Authenticity In Blogging

I have to say, last Sunday's #lbloggers chat was an awesome one. It was based on the theme of authenticity in blogging, and how honest we do/don't have to be, within our posts. It brought up some good points, and I felt I'd love to talk about some in more depth here.

What We Share;
It is my belief, not only that your blog should be a place where you talk about whatever you like, but also a place where you can hide whatever you like. Only you define your blog, and what you include in it's content. I've shared some very personal things on this blog and not once did I feel like I had to, to be 'authentic'. I've also kept a lot private; whether it be sensitive issues, something I simply don't want on my blog, or things I just don't think have a place here. None of this alters my authenticity as a blogger. You, as a reader, will have a perception of me. But as long as I am always true to myself on this blog, I am authentic. I may not tell you what is bothering me one week, I may not share what is going on in my life. Or maybe I'll share everything. This is all my choice here, and your choice for your own blog. 

Editing Our Lives;
So whether it's editing my photographs to look brighter/cleaner/more interesting, or editing my words to only share certain thoughts on a subject; neither makes me less authentic. In fact, we spend our whole lives editing ourselves for different people and different situations. If you go to a job interview and you dress smarter, and only talk about the great things you have done - this does not mean you aren't being authentic or 'real'. And nobody expects that anyway (at least not normal, reasonable people). I act differently to friends than I do my family, and I share different details of my life with my colleagues than I do my boyfriend. I share a part of my life with you guys reading this, but it's never going to be the whole picture. We edit all the time. It's okay, it's normal, it's expected. As long as you aren't lying, you're still being you.

Getting Creative;
The whole reason and driving force behind this blog for me personally, is to be more creative. Regardless of whether I'm sharing my Art Journal with you guys, writing about a new beauty product I love, or just plain rambling; I'm being creative. I put a lot of thought into each post, I take my time and plan my words, I try my best to take a photograph as best as I can, and I'm constantly brainstorming new ideas. It's a creative outlet, and that's the greatest pleasure for me. However I'd like to address this creativity a little. Sometimes I embellish my descriptions of experiences or thoughts, I can take hours editing photos to look more beautiful or interesting, and sometimes I'm influenced by other bloggers. I don't believe any of this makes my blog less authentic. In fact, I think it strengthens it. When I present a photograph like the one in this post, I'm not expecting you to believe I have a beautiful apartment with flowers adorned everywhere. When I get creative with my writing; it is only for the pure joy of it, because I relish each word building a story or a picture in your mind. And when I address something on this blog that another blogger has featured, I give full credit, and I do it because they have inspired me in some way.

Finding your own voice through a blog can be hard, and I sure know I'm not even half way through my own journey there yet. But every part of me that I share, every photograph I edit, every word I write; is authentic. Because it is all a part of me; what I love, who I've been, and who I want to be. The beauty of blogging is that these decisions are all 100% made by you, for you.
Make your own rules, stick to what your gut tells you, and revel in it.

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  1. Beautifully said, Jemma. I loved your points about only you can define your blog - I love that. Sometimes it can be hard deciding whether to share something which is close to home but when I've done so in the past I've found other amazing bloggers who have shared their own views and how they've coped/gone through that. Such a great post! - Tasha

    1. Oh I definitely agree! It can be so liberating and helpful to share! :) and likewise if you choose to be very private that's your own perogative too! There is so much freedom with blogging and it's brilliant :) thanka for your support loveky you're always so lovely xxx

  2. Yes, this is so true!! Bloggers get so much flack for creating unrealistic views of their lives but what they really do is inspire! Almost EVERYONE 'edits' their life whether they admit it or not -- whether it's around the water cooler at work or on their Facebook, posting pics of their weekend.
    While tougher subjects need to be talked about too, what's wrong with creating a space that showcases the best of you online?
    Brianna || Brianna ||

    1. Brianna you've worded this perfectly! <3 Blogging should be used as a tool for your own self expression, whether you're really open, or quite private.
      Thanks lovely! xx

  3. Preach! I love this post. I used to worry about what people thought of my blog.. I didn't want to post something incase people would think I was being fake because it wasn't beauty related but now I'm like.. I can post what I want this is me and it's my corner of the internet! xxxx

    1. I know - SAME! I started out only doing beauty products and thought I'd get laughed at for posting arty stuff! How silly of me! :) haha. Thanks Aisling!! xx

  4. Such a great post! so so true! We are all Authentic in our own ways! Xx

  5. Such a great post Jem! and well said! Even like facebook or like you said jobs we always edit, we edit ourselves dependant on the people we are around it's all good. Stay creative! x

    1. I know! We edit our whole persona every single day! :) xxx

  6. Couldn't agree more Jemma <3 Lovely post and go us!

  7. This is such a great post! I totally agree, it's YOUR blog, and you should blog for yourself and not be ashamed of hiding anything ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

    1. - And likewise you can keep anything to yourself that you wish!
      Thanks so much Amy! xx

  8. This is such a great post!!! I totally agree with everything you said!!!

  9. You make some very sensible and very valid points. Dare I say it, but it's a nice refreshing and authentic outlook on the whole topic.

    To be honest, I reckon you'd loss either way. If you shared anything and everything, people would still think you were not sharing something or they'd say you're an over sharer. If you choose to keep things secret, then your being secure or your hiding things. Best to do as you please and not worry about others. These kinds of topics lend themselves to double standards in my opinion.

  10. Absolutely nailed it - it's your blog, your life, up to you what and how much you share!
    So well said Jemma, thanks.
    M x Life Outside London

  11. I totally agree! Every blogger decides what they want to share on their blog. As long as they're not lying, then it's okay.
    Jade x

  12. I like this. I agree. It's your blog so you can choose how personal you wants to get with it. You can choose to share some personal information, but not all. You can talk about your friends but leave your job out. None of that makes you less authentic. Just because you're not sharing something does not mean you're lying about it.


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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