2015 In Stats: Blogging & Life.

Recently I spoke about how my goals went for this year, and if I achieved 'em all or not. I wanted to use today though to create a full reflection post on 2015, for both blogging and life. Prepare for some geeky lists, numbers and photos. All that good stuff basically.

Best blog achievements-

1. Winning 2 awards at the Bloggers Blog Awards.
2. Reaching 2k Bloglovin followers.
3. Reaching 7k Followers on Twitter.
4. Going various blog events.
5. Publishing 500 blog posts!

Top 'friendshippy' moments-
1. Calling a friend at 5am just to laugh manically. And her laughing back.
2. Staying in touch with one of my best friends, even though we never see each other.
3. Booking gig tix with old friends.
4. Getting back in touch with an old friend after 7 years.
5. Meeting so many bloggers who became amazing friends (especially Holly, Hayley, Liv, Georgina, Katy, Dee, Corinne, Anoushka, Caitlin, arr mate I'll be here all day ok I love everyone).

Random stats-

1. I had 3 jobs.
2. I went to 6 blog events.
3. I won 1 pair of underwear.
4. I walked into two doors.
5. I invited 1 blogger around to my house to get drunk, after speaking on periscope.
6. I wished on 1 star.
7. I went to Leeds for the first time (I'm not counting previous Leeds festivals).
8. I joined 3 or 4 blogger whatsapp chats.
9. I received a huge amount of regular dick pics.
10. I got lost in my own city once.
11. I had seven different hair colours.

Biggest blog improvements-

1. Getting a better camera.
2. Learning to take better photos/edit better.
3. Widening the subjects I write about.
4. Finding my 'voice'.
5. Turning down offers that waste my time.
6. Making my advertising packages more diverse.
7. Chatting on periscope about blog things/getting help.
8. Learning what promotion works best for me.

I've already wrote about where I hope to see life go in 2016 (here), but where do I see my blog going? How do I see it developing? Well, without revealing anything specific; I'd say I think even more of my personality is going to shine through, especially my creative side. I hope you guys will enjoy it.

Happy new year!

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