Meet Holly: The Persephone Complex

If you know me well, as in my fave bloggers, inspiration, idols etc. Then you'll definitely already know how much I adore Holly, from The Persephone Complex. I discovered her blog way back last year and it slapped me in the face with inspiration. It was like no other blog I'd seen, and even now it still isn't. Her writing, her artwork, her wit; I love it all so much, and you probably will too.

Luckily for me, she's super sweet and doesn't mind me stalking her slightly, so I decided to ask her some questions...

What would you like to achieve with your blog?

When I started blogging I was both less and more ambitious for it than I am now. Everything was possible, nothing was promised. I started The Persephone Complex just as Tavi was starting to get featured in magazines, and to me it was so exciting to think I could create this internet space that was deeply personal to me, and yet might be the start of something big and substantial and successful one day, if people liked it enough. It was mind-blowing to me that girls were making a career out of something so awesome and natural as writing a diary. As I progressed I've been given amazing opportunities that I never imagined, but they've come with a realism and an understanding of my shortcomings, the gaps in my knowledge, the things I don't do very well. My blog is a part of my career now and there is still loads of stuff I want to achieve with it, but it's difficult to define. More than anything I just want to keep growing, both in an artistic and a business sense, and create a life where I love the work I do.

Who/what are your inspirations?

Other bloggers are an inspiration. Girls I meet online who change the way I look at mundane objects, or through my lens. I'm inspired by music, movies and art, and by conversations I have with my friends, boyfriend, and family. I love a long, rambling, philosophical conversation for getting the creative juices flowing. Beautiful women in film, or on the runway. Beauty is my main inspiration, my main motivation. I love to create beauty and share beauty. I look for it everywhere. I'm obsessed with my own aesthetic and when I find something that makes me jump around hysterically because I'm so excited to show it to people, then the posts come fast and easy.

What would you like to inspire in others?

I like to inspire debate and reflection. I would love to make people look at things in a slightly different way, or re-think some things they take for granted. I'd like to inspire a sense of wonderment in the tiny details. I'd like to inspire people to live their own lives, and to see beauty where other people might see ugliness or nothing at all. I don't think I'm quite capable of doing all that, but if I could do those things, that would be magical.

What are your favourite type of blog posts to read?

Beautiful images always draw me in to a post. I love reading about fun experiences in people's lives, their adventures, and I love colour. Travel posts can be wonderful sometimes, and I really enjoy looking at people's art and personal photography. I also love to just switch my mind off sometimes and look at pretty things! Hauls, favourites, anything entertaining and great to look at.

How to you express your creative side?

Jesus, how DON'T I express my creative side hahaha! I'm just that kind of person. I love most creative, solitary pursuits, even if I'm not any good at them. I love to make collages in my scrapbook, take photographs with my Canon or my iPhone, create a make-up look, write a story or a think-piece. I try to put creativity into everything I do, which may not be very efficient, but it is very fun.

If you could be known for one thing, what would it be?

For being a good person and a good friend to have in the blogosphere, for my visual aesthetic, for the images I create, for taking no shit, for speaking my mind, for creating safe spaces.

How would you like your blog to develop?
I just want to become happier with it, and see it get closer to the ideas I have in my head. It's the most awful, frustrating sensation for any creative person when the vision you have in your head doesn't match what you're actually capable of producing. So, I'd like to see those two things come into closer harmony. And definitely go in a more daring, yet professional, direction.

Do you have any life goals?

So many. So, so many. I'm not the best at sticking to my goals and plans, I have a very short attention span, but I do have a firm vision. I might waver about the how, but I know where I want to be. I used to have very specific goals like "reach X amount of views this month" or "reach X amount of followers" but these days I'm less structured, I measure success differently. In my life away from blogging, I'd like to expand my career and take on more photography clients. I'd like to join a gym soon and find some classes I actually enjoy! I'd like to learn a few specific skills too, but you'll have to wait for those, I don't want to spoil the surprise!

Have you changed in anyway since you began blogging?

The biggest change has been to my confidence. As my confidence began to develop, every other area of my life began to change. It would be hard to pinpoint all the amazing things that blogging has been indirectly responsible for in my life. I'm much more extroverted, or at least, comfortable taking on the role of an extroverted person or a leader. I feel more capable in my abilities and so much less afraid of saying exactly what I think. Twitter has helped a lot with that too. After a few rounds of trolling you just don't give a flying fuck any more, and it's wonderful.

Tell us 3 things about yourself?

I value love above all things, it is my number one priority. 
I wish I was a vampire. 
Scare pranks are the best. 

Thank you Holly!

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  1. Holly is such a babe isn't she, love her blog! Love this little interview too, so nice to get to know the girl behind the blogger more too, fab post :)


  2. Great post, I'm really happy I found her blog!

  3. Just found your blog and given you a follow. Love your photography and content and the fact you like to share the love with other blogging gals!

    Bry x

  4. The Persephone Complex is one of my favourite blogs, also loved your interview questions such a great way to get to know a little more about Holly.

  5. "As my confidence began to develop, every other area of my life began to change. It would be hard to pinpoint all the amazing things that blogging has been indirectly responsible for in my life." ABSOLUTELY. Couldn't agree more. I'm also too lazy to say it, so I'm quoting :)

  6. Oh, how I love Holly <3 <3 <3 She's amazing isn't she?! Thank you so much for 'stalking' her a bit for us haha ;) I look at the both of you blogging and it inspires me so, so much! I can only hope and dream to become as successful as you guys. Don't worry I'm a trooper and I'm working hard. Dreams don't come to life on their own you know? But, you remind me of that!
    She Will Be

  7. What a good read! I love posts about bloggers' journeys and where they see their blog going. Very relatable!
    Following her on bloglovin' and everywhere now.


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