Pretty Ladies, Pretty Blogs

I'm really trying not to be that girl who is like 'JULY?? July already?!', but man it's hard. We're officially closer to Christmas than the start of this year now. Scary stuff. Anyway, I have a few things that'll get you through this fine old month. AMAZING ADVERTISERS. No really, this bunch is absolutely awesome. When I seen how this month had lined up, I was thrilled to see that these perfect blogs wanted to advertise with me. It was rather flattering, as they're all beautifully made and interesting in different ways!

Anyway, let me get started :)

Give a huuuge welcome back to Ali! 
This little babe has graced my sidebar before and I'm so happy to have her back. Her blog is always so positive, interesting and insightful. She writes about her life, goals, important issues, fashion, trips and everything fun! Plus she's always such a sweetheart, definitely add her on Twitter too!

Give a lovely little welcome and hello to the gorgeous Bee! This lady has been an amazing part of my Twitter and Bloglovin feed for months now, and it's so sweet to see her on my sidebar. Also, quick side note, have you seen how awesome her button is?! Anyway. Bee's blog is a plethora of prettiness! She puts her heart and soul into every post, whether it be a fashion OOTD, recent trips or life updates, wishlists or new purchases; and you really get a peek into her life and personality with each post.

Holly is another Liverpool blogger, and someone who I can now gratefully consider a close friend! We met through blog meet ups and she is honestly one of the sweetest, loveliest girls around, EVER! Her blog is inspiring, full of positivity and joy! She writes about books, her life, trips and events, beauty and much, much more. Also, this girl is the biggest Lush nerd I've ever met. Seriously, it's amazing; she is definitely my new fave person to shop at Lush with! Anyway, please follow her!

Imii is a beauty, lifestyle and travel blogger who shares snippets of her lovely life on her blog with us. She has the most beautiful photographs you could wish for, and whenever I visit I get pure blog envy! Her passion and excitement burst through every post and you can't help falling a little bit in love with her blog with each visit. Take a peep and see if you agree!

Clo Clo London is a fabulous jewellery website which provide a beautiful collection of pieces suited to everyone. They offer high quality jewellery in their online boutique with current trends in mind. Whether your style is subtle and pretty, loud and colourful, or something vintage is more your thing; you can find a piece perfect for you. Give them a visit and find something new today!

Say hey to Becca! This little beauty is one of my favourite people. I've followed her and her blog for a long time and it always makes me smile when I see new posts in my feed. Whether she's writing about beauty products, creating lifestyle posts, sharing her travel posts or featuring new fashions she loves; she always manages to let her personality shine through and add fun to every post. Also someone I'd definitely recommend following on Twitter too!

Georgie is found over on Bean's Beauty Blog, but don't let the name fool you; this gal writes about a whole host of topics for you to devour! Georgie's blog recently had a huge layout redo, and it looks absolutely amazing! Packed full of beauty, lifestyle, fashion and travel posts for you guys to rummage through, you won't find yourself without something to love. 

I can't remember exactly how I discovered Pixie Bebe, but I have a feeling it's through another blogger who recommended I take a peep at her, and I fell in love! One of my new favourite people to follow on Twitter and stalk her blog; I don't know how I didn't know of her before. Her blog is an adorable little space dedicated to craft and lifestyle, with anything else thrown in that she adores! I know she's also a big fan of anything kawaii, which made me very happy! To top everything off, she's super sweet. Go give her a follow immediately; I guarantee you won't regret it.

I'd love for you guys to visit my lovely sponsors this month, and also let me know who else I should be following? Link me below!

Have a great week!

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  1. Aww I love this post! Thank you so much for letting me get acquainted with your sidebar ;)
    My button was actually my sister's illustration - pretty neat huh?
    Bee xxx

  2. I love these monthly posts just because I can fall in love with new blogs.
    I haven't seen any of these blogs before so I have a lot of exploring to do.


  3. I actually don't know ANY of these blogs, so I am excited to check them out!

    Aisling | aisybee.

  4. So much love for this topic and how adorable is the post title?! Totally with you on thinking 'omg July?!' haha! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


  5. Love finding new blogs to read :) Great round up of this months advertisers, can't wait to check them all out!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  6. I just love the title of this post, so simple yet effective! And plus I have some more nighttime reading now - thank you!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  7. You've been spreading the love <3 Thank you for all the lovely recommendations I'll have to go off and read them all now heh heh~
    She Will Be

  8. Totes love ya Jemmaaaaaaa, thanks for being sooooo kind about my blogatrog! I already follow Ali's blog but haven't come across the others before but from just having a nosey I will also be following them from now on as they all have amazeballs blogs! X


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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