Meet My Advertisers

Whether it be the first page of a new notebook, moving to a new place, or even just the first blog post of the year; there's nothing I love more than a fresh start. A fresh start means the chance to explore who you really want to be, and what you want to do. And that's what 2015 is going to be all about for me, I hope you guys take that opportunity too :)

Keeping that in mind, I've started advertising space on this blog for other bloggers, brands or shops to display their buttons each month. I will only be displaying buttons of those relevant to my blog, or ones I am personally interested in. I hope this helps to bring exposure to people/things I am passionate about, and also maybe help you guys discover new loves! If interested, you can read about my ad space here.

Since today is January 1st, I'd like to introduce my first ever wonderful advertisers;

The Blossom Cart

The Blossom Cart is the blog of the lovely Sarah, fellow Scouser and all around awesome person! A girl after my own heart; she is fun and friendly to all readers, and always lets her personality shine through each post. Whether it be Beauty, Fashion or Lifestyle - if it's something she's passionate about; she's covering it on her blog. Do yourselves a favour and immediately befriend this girl and follow her blog, you won't regret it! (Sidenote.. I plan on meeting Sarah in 2015 and can say I'm thoroughly excited!).

Kristina Suzanne

Kristina Suzanne is a Lifestyle blog brought to you by.. you guessed it; Kristina ;) A girl who has quickly become a firm blogging friend to me in this first year! When I first came across her blog, I was kind of captivated. You know those people who instantly draw you in with their sweet personality, cute photos, and interesting thoughts? Yeah, that's exactly what Kristina's blog did for me. She takes you along throughout her adventures both big and small, and being a part of it feels like a privilege. I'm lucky enough to share random emails/messages with his lady often, and she can always put a smile on my face. Take a little visit for yourself guys and show her some love.

This could not be more perfect. It's January 1st; officially the day when everyone vows to be healthier and fitter this year. I mean, even in yesterday's post I spoke of my wish to eat better and look after my body. So having Emma's blog as an advertiser for this month is just the kick up the bum I need! Emma provides an insight into her healthy weight loss journey, along with tips and support you may need for yourself! It's all about treating our bodies a little more kindly, and Emma's blog will encourage you every time!

Ellen's blog is a fantastic example of the types of blog I always fall for; a gorgeous combination of Lifestyle, advice, fashion, travel, food, and much more! Somehow when you're reading along you can get lost between one post and another, as you click along and follow in Ellen's steps. She is truly a kind and sweet girl, who I just know will be a firm favourite with lots of you guys. I hope you take a little visit to see what I mean :)

And that's it for January! Thank you to all my amazing advertisers for the month, I'm so excited to have you! I have to be honest; I'm THRILLED that you all happened to be bloggers I respect/love/appreciate anyway! I hope it's also the start of great friendships.

Lots of love guys, have a great month!

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  1. Awwwh thank you so much for all the lovely things you said about my blog. :3 I'm so happy I decided to opt for this advertisement. :)

  2. Jemma thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to work with you, it means so much to me. Message me if you want any tips! Meal plan going up Sunday with some recipes which will hopefully inspire you.
    Loving each and every post that you write and share with us and as always, such a lovely friendly person :)

    Thank you so much

    Ems xx


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