20 Lessons From My Twenties (So Far..)

In April I'll be turning 27, which is terrifying. But I'm starting to reflect on some of the things I've learned so far on this journey through my twenties. Mostly that we all mess up, and stuff is never as important as we think it is at the time. But some other stuff too I thought I'd share..

1. Your metabolism will slow down. Try not to sob over old photos of yourself from when you first thought you were 'fat'.

2. Candles and cushions are exciting. You'll obsess over them at some point and buy a shitload that you don't really need.

3. Working 9-5 feels a lifetime longer than study hours of 9-3.

4. People are now getting pregnant on purpose. (This is weird..)

5. You realise you don't care if you're 'popular' or not anymore, in any social setting.

6. Staying in, pampering yourself and getting an early night is now considered a treat, not a bore.

7. You don't have to pretend you like anyone for the sake of it. (Unless maybe it's your boss..)

8. Work is now important to you! No longer is it just something to pay a bill, or get you out at the weekend. You now probably care about what you're doing with your life...

9. ..As does everybody else. Family now expect you to know what you're doing. Fuck.

10. You will wonder how you managed to shop/drink/go out so much as a teen, with a crappy part time job. Now you might work full time and barely go out once a month. How??

11. Staying out until 4am when you have work at 8am, is no longer hilarious and spontaneous. It's annoying and upsetting. It still won't stop you, but you'll moan for days.

12. Being different is okay. In fact you now revel in those quirks of yours.

13. DIY is actually awesome.

14. You remember things from your teen years, and are convinced they weren't that long ago... Surely I didn't leave school that long ago?!

15. If you're in a relationship, people will assume and ask when you're getting married/having babies.

16. That being said, you will attempt to plan your life (Ha!). Remember that episode of Friends where  it's Rachel's birthday and she's talking about her life plan? 'If I want kids by 35, I'll have to get married by 32..' - Yeah we've all probably done this.

17. Eyebrows are so important. I'm sorry to my teenage eyebrows, I totally ignored you.

18. You're no longer embarrassed to buy condoms or pregnancy kits.

19. The idea of housemates now fill you with dread. It's not a cool slumber party with your besties all in one house. It's arguments over who does the dishes and being sick of their face.

20. You'll never regret taking so many photographs. Keep it up!

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  1. I love this post. And I totally agree with number 2 ~ you will never have enough candles and cushions. You blog is amazing.

  2. I love this and every single one is so true!!
    I find myself thinking most of these too..

    Great post! xx



  3. Haha I agree with all of these! Especially the candle obsession and not giving a damn about people you don't like ;) xx

    Sam | Samantha Betteridge

  4. "People are now getting pregnant on purpose."
    Really loved this one haha! Anyhow, you wrote some pretty hilarious lessons here.

    Go Prada Yourself.

  5. I can relate to so much of this! I loved reading this.

    Antonia x | Fifi and the Diamonds

  6. This is all soo true . I'm 32 and can relate to everything on this list. Brill.

    Gill x EyelinerFlicks

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Haha, great list! I especially loved the advice about taking photos. So priceless.



  9. Awww, I love this, especially the one about staying up until 4am with an early start the next morning - I still do this, not even intetionally and regret it completely when my alarm goes off. Also, the one about work and careers - oh my - I thought I knew what I was doing when I left university but now, not so much. Life eh? Great post. - Tasha

  10. Agree with every point! The metabolism thing is so upsetting though, haha, when you hit your thirties you will be gaining weight only by looking at the chocolates, lol! x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  11. I agree with all of these so much! Especially 2,5 and 17! I'm 22 next week and I find myself saying ''When I was you/his/her age way too often! :P x

  12. Hahaha, couldn't agree with this more! So true. And I'm almost 4 years into my 20s...


  13. Ha ha - I totally agree with all of this - especially the DIY.
    Also, you appreciate tea and good wine so much more!!

    Rach // illustrated-teacup.blogspot,co.uk

  14. Omg so many of these are true! ahaha such a good list!

  15. Hahaha, so true! Trust me that by 30 you'll have added even more to this list :) lisa x
    ( Astarfellonher.wordpress.com )

  16. I'm not even in my twenties yet and I can relate to some of these points haha! :) x


  17. Haha this list is awesome and so true!

  18. Love this post so much! I am just turning 21 in a few days and I cannot wait to experience my 20s.


  19. i can relate to a lot of these although i'm definitely still a teenager at heart!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle

  20. YES. Especially to the candles and cushions thing. I suddenly want ALL THE CANDLES AND CUSHIONS and I don't even care that I don't need them.

  21. Ohh my 20's have been the era I've learnt the most. And I am so with you on not pretending to like people, and think my tolerance of people is getting worse as I get older...eep!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  22. I'm 25 this year and I can definitely agree with all of these points. I'm glad I'm not the only one! lol :)

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  23. Awww Jemma you have hit the nail on the head here! I absolutely despise the sly nudges and winks from fellow family members as they say "so... when's the wedding?"

    And OH MY GOD, never again will I live with housemates (except if it was you and Gary) tehe <3

    Brilliantly hilarious and clever post doll!

    Claire xo

  24. Hahah loved this - can relate to nearly all of them. How I miss those 9-3 days at school - I now work 8-5 and would do anything to go back!!

    Beth x

    Bethany Georgina

  25. This was such a great read and I honestly couldn't relate more to almost all of it!
    Time just flashes by, I guess :(

    Allie | RainyAllie

  26. I agree with absolutely everything in this post. Also going to be 27 this year and there's not a single thing on here that I'm not also experiencing. How strange!

    Writer’s block and broken lenses

  27. OMG this is spot on! I only realised the other day that I have left school 10 years this year. Like when did that happen?! :')

    Sian | Siân Marie Beauty

  28. Love this, so true!! And yes to embracing your quirks!! Half of the things I love about myself now would have been things I hid when I was younger. Isn't it funny?! Totally not down with the idea that I'm supposed to know what I'm doing though haha!! <3

  29. I'm new to your blog and loving playing catch up! You have some wonderful posts! :) I turned 27 last week and I have to say these are spot on and made me laugh! :p

    Lucy x |~ LULU Locket || Lifestyle Blog ~

  30. These are so true! I definitely find people getting pregnant on purpose now very weird still xx


  31. I totally agree with all of these! I think I like the last one best though. I'm always bugging my friends to take pictures of us together or of what we're doing. Sometimes they're not so keen and I always say, "You'll thank me for the memories later!!"

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

  32. So much truth! So many people I've known since we were teens are getting married now, I'm just like 'HOLD UP WHAT YOU'RE STILL 15!' And I'm SO there on the eyebrows - looking back is super-cringey!

    Milly // Mini Adventures

  33. Jemma this is brill and so well thought out. I think I can relate to every single one of these. I do have a life plan and I have done since I was about 16 (worrying I know)!

    I now love shopping for homeware now too which I used to hate!!

    Emma xx


  34. Jemma this is brill and so well thought out. I think I can relate to every single one of these. I do have a life plan and I have done since I was about 16 (worrying I know)!

    I now love shopping for homeware now too which I used to hate!!

    Emma xx


  35. Hey, I'm almost 22 so I I'm already starting my adventures w/ my twenties but I can relate to many of the points you made, like, for example, the love of candles and cushions. But what I find the most relevant, is people expecting me to have a plan for my life. The more I'm trying to fit in this plan, the more miserable I get. This is a circle.
    Anyway, this is a great post, I can see you thought it through. :)

    { itslecafenoir.blogspot.com }


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