Oh Hey, Hello.

Bonjour everyone and happy Thursday! Hope you've all been having a spectacular week! You may notice I seem a little bit chirpy, and that's because I now have a whole four days off work. This may not sound like much to some of you, but I am practically over the moon! I plan on having an actual lie in (oh my lordy), being as creative as possible, seeing Mum and catching up on blogging of course :)

So far this week I've enjoyed starting my next project, becoming slightly more confident each day (more on this soon..) and taking misty photographs during the cold weather, like the above ^ I don't know why I really like that photo, but I do. Also, you can see my beautiful flowers that were waiting for me after work last night from my lovely boyfriend Gary. He's such a romantic! I was thrilled to be surprised by this lovely bunch. Also, I'll do that typical blogger thing soon and take really great photos of them for blog posts, haha. Has to be done doesn't it?

Which also means I'm super excited for Valentines Day :) Gary and I always make it a lovely day, but as I mentioned in this recent post, it's just a day to show love to anyone! Which is why I've posted out two cards to friends just letting them know how awesome they are, and a Valentines card for my Mum! Yes, that is cheesy but I hope to make her smile. Since Dad died I always feel extra bad on Holidays for her (not that Valentines is much of a holiday lol).

Anyway, keep up with me on Instagram for daily snaps and updates. Otherwise, I'll be banging out plenty of posts in the next few days, so be sure to come back!

Much love,

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  1. Aww that is soo sweet! I think I may give my mum a card too :) will make her smile ♥ xxx

    Anisha ♥ www.allyouneedisredlipstick.com

    1. Aww I'm glad, you should! It's such a nice twist on the typical Valentines Day I think! :) xx

  2. 4 days off work?! I'm so jealous. I have a weekend off at the end of the month and it needs to hurry up. Those flowers are so so so beautiful x

    Charlotte / Colours & Carousels

    1. Hehe yes, I booked it a while ago! So happy! Aww thank you gorgeous! Hope you have a great week :) xx

  3. I love that misty photo of the trees too! It's so dreamy...

    Never thought of sending a card to friends or family, that's such a cute idea, will definitely do that this year!

    The Clashing Giraffe

    1. I think so too.. something about it appeals to me so much!
      Aww yay!! Glad to spread some positive vibes! I'm sure they'll be so happy! xx

  4. Enjoy your time off - it's well deserved!! :) Hope you have a lovely Valentine's day with all of your loved ones. :)

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

    1. Aww thank you lovely, as always I adore your visits! <3 Have the best weekend! xxx

  5. I love that misty photo Jemma! Hope you have a lovely few days off of work, it sounds like you've got some nice things planned. - Tasha

    1. Eep- Thanks Tasha! I feel SO HAPPY to have these days off haha! :D xx

  6. glad you're having such a lovely time. hope you make the most of your days off and get very creative. also, enjoy valentines day :) x
    Mara // marashares

    1. Aww, you too! Have a lovely weekend too! xxx

  7. Oh goodness, it's about time you had sometime of work you grafter! Hope you thoroughly enjoy it, you don't half deserve it.

    Eee, that man of yours isn't half a softy! And you're such a great daughter looking out for your Mam <3


    1. Haha Danielle I'm LOVING it!! :D I enjoy my job, but its SO nice to have time off, especially with Gary as we never have days together!
      Hope you have a lovely weekend and feel better son my love! <3 xx

  8. Hope you enjoyed your long weekend! It's a great way to get a little break between bigger holidays.

    Those flowers are so lovely! I hope you two had a great Valentine's Day together too!


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