10 Beauty Confessions

I'm writing this so you can all feel better about yourselves, and totally superior to me.
You're welcome.
mac lipstick beauty
1. I only wash my brushes like every two weeks, sometimes three. I know, I'm disgusting.

2. I go to bed with my makeup on at least twice a week.

3. I use face wipes. I KNOW. But it's easier to use a wipe quickly first, then use a proper makeup remove and cleanser. It feels even cleaner...

4. I only tidy my makeup area/bag if I need photographs.

5. I have no patience for my nails, even though I love having them painted. So I just slap the polish on and have smudges everywhere. Oh well.

6. I only use lip liner every once in a blue moon.

7. I just don't really care about mascara. I buy whatever one appeals to me at the moment, and where it because I have to. But my eyelashes are boring and short and nothing ever changes that.

8. I bite my nails often. No perfect nails around here..

9. As you all know, I love to change my hair. But this means I bleach it often and I ruin my hair regularly. But I'm addicted, oh dear.

10. I'm crap at blending eyeshadows, which is a real shame as I have hooded eyelids and boy I could really do with some skills in that area.

Now, you guys; Confess!
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  1. GIRL, I FEEL YA. I have insanely hooded lids (plus, my eyes are ASIAN) and I so need help in the eyeshadow department or eye makeup department for that matter! IT's okay, I wash my brushes irregularly and lol what even is lip liner and mascara?

    May | THE MAYDEN

  2. I'm the same with the nails. I paint mine once a week but I always pick at the polish. I brush my hair every few months, mine is quite weird because it goes frizzy ish when brushed so I avoid it.

  3. I'm horrendous at washing my brushes too - it's quite gross how long I haven't washed them for. Oops! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  4. Firstly - your makeup always looks great, so I wouldn't worry too much about these habits! I am awful with washing my brushes...I can probably count on one hand how many times I've washed them, ever. Gross. I don't own a lip liner, I use face wipes (I've just ran out and am going to try to just not buy them again...for a while). I definitely have those nights where you roll into bed with your full face still on! None of us are perfect I guess 😂 x

  5. Honestly, I often "forget" to clean my brushes (I know it's horrible!!) but I think it's okay because I only use them for eyeshadow and I apply my foundation with my (clean) hands because I find that it blends more easily with my skin instead of using a foundation or a stippling brush.

    What a fun post to read! :)
    Valérie | Moonlit Stories

  6. Every two weeks? Honestly mine is probably closer to two months, although to be fair I don't really wear much make up. Is my excuse. Yep.

    Also, lip liner? NEVER understood it.

    Nicola // pink-confetti.co.uk

  7. I'm with you on mascara, my lashes are so short it doesn't show anyway, I hardly ever paint my nails and I wash my brushes less than that....but I only wear make up a couple of times a week if that.


  8. I am totally guilty of number 2. Also, I keep makeup products far longer than what you are supposed to...

  9. I hardly ever wash my brushes either, oh well! x
    Hannah | Heyitshannaah

  10. I'm also terrible at washing my brushes! And I only tidy if I want to take photos as well, the struggle is all too real!

    My Little Life

  11. I wish I could blend better too! I like to think I do an ok job BUT I gravitate towards shades that are so similar in colour that if I get it wrong/don't blend properly, well, you'd hardly be able to notice! And eyeliner - hate it, can't do it, makes me look like some reincarnated demented Egyptian!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  12. Hahaha Jemma! Great post! One that almost everybody can relate to certainly. :)
    I don't feel that I have too many bad habits at the moment, but I used to be worse. I used to always use a face wipe, but now I have developed a cleanse, tone, moisturise routine which isn't as time consuming as you'd think! I never do my nails and when I do they get chipped so easily! I barely use remover too so i always have tiny chunks of colour on my nails.

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  13. I've never washed a makeup brush in my life. I rarely use them anyway, and put makeup on like, once every three months? Every six months? That's my current average. Six on my own, three with someone else doing my makeup for a modeling gig.

    I have to take my makeup off as soon as I get home, so I never go to bed with it. But I use wipes too (used a cleanser for a bit in London, PR thing) and I'm not going to invest in cleansers when I use them that little. It was nice while it lasted though.

  14. I am guilty of all of these, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!

    P.S I only wash my makeup brushes when my foundation isn't blending properly and if I'm washing my sponge it only makes sense to wash my brushes too..

    Beka. xo

  15. I always use baby wipes too! Sometimes i just cant be bothered! x
    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave

  16. I totally relate with all of these! I recently kicked my makeup wipe habit, but it took me forever because they're so convenient ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  17. I am just the same with my brushes.. And nails, oh God, are they nasty!

    { itslecafenoir.blogspot.com }

  18. haha love this post, throws a wrench in the seemingly perfect world of beauty with a shade of realism, love it.

  19. I bite my nails too so they never look nice! I rarely can be bothered to paint them either!

    Bethan Likes

  20. Another one who rarely washes brushes and I've never even owned a lip liner! I also still wear make up that I bought years ago which is probably not good for me but never mind!

    Great post Jemma! Xx

  21. Fellow nail biter here, and I have absolutely no patience painting my non-existent nails. I don't even *own* a lipliner, so I think I have you beat on that one! (is it winning really, though... is it...)

    Fii | little miss fii

  22. Great post Jemma! Made me smile :) I've never used lip liner, eye brow pencils and I also don't know how to blend eye shadow or contour! Basic eyeliner, lipgloss job for me!

  23. No judgement here girl, I use wipes and clean my brushes in about the same amount of time unless I have a job. New follower here! XOXO

  24. Girl I totally feel you, I rarely clean my brushes.... It's so bad :P xx

  25. Yes to all of this! Besides number 1- I don't use brushes! I regularly fall asleep with makeup on and end up waking up with pimples- Hate it!

    Renee | Lose The Road

  26. I love a face wipe! Sometimes I use Johnson Baby Wipes - the horror! Love this post x

    Roxie x

  27. Oh, don't! I don't even have makeup brushes (yes, I've already failed!) and it's best not to get started on my nails. I'm so bad at them that I HAVE to get someone else do it for me. As for face wipes, I have to use them. Once I've got rid of the nasty skin, a face wipe leaves my face so clean before I start removing the rest of my makeup with a remover. Though I always forget the mascara...gotta love the Panda look! ;) xxx

    Dee | www.promptsbydee.co.uk

  28. I go to bed with my make up on ALL the time. Ooops.

  29. I sleep in my make up almost every weekend! twice is a week...my make uo brushes would be so lucky! Reminds me I need to start spot cleaning them more! sick of never been able to create the look I want for dirty make up brushes.


    Little Blonde Life - Lifestyle Blog 

  30. Guilty of SO many of these. And I'm sure loads of us are, so don't feel bad! ;) x

    Martha Jane | http://www.marthajanemusic.com

  31. Totally feel ya on the hooded eyelids front. It's so annoying... Definitely guilty of a few of these /.\ ♥

    Lauren | http://xlaurenslifex.blogspot.co.uk/

  32. I'm awful at being a girl full STOP. Haha x
    Love Vicki | victoriajanex.co.uk

  33. I mostly am completely lazy and wear my makeup to bed all the time!


  34. I always use face wipes first, then cleanse properly. I feel like that's okay?! (Please 🙏🏻)

    And I'm really bad for waiting ages to clean my brushes. I genuinely once bought new ones to avoid spending ages cleaning my old ones, they'd got that gross. Don't even care! xo


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