I Wrote This While Drunk.

Okay I've gone almost 2 years without ever posting on this blog drunk. Epic or crazy considering I love a good drinka nd I'm always inspired to write after a drink? We shall see. I'm going to be going through and seriously trying to get rid of all mistakes and hep this make sense - but if it doesn't well, that's just rather obvious isn't it.

Maybe this is like word vomit. Written down. Maybe it's therapeutic.

I'm annoyed right now. Can't even talk about why, so... frustrating. People throw fucking knives sometimes and Im not sure if its pure ignorance or they just dont care. Strange. But yeah. So you know when you play music really loud to drown that out? Yes that. That's happening now, haha. The Smiths. Maybe not the best choice. Let's move on... The Cure. Yes. Still just as wonderfully droney sometimes but lots more happy songs too. I have Just Like Heaven on right now and it's one of my ultimate HAPPY SONGS. So yeah, I'll let that do it's thing.

I didn't know what image to choose to go with this post. So I chose a doodle. Haha.

Anyway, Im so effing excited to go to London. I've decided Im going in the next month or two, for a random stay. Looks like I'll be going with Daisy Deebobs too, and maybe meeting up with some other bloggers too. So yaaay. I cant wait. I love having random adventures. Queue some epic fucking photos for the blog soon. Adventure ahoy¬!

I have so much love for the Girl Gang right now its unreal. I wonder if they know? Haha. I so worry though about being slow with this newsletter, but like... ughh - so much to do! I constantly have shit to do. I mean, okay Im drinking and writing a blog post now but this is like a one off. I swear I work 18 hour days and it still isnt enough time. Eeep. I love it though, but it worries me that Im not good enough. Nooo not in a lame emo way, haha. Just like, oh shit, maybe Im shit? hahaha.

Anyway. I think I need more vodka.

I asked for Q's and topics on Twitter. People suggested I speak about my best drunk experience, LOL. Oh man the things that come to mind. Some not fit for the blog. Although I suppose drunk posts aren't either haha. Mind you, ITS MYYYY BLOG and all that. But anyway, ermmm. Okay okay. I remember being drunk at a gig about 19/20 and I was dizzy, and I was lost in the music but my friends were all surrounding me and I had the hugest smile. My song came on and I danced and we all laughed and a cute boy held my hips. fuck.
Yeah. That's probably top ten.

Shout out to everyone who has me on fucking whatsapp and puts up with drunk voice notes and 3am messages. You are the best. Yes, you.

Except you. You suck.

Anyway, life things. Im a lifestyle blogger. Hahahaha. I write about lifestyle. Fucking lifestyle. My lifestyle is probably lame and crap and loud and creative and silly and worried and stupid. I never know how to express all of that on a blog. In a way that won't send people running for the hills.
OHHHHman a great song just came on. If anyone else likes Blink/Boxcar Racer/+44 lemme know hahaha.

Anyway. This will do for now I think. Popping out words like lyrical pringles here.

Be yourself, be silly, be loud, say what you want, say no, say yes, take risks, have adventures, egt to know yourself better than anyone else and for the love of god bring me more vodka.

Jemma out.x

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