
Well it's fair to say last night's blog post was a strange one. I'd apologise but.. mehh. I'm not too bothered! In fact, I've decided to make this a regular thing. Getting drunk and writing blog posts, every few weeks. Call it silly, I call it funny and therapeutic.

I cringe at all the mistakes I made, but at the same time feel pretty proud that there was even anything to read at all. I could go back and edit it; but what would be the point in that?! I also over shared a little bit, nothing obvious; but things I definitely wouldn't have if I had been sober, haha. 

It also felt really, really good to let go, and just spew out my thoughts without consideration.

Apologies if that's not your thing - and I swear, I get it! - but I think I'll definitely add it in as a weird/honest/crazy blog post every few weeks. So if you did like last night's, then you're in for a treat. Also, on that note if you have anything you'd like me to write about, answer or mention in the next DRUNK DORK series haha, then leave it in a comment below.

Thanks for putting up with me having the most random blog EVER.


p.s. I had the most lovely comments and messages after the drunk post, people were so oddly supportive haha! Not just in a funny way. Some mentioned feeling closer to me after reading, and it spoke to them on some level. Woah guys. Woah. You da bomb.
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