The Books I Read Over & Over Again


Anyone who knows me personally, knows how much of a bookworm I am. Whether it be on my Kindle (I finally gave in and got one last year), borrowed books from the Library, or brand new, beautiful ones from Waterstones. You can guarantee I'm always in the middle of a book, old or new; and delving into imaginary worlds at every opportunity.

Over the years there have been some editions to my bookshelf which have become firm favourites, and I decided to share some of these with you. Please be kind, because some of these are admittedly embarrassing, but it's so good to indulge isn't it?! - And I'm sure I'm not the only one with guilty pleasures. Although 50 Shades of anything can bugger right off, thank you very much.

So here we have it, my list of repeats I happily experience over & over again;
The Millenium series (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo..)
The Harry Potter series,
The Perks of Being A Wallflower, 
The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection, 
The Gargoyle (Oh my god everyone read this!) 
The Hunger Games, 
Stargazy Pie,
The Catcher In The Rye,
Twilight series,
How To Be A Woman, (..And this!)
The Cuckoo's Calling,
The Davinci Code,
The Snowman,
The Silence of The Lambs,
The Secret Garden.

I just know there are so many more I'm forgetting about - which annoys me! But I'm sure I'll keep adding to this list if I remember any. Now dear reader I have a request for you! Tell me your favourite reads that you love to revisit, and suggest me anything you think is worth me trying! :)

Hope you're all having a great week!

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  1. Thats not embarassing at all - I've not read some of the books you posted but I have read Harry Potter, the Hunger Games and Perks of being a Wallflower (one that I need to reread and have been telling myself I will for ages!). I've read Eat, Pray, Love quite a lot and when I was younger I read "Does My Head Look Big in This?" all the time. Rereading books is great!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog

    1. I loooved Eat Pray Love, - I had a connection so badly to that book!

  2. Haha, your comment about Fifty shades made me chuckle! I completely agree, I'm not looking forward to when it's released in a few days and it's all I see on my Twitter feed. Loving your list here, The Secret Garden will always be a favourite of mine :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


    1. Hahaha I'm just not into the idea of it at all! The film looks HORRID to me. I duno.
      Ohh I'm actually re-reading The Secret Garden right now hahaha! xx

  3. Now I am a big book nerd, and love nothing more than getting lost in the words of a good writer; but I am ashamed to say I have only read two from that list. I need a word with myself haha

    But I love The Secret Garden. To Kill A Mockingbird is one I can always go back to

    Hayley @ Tea Party Beauty

    1. Haha I wouldnt worry... some of them are embarrassing I think haha!
      I love The Secret Garden so much I'm in the middle of it now, again!
      TKAM was a beautiful book, but I've never really gone back to it. Maybe I should..

  4. the davinci code is one of my favourite books too! amazing post

  5. Books are portals to other worlds! I love Harry Potter; it's so detailed you pretty much find something new every time you read it.

    :] // ▲ ▲

    1. This is so true! It's such an enjoyable read :D xx

  6. Thanks for sharing this list! Even though it's such a long read, one of my favourite books of all time is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I've re-read it several times. I'm also a big fan of Flowers for Algernon!

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

    1. Never read either! - I need to get on that!
      Thanks for popping by lovely! xxx

  7. I'm such a sucker for reading books repeatedly. The two I continuously do this with are Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. I actually just finished THG. It was funny even though I've read the entire series more than 5 times I still couldn't put the books down and stayed up far too late to finish them.

    1. Hahahaa, I can totally relate to this. I devour books on a daily basis and read plenty every month, but always find myself going back to these at least every few months! xx

  8. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is one of those books that stays with you long after you've read it - it's one of my absolute favourites and I always recommend it to everyone! So glad to see it on your list. Harry Potter, of course, love it and there are a good few on here I need to get stuck into, especially Catcher in the Rye - can't believe I've still not read it. The Gargoyle sounds interesting, will have to go and hunt it down in my library! - Tasha

    1. The Gargoyle is AMAZING. Seriously! It's so strange and beautiful and haunting. Definitely a must read! <3
      I love Perks too - never gona stop rereading that one haha!

  9. The secret garden is one of my absolute favourites, I think because I was read it a lot as a child. So it brings back happy memories. I've also read How To Be A Woman around six times now, Caitlin Moran is just a dream. Love! x

    1. Im re-reading The Secret Garden right now actually haha!
      And oh my god yes! - Im a huge Caitlin Moran fan!! I've got all her books and this one is definitely my fave. It never fails to inspire me or make me laugh. I made my boyfriend read it too, and hes a fan also! xx

  10. Some lovely picks! ^^ ah! I remember the secret garden! <3

  11. Lovely picks! I can easily read the Fault in Your Stars over & over again.


  12. I've never heard of The Gargoyle series before but I'm looking into it right now! Xx

  13. There are not many books I can read over and over again, but the one that I have read a million times is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I never, EVER get bored of it. Although I recently found out it had been made into a film in 2007 but I'm too scared to watch it, incase it ruins my vision of the characters.

  14. I'm surprised the Northern lights series isn't there as you have Potter and Twilight.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This is such a great list. We have similar taste in books for re-reading.
    I've never heard of The Gargoyle series and a couple of the others so I'll have to go find them now. :]

    I hope it's okay but I have wanted to write about books for ages and I liked this idea so much that I did the same thing on my own blog. Don't worry, I credited you with the idea and included a link to your blog. :]

    xx Sasha

  17. I am definitely going to give some of these a read! I adore the catcher in the rye and the secret garden as well :)

    Collette xxx

  18. Love love love your blog, it's been added to my "must check daily" list, so keep up the good work!
    Also I highly recommend you check out the House of Night series, based on this list I'm sure you'll love it :-).

    Much love AJ xx

  19. My sister and I have a little book club over on my blog as we are most definitely bookworms too! :) I loved your list! Harry Potter is simply the best ever but I also love anything and everything by Jack Kerouac, 'On The Road' being my favourite. I can read it over and over! :)

    Lucy x |~ LULU Locket || Lifestyle Blog ~


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