Tie Dye Fun

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

This week I've been as creative as ever, except I've been working with old clothes rather than paints and canvas. The nice chaps over at Dylon kindly sent me a bunch of dyes to take advantage of in any way I saw fit, and since it's almost Summer I thought a boost of colour is just what I needed.

I found a few old clothes I had hanging around that I was kinda bored of, and decided to give them a little bit of life.

The instructions on the back of each packet made things super easy especially for someone like me. I have a short attention span and if things get too complicated, I get bored. Basically I mixed the powder dyes with water, and then applied it to my clothing in two different ways. With the tops, I twisted them around from the center and quickly tied some rubber bands around them (okay I didn't have rubber bands, so I used old hair bobbles!). Then I used a pipette (yes I just so happened to have one) to add drops precisely where I wanted them, varying in colour.

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

The second type of application was to fill the sink with the dye solution, and dip the ends of my shorts in. I dipped them half way in, and then left the very ends hanging over the sink for an hour, to really seep in.

I am so, so happy with the results! I've never dyed anything myself before and I can't believe I've been missing out on something so easy.

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

tie dye clothing dylon fabric dye

The swirl patterns turned out awesome and my shorts are so much prettier! They were a washed out light blue before, and now they have a deep bluish/slightlyviolet ombre. (Tip- I mixed a little of the pink and blue together to achieve a lovely purple) I feel so ready for Summer!

I will definitely be buying dyes from now on and I'm already obsessing over what else I can customise in my wardrobe. Also for anyone considering buying any of the fabric dyes, they go a long way. One sachet did well enough for multiple items of clothing, so it's a good idea to plan out beforehand if there's other clothing you want to do in the same colour.

Hope you guys enjoyed this!
Let me know if you've ever tried dying your clothes or customising in any way?

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  1. I love how the shorts turned out, so pretty! I've never tried it, but my friends have and their pieces look great and unique. Thanks for the tip! x

    1. Aww thank you for checking it out!! <3

  2. Oooooh, I may have to try this over the summer! Do love tie dye stuff, but am yet to own some, so may as well make it myself!

    Love the top with the pink and blue in!

    A Little Twist Of…

    1. Lemme know if you do! <3 I loooooved it! Cant believe I've never done it before...

  3. Looks great lovely! I do love a bit of tie dye, always super fun! x

    1. Im so new to it! haha ^__^ Great fun though! xx

  4. Great effort! I absolutely love how that grey t-shirt turned out. I have so many old pairs of denim shorts, I definitely need to give them a new lease of life. Fab post Jemma x

    Kirsty - Effortlessly Excessive

  5. I used to tie dye all the time! Have some old tie dyed shirts in the back of my closet but they don't fit anymore, must do this again!

  6. This is fantastic, I love the pink/blue/purple t shirt. I've been meaning to invest in some dye as I've been looking at dip dying or ombre-ing a white skirt I have (and maybe everything else I own too!).

  7. This reminds me so much of primary school! We made tie dye shirts and I remember being so excited for the result :) I'd really like to try it again haha!

    Valérie from Scribbles of Valérie

  8. Those shorts look SO great. I'm not a fan of light blue denim, but I can definitely get behind purple!

    Aisling | aisybee.

  9. Wow they look like you could have bought them in a store.
    They look really impressive.
    It must feel like you have some new items without spending a fortune either. :)


  10. I would love to dye clothes! But 99% of my wardrobe is black haha :(
    xx Kitten ♥ The Howling WolfHeart

  11. Wow! That looks awesome! I really should learn how to tie die my clothes. I have like 100 white sleepy shirts. They're just white nothing else. It gets boring after a while XD

  12. I really love the look of tie dye! My sister has a bright yellow, orange and green one but it's abit too neon for me! I love your pink and white t-shirt!!

    Great Post - Love Leah'xo



  13. I would love to tie dye some of my tops =]


  14. Oh wow! I've just told my boyfriend that I've never done this before and he's looking at me like I'm crazy! I really want to try this now :) Thanks for the idea!

    John | Shout John

  15. Oooh, the shorts are definitely pretty! I've never dyed any of my clothes before, but it looks like a nice way to bring some life into some old pieces!

  16. Oh, these look wonderful! Tie-dying can be so fun ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  17. Tie Dying is so fun! Love the first top, and your pictures look amazing. xoxo.


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