Tips To Encourage Confidence

As promised from this post, I'm making 2015 a more confident year for myself. That's not to give the impression I'm a shy wallflower all the time - there are plenty of friends out there who will laugh at that description of me. But there are times when my confidence is seriously lacking, and it effects things in my life that I wish it didn't. I'm making positive changes and attempting to improve things, even if only in a small way. So I've compiled a list of things that are supposed to really improve and encourage confidence in various ways. I thought I'd share these with you guys, and keep this record here for myself to refer back to.

-Do something that scares you. If you can overcome a fear, no matter how small; you will be amazed by how awesome you instantly feel afterwards.

- Compliment others. Spreading happiness and confidence is just as important for your own well being, as well as helping someone else. Try to compliment someone every day.

- Compliment yourself! Point out something nice about yourself, every single day. Even something small; a new outfit looking good, your kindness, the way you can always make others laugh.

- Avoid perfection. Dismiss it completely, because obsessing over it will never leave you satisfied. I can relate to this Artistically, and I've found imperfections help me progress anyway :)

- Don't compare yourself. It's the quickest way to throw away your own confidence. You are not like anyone else, that's a good thing.

-Identify your talents. Everyone is good at something, so focus on your skills and confidence will come naturally.

-Talk about it. Tell a friend, write about it in your blog, confide in someone. If you share your concerns it can bring relief, and they may help you realise your worth.

-Never allow others to make you feel inferior. They cannot do so without your permission. Think positively about yourself; and the rest of the world will follow.

-Smile! This one sounds silly, but the Facial Feedback Theory is the idea that if we force ourselves to smile, it does actually encourage our mood to improve. So next time you're not feeling confident, put a smile on your face and you may end up being a little more sure of yourself.

-Power pose. Studies have shown that if we make our posture more confident, we feel more confident. So stand up straight, don't cross your arms or fidget, look straight ahead and smile. Maybe adopt a Superman pose. 

-Keep a journal. It helps to calm your inner voice, and reason with any stressful thoughts. In a way, you can talk yourself out of it.

-Learn something new. This will challenge you, help you feel more fulfilled and make you feel confident in yourself in a new way.

-Distract your inner fears. Direct your focus on helping others, and you will forget your own problems and insecurities. 

-Remember that confidence is a journey, not a destination.

I'm going to be doing all of these steps to hopefully improve my confidence and build self esteem this year. I'll be doing some daily and some when I really need it most. I may post again when I put some of these to the test, and I'll let you know how I go! Thanks for reading guys, and I hope these tips can help any of you who may need it too.

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  1. These are great tips, and inspire reflection of ones self (for me anyway). Learning to not let other people make you feel inferior sounds hard, but hopefully for the both of us, we can pull through and think more positively about ourselves. Thank you for sharing x
    Angelina | The Peony Diaries

    1. Thank you so much for reading Angelina, I appreciate it! I wish you as much luck as possible on your own confidence journey! xx

  2. All brilliant tips, I'm defiantly going to try to be more confident this year so will be trying these :)
    Chelle x

  3. Hello my lovely! I’ve just nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award as a way of showing the beautiful blogs you have recently discovered :) You can find your nomination with all the info if you want to get involved yourself, yay :D xo

  4. Thank you for sharing these! I think I need to internalise each and every one. 'Be More Confident' has been my goal for so many years now (we're talking since way back when I first started secondary school), but it always seems like such a huge challenge. Breaking it up into smaller, more manageable tasks would really help. I hope they work wonders for you :)

  5. Wonderful post lovely. I always find that complimenting others is a wonderful way to put a smile on someone else face and my own. x

    1. Oh gosh definitely! It's the easiest way to spread so much joy to you both ^__^ Thanks so much for popping by Toni! xx

  6. Really helpful tips. I like the idea of complimenting someone everyday and also complimenting ourselves.

  7. I love power poses! I end up doing these out in public sometimes without realizing it but I feel much more happy and comfortable that way lol

    When I was a teenager, I was given the advice to fake confidence rather than mope around feeling bad. That really gave me a boost towards it.

    1. Oh wow, you do? That's bloody awesome! I wish I could in public, because I'd love to give off confident vibes but I hardly ever do!
      Thanks so much for popping by Crissy! - I'll be trying to fake it as much as possible! :) xx

  8. These are all great tips - and things we should keep in mind more often! I feel like everyone just says "love yourself - it's important" but we never really talk about how to get there. It's a process but I think these are fantastic steps in right right direction.

    Thanks for posting Jemma! Have a happy Monday!

    xx Kathryn

    1. That's EXACTLY what made me want to do this post Kathryn! :) I wanted to write down all these little steps which may help me (and others) in knowing HOW to get there! :)
      Aww thanks so much for your feedback! xxx

  9. I undoubtedly agree with all you have said in this! :D :)
    No need to compare ourselves to others because differences are what make us who we are. :)
    I really liked this and it's a post that you can just go back to when you're feeling down in the dumps. :)


  10. Lovely post and great tips. I definitely need to start distracting my inner fears - thinking about them only makes things 10x worse and does nothing for my confidence!

    Beth // Bethany Georgina

  11. Great tips, I'll be giving each one a go :) x

  12. This is such a brilliant post Jemma - I love the Superman idea! I couldn't agree more with the tips you listed - I'll definitely be adopting these this year. - Tasha

    1. Thanks Tasha! :D I'm finding some of these so hard - but sticking to them for sure! I hope some can help you too! xx

  13. Love these tips! Talking about my problems and concerns really helps me feel better and I noticed my confidence skyrocketed when I stopped comparing myself to others!


    1. It's one of the worst things to do isnt it?! I can't help it sometimes, but hopefully I can train myself to STOP sometime! :) Thanks so much Jessica! <3 xx

  14. Great post and list of tips! x

  15. Power pose! Absolutely. I find public speaking to be very scary so every time that has to be done, I put some some good shoes and a nice smart outfit because it makes me stand smart and straight and it just gives me a little boost in confidence.

  16. Awwwww i love these! amazing tips


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