Friday Five 15-ish

Five things that were fucking awesome this week;
1. Getting drunk on Periscope, inviting a blogger to come drink with you. She comes over, and you get a bit more hammered together.
2. When you learn how to lock away feelings and everything feels a million times better.
3. Receiving the prettiest dress in the post, and twirling in it for hours.
4. My drunk blog post going down well. Excuse for more. Yes to new series.
5. Spending a morning in bed blogging, with bagels and lattes. Ahhhhh the good stuff.

Five songs that always make me feel good;
1. The Cure - Just Like Heaven 
2. The Distillers - Drain The Blood
3. Blink 182 - The Rock Show
4. Fall Out  Boy - Dance Dance
5. Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without The 'E'
(Can you tell I'm still a huge fucking emo???)

Five magic powers I NEED NOW thanks;
1. Invisibility - The best one. Sneaking, spying, stealing.
2. Ability to read minds - but ONLY to hear the good stuff people think.
3. Ability to fly. Y'know, without the plane.
4. Power of super amazing discipline to avoid earlier mentioned bagels and lattes.
5. Power of persuasion. So everyone does what I want, basically.

Five missed opportunities;
1. Being too scared to take a chance on someone good.
2. Italy getting cancelled.
3. Worrying what others would think and not doing something I wanted.
4. Saying no to an amazing job (this one was a missed opp, but NOT a regret!)
5. I can't think of a fifth. I'm taking this as a really good sign.

Five blogs you should go read immediately;


How's your week guys?
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