Skin Deep

Anyone with tattoos will tell you how annoying and patronizing it can be, to get some of the questions that we do, on a daily basis. 'How will you look when you're older?', 'Do you regret them?', or even; 'What are you going to do on your wedding day?'. Yes, I have actually been asked these questions plenty myself and it can be more than a little boring. My choices are my own, and I don't question anyone else's. Because tattoos are a visual thing though, for some reason some people feel it's okay to ask about our life decisions uninvited, or even question them.

So let's clear this stuff up quickly.

I will look like myself when I'm older, only with tattoos. I'm happy to accept I will be a grandma with ink all over my body, and the responsibilities that come with that.

No I do not regret them. But if I did I feel that's a very personal question to ask anyway, I wouldn't inquire about your life choices uninvited. 

Probably the one that annoys me most is the wedding day one. What will I do on my wedding day? I'll wear a beautiful dress, I will be surrounded by people I care about, I will make a promise to the man I want to spend my life with, and I will be 100% myself. I will not suddenly develop shame about my ink for one particular day. In fact, I'll look pretty awesome okay?


Now, onto the reason I wanted to write this post. I was inspired by Rachel's post from Illustrated Teacup, about body confidence relating to tattoos. I could totally relate to what she had said, and the quotes that were featured in this post. I'd love to tell you all about the beauty of tattoos, and their power. Yes that's right, power.

If you've read my blog for a while now, you'll know I've sometimes suffered with my body confidence and self esteem in general before. But my tattoos are never a part of those insecurities, in fact they are usually a weapon against them. One part of my body I hate most is my thighs; they're big and chubby and not great looking in shorts. However, whenever I look down and see one of my favourite tattoos taking up pretty much the whole space of my left thigh, I smile. Because now it's covered with something beautiful. It makes me focus on something good, and I feel unique rather than ugly. This is just one example, but it happens with every part of my body that is inked. I'm filled with love and confidence by each piece of art I add to my body. Some parts are there purely because I love the design, some are so very personal and meaningful to me. It's my own canvas, and I'll let it continue to develop and inspire me. 

I already have 9 tattoos (some have been extended/added to over the years), and I plan for many more. It's fair to say I'm addicted, I like the control I have over my own body in this way. I'm making it my own. Just to be clear though, as much as I love tattoos and probably always will; I'm not saying everyone should get one. It's there for life (or until you have a helluva lotta painful & expensive removal work done) and is a big responsibility. You need to make the decision to get one be 100% your own.

I hope this post gives a little insight into how tattoos can help someone and be a really positive experience. Or at least make people think before they judge my wedding day plans..

What do you guys think? Do you have any, or would you get any?

*Photos were taken before I dyed my hair it's current green!
* Not all my tattoos featured, as some were too awkward to photograph alone, haha.
*Newest tattoo - the bird, rose and heart locket on my arm.
*Most painful tattoo - My tiny finger one! (The smallest one too!)

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  1. I also love my tattoos and see them as a part of my story rather than a fullish decision made whilst still young which is the assumption that I feel many people make. I love all these positive tattoo posts and hope it opens up people to a different idea of what tattooing can mean rather than just the negative stereotypes.

  2. love love love this post!!! some people are just darn rude!! i posted my 2015 goals and one of them was a tattoo! i really want one on my foot and have done for years i just dont know what to get! I have also been put off as since i have mentioned to friends they have claimed - it is absolutely agony on the foot! I notice you have one - can you please tell me the truth, is it really that agonising or are people putting me off? x

  3. Lovely post and so nice of you to share your tattoos. I think they all look amazing on you and suit you to perfection. Shame there's still such a typical stereotype surrounding tattoos, because after all they are a form of art. I haven't personally got a tattoo yet as I just can't decide on what exactly I would like to have drawn on my body for the rest of my life and I am a total chicken when it comes to needles x

    Beauty with charm

  4. What would I do on my wedding day? SHow them off! The man I'll be marrying will love every inch, inked or not!!

    It upsets me that in this day and age there are still so many stereotypes around tattoos. I had a job where I wasn't allowed to show them off, especially in front of clients! They might not want to work with us again if I seem like a wild thing...

    I have 7 tattoos at the moment and one is far from complete (Alice in Wonderland like yours!) and I already have at least 3 more planned.

    Cliche I know but your body is a canvas people! Show off your life with every line and shade and be god damn proud.

    Writer’s block and broken lenses

  5. I don't have any tattoos. I always feel like I will get something stupid printed on me and regret it. I accept that you don't regret your tattoos but there are people who do. Why else do tattoo removal services exist?

    Tattoos are more acceptable nowadays though. When my mother was younger, they were kind of associated with a type of person like thugs or motorcyclists which gave them a kind of bad image. But they're not seen that way anymore (thank god!) But I do agree that it's rude to ask about life choices so tattoos should be apart of that.

    I love the slant you took on how it helps you with body confidence. I never really considered that. I always thought people wanted to get one only for a meaning it had to them or to keep a memory or something. I'm so glad this helps your body confidence.

    I will definitely be getting one in the future when I've made my mind up. In my mind it's a tough decision.

    Thanks for the great read,

  6. I have 6 tattoos and although most are hidden I always get the 'But what will you think when you're older?' comment.. but what if I don't make it to be old? This was such a great post to read - I loved it!

    Bethan | Thought from Beth x

  7. I love the one on your foot and I would also love to know how painful it really is on the foot as that is where I want mine :)
    As ever some people feel that they have the right to challenge your decisions and that is wrong as you have clearly thought about yours and even if you have that is your problem not theirs :)
    Great post as ever though!

    Pams Stuff and Things <a

  8. Love the Alice in Wonderland foot tattoo, its beautiful! I don't have any tattoo myself but I think it's time people stop acting like it's a big deal and sticking their nose into other peoples lives. Great post :)

    Meg |

  9. I have four tattoos and my family, apart from my Mum and Dad, really don't agree with them. It drives me insane that they try to push their opinion on me. I don't force them to have tattoos and I don't moan at them for not having them, however, they all hate mine and I constantly have to hide them and think about what I'm wearing when I'm around family. I'm so glad you wrote this and it really touched a nerve with me, so thank you! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  10. I have some body confidence issues too but, like you, my tattoos are excluded. I love them and love that they're a part of who I am as a person. I did a post sorta similar to this a few months ago on things women hear when they have tattoos. Feel free to check it out:

  11. I have a fair number of tattoos - half sleeve, inner arm, foot, and the whole side of my body is done. They're all things that can be hidden fairly easily though. As much as I know it's unfair to have to hide them, I also know my career field and I like having the option to cover them. Plus, it makes me feel just that much more awesome when someone who doesn't know I have tattoos sees me in the summer. "WOAHH I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD TATTOOS."

    I've always found my tattoos to be an incredibly healing part of my body confidence issues. I love the way they look and make me feel, and they make me feel better in the skin I am in.

    Thanks for posting this!

    xx Kathryn

  12. Your tattoos are gorgeous! I only have 4 tattoos (so far) and i completely agree with your comment about their power. My newest one also covers my left thigh, a place of serious body anxiety. Now when I look at it, it makes me so, so happy. I can't wait to get more!

  13. Jemma you look great! This is a really interesting post, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. There's a lot of stigma around tattoos and I think if you want one, just do it and stop worrying about what you'll look like when you're 80. I'd only get a tattoo if it meant something to me and it would have to look as awesome as your foot one, I love it!x

  14. I love this so much and I am soooo happy that I could inspire another person to write about their body confidence!
    I've totally had all the same questions, countless times, with an added arm stroke from a stranger, like they think my arm is going to feel different to everyone else's! It doesn't!

    You know exactly how I feel about tattoos and my body - I'm the same as you. And I'm no where near done with adding to my collection.
    Though I would say it is a serious business being a collector - it shouldn't be taken lightly.

    I personally think that individuals should be allowed to do what they want with their bodies, if it makes them happy and doesn't harm others. Body modification in all its forms is personal choice and others should keep their negative opinions to themselves - there's enough terrible things in the world, we don't need personal attacks as well. If you are happy, then that, at the end of the day, is the biggest achievement of them all.

    Rach /

  15. Great post. Beautiful photos. You look gorgeous. No need to feel bad about your image. I don't have any tattoos but can imagine you get those questions often. I never ask these. You have to accept that we are all different so best is to accept some people have tattoos. I like them on others but I like changing my mind so avoid having them!

  16. Beautiful tattoos!

    I totally agree about the power of tattoos. I only have one, but I got it at a time in my life when I was in a state of limbo and also trying to get over a number of body-related issues. I rarely see my tattoo and I don't need to. Knowing it is there makes me feel like I can do anything.

    Thank you for sharing.

  17. I love your tattoos! I have one on each of my wrists and I love them although my parents hate them x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  18. Totally agree! I can't wait to expose people to the art on my legs rather then the whiteness!
    everyone is like what is that a splodge.....

  19. I think your tattoos are so cool! I wish I had the courage to get a few! My mom has a couple and people have asked her a few of these questions as well! It can get annoying!

  20. Your tattoo's are gorgeous! :) I've only got one cant wait to get more though x

  21. Your tattoos are gorgeous, i'm getting ready for some tattoos soon, just scared for the pain!
    Love Vicki <3

  22. I love tattoos, especially designing them with my cousin :) but because I'm such a picky person I can't decide on something for myself and I don't want that decision to be made for me :( however I don't understand why people think as you get older your going to begin to dislike your body and the ink on it... Heck my dad and my uncles are well into their 40's and 50's and still pull them off incredibly, in-fact they suit them more now than they did at my age!

  23. you have amazing tattoos! I have a few but I want to get loads more in future, they are part of me and just add personality :)

    Melissa ||

  24. Your tattoos are so beautiful, colourful and unique - just like you! This post is so inspiring and it makes me proud to call you my friend <3 Jemma, you're an amazing lady and I hope you never forget that :)

    Claire xo

  25. I love your tattoo on the 1st photo and the photo itself is also gorgeous! I think your tattoos really suit you. :) x

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

  26. Your tattoos are stunning, I know tattoos aren't for me but I love them on other people, hehe.
    Some of those questions you've been asked are really disrespectful, invasive and rude!


  27. I love love love your mad hatter's tea party tattoo on your foot! I agree, it's actually quite rude of people to ask you some of the things they do! I like hearing the stories behind peoples tattoo!

    Emma xx


  28. Wow so many comments for this post! What a popular topic. I love your tattoos and so individual to the person. Would love to know the story behind each one and what they mean to you, maybe a post in the future pretty please?
    I hope to get 2 done at some point, hopefully 1 this year as it's a family tattoo and currently waiting for our new addition to the family to be born :)

  29. Great post. It's funny how there's still so much stigma/prejudice about tattoos from people. I have two tattoos. I got the first 15 years ago on a bit of a whim and my second a couple of months ago. I've never told my parents because I can't be bothered with the grief as they hate all tattoos (not sure if it's just a generation thing). I hate how people project their own feelings about things onto your tattoos. I'll deal with my choices thanks and I love my tattoos!
    Yours are fab too :) x

  30. I love this post! I don't have any tattoos (yet!) but even I get annoyed by all of the cliché questions asked about tattoos - tattoos are beautiful pieces of art and I see no reason why they should be taken negatively. Plus, tattooed women look AWESOME in a wedding dress.

    Your tattoos are so beautiful too, I love the ones on your arms!

    Hazel xx

  31. Great post! I can imagine how annoying it is to be asked those questions, as it's your body, your choice at the end of the day! I absolutely adore your Alice foot tattoo, the design is gorgeous and I love that quote! x

  32. I am highly jealous of your tattoos. I would love to get something, even a small something.. but I'm a giant chicken!

    Sara Bloo xo

  33. This post is brilliant, I cannot tell you the amount of times I have been asked ridiculous questions regarding my tattoos. Wearing a backless dress to a party is social suicide for me sometimes, I was asked 4 times by different people to 'explain the meaning' behind my tattoos some of which don't have, others are very personal and I think it's quite a rude thing to ask someone in that way. Especially when follow up is something snidey!

    Hannah xx

  34. Love this post! Your tattoos are beautiful and so are you.

    Charlene x

  35. Hi Jemma, I just discovered your blog and have read through some of your most recent posts. I was interested to read about your experience with people's attitudes to your tattoos and the sometimes blazen disregard for privacy. I recently had my second tattoo and have been fascinated by some people's responses with uncomfortable staring and questions, despite it only being very small. (It's arabic so people want to know what it means - but they hear the word it translates to and have no idea of it's true meaning to me). It has been so different compared to my first tattoo which I had done 12 years ago and is far more hidden so I've never really been asked about it. I thought attitudes were changing and the 'rebel' tag was irrelevant but perhaps that was naive.
    Enjoy designing your next ink!


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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