for party season- yay!

I was given two Barry M Dazzle Dusts in a bronze and white/gold shade, a gorgeous dark plum Barry M lipstick, a magnificent gold eyeliner pencil (which is amazing!), a beautiful diamanté hair piece and the prettiest necklace - both River Island.

This photo shows the lipstick and eyeshadows put to good use, but I saving the pretty accessories for new years itself, so be sure to follow me on Instagram for the full look soon! A huge thank you to River Island for providing me with some new pieces for an amazing party look. Be sure to check out their #IPartyWith photos on Instagram too!

Do you go a bit more glam at New Years?

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Princess Feelz

It's not often I like the way I look. Okay no, that's an understatement if there ever was one. I hate the way I look really. But I try not to let it hold me back much if I can, because that'd be lame. Positive thoughts and all that.
Anyway, so I've wanted to post some outfits on this blog for a long time, and never quite got around to it really... *ahem* /avoided it like the plague. I mentioned recently in this post that my confidence is something I wanted to improve on, and I wanted to push myself more. Since then, the lovely folk over at Vivien of Holloway were kind enough to offer me a dress of my choice to try out, from their inspiring range. I felt pretty in awe to be honest! The range is absolutely astounding and offers a style for everyone. The main focus is 1940's and 1950's style dresses, so think lots of girly/rockabilly styles and flattering shapes - YAY. I was in heaven choosing.

15 Silly New Years Resolutions

As stupid and weird as it is that at the end of December every year, we all decide to change in different ways and do different things (even though we could do this at any point in the year); I can't help but join in the tradition of it all. Every year I promise I'll do this, that or the other; barely making it into January before I screw it all up.

I'm not saying this year is any different, I'll still set myself goals and resolutions I hope to stick to. However, today I wanted to share a bunch of the smaller, sillier resolutions I've decided to set myself. You know, the crap that reaaalllly doesn't matter, but it's fun to list anyway? Yeah, those.

2015 Goals - How Did I Do?

Last year, on New Years Eve 2014; I wrote this blog post. It was to my future self, writing down all my hopes and goals for 2015. I wanted to be able to compare one year one, and hopefully look back on a great year. 

So how did I do?

The first goal I had, was to treat my body with more care. I honestly think I've done that this year. It's not been perfect, and I've still had periods where I wasn't kind to myself. But overall I think I've taken huge steps and I'm so happy about this. 

Secondly, I wanted to challenge myself. Especially with my creativity and career. Ha. This one is amazing to be honest, because I simply hoped I'd be teaching myself new things and progressing in my personal time with creative things I loved. Little did I know this blogging/design/social media thing would lead me to full time self employment. I'm so fucking happy. I couldn't be more grateful for how well 2015 went. I am progressing all the time, and hopefully 2016 will see that continue.

10 Things Drunk People Do (Or Just Me)

(Okay, 10 things I DO when I'M drunk...)

Since the weekend is here and lots of you lovelies will be donning your prettiest dresses and going out tonight (or recovering from last night); I thought I'd share with you guys some of the (mostly stupid) things I do after I've had one too many. I'm hoping you can relate...

Mixing at least four different drinks seems fun at the time. I'm just an exotic, experimental drinks lover; challenging each to get me more pissed than the last. Previous known combinations have been vodka, absinthe, cider, wine and malibu. YEP. 

Wow hello Mr bartender, of course you're my new best friend! And girl in the toilets who allowed me to cry on her shoulder and tell her all about my stupid ex boyfriend - YOU, you're practically family now.

Blippo Beauties

Are you excited? I'm excited. Holla at me, we haven't had a Blippo update in agggges! I do love a cheeky kawaii purchase or ten from my favourite site. They recently had a lil Black Friday sale and I made sure to get some little cuties delivered to my door. I didn't go ALL OUT, as y'know; Christmas and all that jazz. But still, very happy with my little haul.

Friday Five 15-ish

Five things that were fucking awesome this week;
1. Getting drunk on Periscope, inviting a blogger to come drink with you. She comes over, and you get a bit more hammered together.
2. When you learn how to lock away feelings and everything feels a million times better.
3. Receiving the prettiest dress in the post, and twirling in it for hours.
4. My drunk blog post going down well. Excuse for more. Yes to new series.
5. Spending a morning in bed blogging, with bagels and lattes. Ahhhhh the good stuff.

Five songs that always make me feel good;
1. The Cure - Just Like Heaven 
2. The Distillers - Drain The Blood
3. Blink 182 - The Rock Show
4. Fall Out  Boy - Dance Dance
5. Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without The 'E'
(Can you tell I'm still a huge fucking emo???)

Five magic powers I NEED NOW thanks;
1. Invisibility - The best one. Sneaking, spying, stealing.
2. Ability to read minds - but ONLY to hear the good stuff people think.
3. Ability to fly. Y'know, without the plane.
4. Power of super amazing discipline to avoid earlier mentioned bagels and lattes.
5. Power of persuasion. So everyone does what I want, basically.

Five missed opportunities;
1. Being too scared to take a chance on someone good.
2. Italy getting cancelled.
3. Worrying what others would think and not doing something I wanted.
4. Saying no to an amazing job (this one was a missed opp, but NOT a regret!)
5. I can't think of a fifth. I'm taking this as a really good sign.

Five blogs you should go read immediately;

1. http://www.crazyblondegal.com/
2. http://www.graceblogslife.blogspot.co.uk/
3. http://www.theolivefox.co.uk/
4. http://www.oliviacheryl.com/
5. http://batwingsandlashes.blogspot.ie/

How's your week guys?
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When Brands Just 'Get Me'

beanie hat

Recently I had the immense pleasure of being introduced to GANT; a clothing and accessories brand providing luxury items for the everyday. Usually when browsing brands like this, I feel a little out of place to be honest. I don't wear fancy clothes... I don't have £400 to spend on a shirt. No matter how beautiful the collection, I almost always switch off and never visit again.

I found myself pleasantly surprised with GANT though. Not only do they have a huge collection for men and women in a range of prices and styles; but they really do do everyday beauties that I fell in love with. No better example of this is there than the fabulous little box of gifts they sent me recently. I received two rugger beanie hats, a lambswool woven scarf, and a mens aftershave scent. Now, before you get confused; the mens scent was for Gary! Not me, obviously. But still... it smells absolutely gorgeous.

Winter Pampering

It's that time of year where Santa is just around the corner, getting ready to gift us all with wonderful things that make us happy (Tsum Tsums, Gin, and Brian Molko for me thanks Daddy Christmas!) and everything just get a little more hectic. For me, I write this as I sit here planning the next four days of work and realising I don't actually have time to sleep. This may be a problem... I'm sure it'll be fine... *internal panic*.. anyway... yes, pampering!
I could probably use a pamper evening more than anyone right now (Yes even you! Dont try fight me on this one. Because I'm too exhausted and will probably lose). So when I received some goodies in the post from The Library of Fragrance and Treacle Moon; I was rather thrilled to be honest. After all, I simply HAVE to take some me time now, right? It's for the blog.


Well it's fair to say last night's blog post was a strange one. I'd apologise but.. mehh. I'm not too bothered! In fact, I've decided to make this a regular thing. Getting drunk and writing blog posts, every few weeks. Call it silly, I call it funny and therapeutic.

I cringe at all the mistakes I made, but at the same time feel pretty proud that there was even anything to read at all. I could go back and edit it; but what would be the point in that?! I also over shared a little bit, nothing obvious; but things I definitely wouldn't have if I had been sober, haha. 

It also felt really, really good to let go, and just spew out my thoughts without consideration.

Apologies if that's not your thing - and I swear, I get it! - but I think I'll definitely add it in as a weird/honest/crazy blog post every few weeks. So if you did like last night's, then you're in for a treat. Also, on that note if you have anything you'd like me to write about, answer or mention in the next DRUNK DORK series haha, then leave it in a comment below.

Thanks for putting up with me having the most random blog EVER.


p.s. I had the most lovely comments and messages after the drunk post, people were so oddly supportive haha! Not just in a funny way. Some mentioned feeling closer to me after reading, and it spoke to them on some level. Woah guys. Woah. You da bomb.
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I Wrote This While Drunk.

Okay I've gone almost 2 years without ever posting on this blog drunk. Epic or crazy considering I love a good drinka nd I'm always inspired to write after a drink? We shall see. I'm going to be going through and seriously trying to get rid of all mistakes and hep this make sense - but if it doesn't well, that's just rather obvious isn't it.

Maybe this is like word vomit. Written down. Maybe it's therapeutic.

I'm annoyed right now. Can't even talk about why, so... frustrating. People throw fucking knives sometimes and Im not sure if its pure ignorance or they just dont care. Strange. But yeah. So you know when you play music really loud to drown that out? Yes that. That's happening now, haha. The Smiths. Maybe not the best choice. Let's move on... The Cure. Yes. Still just as wonderfully droney sometimes but lots more happy songs too. I have Just Like Heaven on right now and it's one of my ultimate HAPPY SONGS. So yeah, I'll let that do it's thing.

I didn't know what image to choose to go with this post. So I chose a doodle. Haha.

Anyway, Im so effing excited to go to London. I've decided Im going in the next month or two, for a random stay. Looks like I'll be going with Daisy Deebobs too, and maybe meeting up with some other bloggers too. So yaaay. I cant wait. I love having random adventures. Queue some epic fucking photos for the blog soon. Adventure ahoy¬!

I have so much love for the Girl Gang right now its unreal. I wonder if they know? Haha. I so worry though about being slow with this newsletter, but like... ughh - so much to do! I constantly have shit to do. I mean, okay Im drinking and writing a blog post now but this is like a one off. I swear I work 18 hour days and it still isnt enough time. Eeep. I love it though, but it worries me that Im not good enough. Nooo not in a lame emo way, haha. Just like, oh shit, maybe Im shit? hahaha.

Anyway. I think I need more vodka.

I asked for Q's and topics on Twitter. People suggested I speak about my best drunk experience, LOL. Oh man the things that come to mind. Some not fit for the blog. Although I suppose drunk posts aren't either haha. Mind you, ITS MYYYY BLOG and all that. But anyway, ermmm. Okay okay. I remember being drunk at a gig about 19/20 and I was dizzy, and I was lost in the music but my friends were all surrounding me and I had the hugest smile. My song came on and I danced and we all laughed and a cute boy held my hips. fuck.
Yeah. That's probably top ten.

Shout out to everyone who has me on fucking whatsapp and puts up with drunk voice notes and 3am messages. You are the best. Yes, you.

Except you. You suck.

Anyway, life things. Im a lifestyle blogger. Hahahaha. I write about lifestyle. Fucking lifestyle. My lifestyle is probably lame and crap and loud and creative and silly and worried and stupid. I never know how to express all of that on a blog. In a way that won't send people running for the hills.
OHHHHman a great song just came on. If anyone else likes Blink/Boxcar Racer/+44 lemme know hahaha.

Anyway. This will do for now I think. Popping out words like lyrical pringles here.

Be yourself, be silly, be loud, say what you want, say no, say yes, take risks, have adventures, egt to know yourself better than anyone else and for the love of god bring me more vodka.

Jemma out.x

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Festive Flowers

There's nothing I love more than having flowers around the house- Okay wait, that's a lie, I'm sure there are lots of things I love more (boyfriend, health, friends.. etc) but okay my point is; I LIKE IT A LOT. They're super pretty, make everywhere smell fresh and give the illusion of a Pinterest worthy home even if you're faking it like me.

Sunday Six

I did it again didn't I? I totally messed up my schedule and I forgot to do my Friday Five post this week, eep! Forgive me. I'm trying to make up for this by doing a Sunday Six this week. So even more random lists for you guys to ponder over, what more could you want?! 

Six things that scare me;

1. Heights
2. Spiders
3. Very small spaces
4. Being alone
5. Being forgotten
6. Creepy girls in movies

Hair Rescue

If you've stuck around here with me for more than a month or two then you'll know I'm not usually a raven haired goth, but rather a colourful peacock keen to show off all it's colours. In 2015 alone, I've had pink hair, brown hair, blue hair, purple hair, green hair and now black. It's fair to say I like change. However with this decision to be changing how I look so drastically, every few months; it means my hair can take some pretty swift damage. It's the reason why I keep my hair shoulder length and get it cut often, I trim off the damage I do so there's no evidence around. Mwhahaha. I also have a hefty supply of hair extensions in every colour so I can even change the length of my hair on demand.

Kate Spade Wishlist

The ultimate Blogger's dream!? Well, mine anyway. Kate Spade is pretty much known for beautiful/clean products that give us all the envy. Here are some things I've been lusting over lately. 
Watch - Black & White Purse - Walk on air perfume - Walk on air body lotion - Body Cream 

A Little Catch Up Post

Hello you gorgeous lot :)

Hope everyone is having a great week so far, mine's becoming quite a mixed bag. I'm so thrilled with all the design work I've been doing, and the progress of #GirlGang! But I've not been quite on top of blog posts as I'd like, and I have had zero free time. If you have me on Twitter you may notice I'm ALWAYS awake. I survive on about 4 hours sleep each night/morning. Not great, haha. Still; I'm really lucky with everything I get to do and I don't take that for granted. I just think I need a better system/schedule - suggestions welcome!

Hopefully after next week everything will die down a little bit and I can take even just an hour or two to enjoy a bath and a book. I seriously can't remember the last time I chilled out and did nothing. I'm surprised I've even took the time to write this post! But it feels weird if I don't 'check in'.

Highlights this week have been the #GirlGang chat trending once again, so many people writing lovely blog posts about it, catching up with old friends on random 5am calls, and finally practising using my Olympus Pen more.

I still have a few little Christmas gifts to buy, but honestly it's not a huge deal. I don't have loads and loads to get done, the majority has been taken care of, yay! I'm so excited to give Gary his gifts, and spend a relaxing Christmas together. This is probably the first Christmas since Dad died that I've been happy and looking forward to it! 

Anyway, much to do! Have a lovely week sugarplums <3
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Joe&Johns Pocketbag

With Christmas fast approaching, we're seeing more and more lovely gift guides and things to indulge in over the festive period; and I for one absolutely love it. However it's easy to forget that there are those less fortunate than ourselves and are struggling for basic human rights.
I think it's important to remember this and try do what we can; so when Joe&Johns approached me about their Pocketbags; with the promise of providing a child in India with a school bag filled with much needed supplies for every Pocketbag sold - I was so happy!
Ideas like this are what really make a difference and can help us all to do a little good even in small ways. Plus you get the cutest accessory too! Joe&Johns sent me wonderful Christmas one I'll be popping on my jumper this festive period; and they're so easy to add to any garment! I thought they'd also be lovely to add to tote bags. They come in a huge range of styles and there's something there for everyone. And what better gift to give than kindness? Knowing each purchase will help make a difference to a child who very much needs it.
A huge thank you to Joe&Johns - and I really encourage you all to visit them and make a purchase - after all, it's Christmas!
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*Item provided for review. All views are my own.

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Lovely Gifts From #GeorgeSecretSanta

I wanted to begin this blog post with an inaudible sound if I'm honest. Something along the lines of 'Eeeep!'; because that's the noise I make when I'm super excited, and when this parcel of goodies arrived at my door, you better believe I was 'Eep-ing' all the live long day.

Luxury Cruelty Free Skincare

If you unfortunately tend to have oily skin, it can be easy to tend to avoid oil in your skincare at all cost. But avoiding oil can actually worsen the problem for yourself, causing your skin to overcompensate and produce more oil. Not great. So how we can we be sure we're using the right oils for our skin and trying to reduce the 'glow' while keeping moisturised? 

The Trouble With Men At Christmas

1. Gifts.
There's no beating around the bush here, men are MUCH harder to buy for at Christmas! It's hell for us ladies. Sure if we had an endless budget I bet it'd be bloody easier to find you something you love; but for us normal folk it gets a lot trickier. Socks again anyone??? 
2. Shopping.
Right, so not only are they hard to shop for; but they're useless at helping us shop for others too?! Great. They get annoyed if we aren't quick enough, they don't have any useful suggestions and they moan about the crowds of people. I mean sure we all hate it but the last thing we need is you moaning too!
3. Fuss.
When I say men aren't as good with all 'the fuss', I mean things like decorating the house with cute Christmas trinkets, or understanding our need for bows in certain colours OR how important it is to get the right sort of Christmas cards for people. I don't want my mates thinking I hadn't put an effort into which penguin card I sent them.
Okay so men aren't all bad, and certainly not all men are like this. But in general, they can be a bit of a nuisance around the holiday period can't they? The gift ideas one is a particular problem that alllllwaaays annoys me this time of year; since I have three brothers, a nephew and a boyfriend to consider. It's hellish at times. Thankfully, Mankind is a little bit of a life saver for me this year. There's just something for everyone; from plenty of male grooming products, home stuff, tech and fun 'man toys' as I like to call them, haha. The best bit is it just takes out the problem of trying to come up with ideas, as Mankind just lays out tonnes of possibilities for you.
So okay, maybe they'll moan as we drag them around town; but surely they'll be happy when we spoil them on the big day finally? - *They better had, or I'll be super annoyed.
Merry (almost) Christmas!
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*Post in collaboration with Mankind.

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Starting December The Right Way

rain mug forest

I write this blog post while staring out the window to the vast Dartmoor landscape, moors expanding on for what seem like forever. The wind is blowing heavily against the window, there’s a heavy fog settling in and the internet service is really quite terrible here.

I came with Gary a few days ago so he could visit his family, and we've been enjoying this time away from the hustle and bustle of our usual city setting. It’s been wonderful to be honest (apart from said shoddy internet) and I've managed to finally get a little more rest than usual.

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