First Impressions

Working within a company that specializes in managing your online reputation, has been eye opening and important to me in many ways. If you don't know by now, I'm in a new job. It's very technical and hard to explain what I do at times, but all you need to know is I love it. And it's all basically about representing the way clients look online to an audience.  Which has got me thinking lately..

I have this blog and all my various social media channels, and each one paints a picture of me in small ways. I certainly know how I WANT to come across to an audience. Words like intelligent or creative come to mind, I suppose that's natural to want. I'd like you to see the real me, but with cleaner edges and a personality you can relate to. That's not so hard, right? Hmm.. maybe.

How am I representing myself online?
I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I struggle to be the person I so badly want to be. I love blogging, it truly is my passion. But I worry I'm not coming across true to myself, even though I'm trying. My blog gives me a chance to share my thoughts and feelings which I love so much, but I yearn for a way I can express my personality. My stupid accent, my clumsy manner, my ability to laugh at even the most mundane/questionable things- is not being shown here. And I'm quite frustrated at that to be honest. I'm not sure I'd ever try Youtube to be honest, but at that's the only way I can think to express myself more. I'm just curious about how I represent myself online, and how you all see me?

I certainly know I love bloggers even more when I feel like they have quirks. In fact I subscribe to a lot of people who blog about things I typically have no interest in, but I'm happy to because their personality keeps me so interested.

I'd like to start a discussion if possible, what do you guys think? Can you share with me what impression you get of me from my blog? I'd appreciate any feedback whether good or bad. Am I representing myself in a particular light? Do you think video is worth a try? (Not just for me, but anyone). Is it worth it? And if not YouTube, can you think of another medium to help challenge me or better express who I am?

Seriously all thoughts welcomed. And thank you for reading.
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  1. I've only been following your blog for a few days now, so I feel as though I can't offer up any substantial commentary in regard to your personal voice and the way you express yourself. I REALLY enjoyed your "Skin Deep" post though, and it was honestly one of the reasons I started following you.

    I completely agree that I love little quirks and stand out qualities in bloggers. Sometimes it can be nice to follow someone who strictly gives advice or tips & seems to have a really put together life, but I'm much more interested in reading about people who are just wonderfully human that I could see myself getting along with in real life. Blogging, for me, is very much about community and I think seeing people when they are vulnerable and just living their lives lets me connect with them on a much deeper level.

    Also, I do really think that video helps me get to know a person more. The occasional YouTube video can be fun! And it takes the mystery out of how people sound or look outside of their posts.

    Good luck with your growth and finding your voice! I think you're already closer to being there than you think. You're your own worst critic ;)

    1. Aww thank you so much for leaving your thoughts. I totally agree, I love when bloggers personalities shine through in their blog whatever it may be.
      haha thank you - I hope so! Xx

  2. I totally agree with this and oddly, think about this in regards to myself a lot. I try to put my personality into posts, but its really hard to get something like this across in writing! I do have a Youtube channel, but I'm still not sure it really comes across as me. I do really try to get my personality over, but its such a small part of it based on what I'm choosing to film.

    Its almost like I want to put the camera on in the corner of my room and let people just see what I'm like on an average day! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

    1. Ahh I'm glad there's someone commenting who does YouTube too! It's interesting that you also feel this way too even with filming. I guess it's hard to get perspective on your own self really.
      Thanks for leaving your thoughts Sarah! Xx

  3. I just started my own blog, so I have no idea how I'm coming across haha :) but I do tend to read posts more if you can see personality in what's been written :) x

    1. Oh good luck! :)
      Yeah I think it's a skill if people can engage you even if your interests differ - and that's how I find my fave blogs. People who clearly have a personality! :)

  4. You come across as a really lovely, open person. I like that you share your feelings with us, and that there's life/lifestyle content as well as beauty. It sounds weird but you seem like someone I'd like to be friends with.

    1. Aww Lena this is s so nice! ^_^ I bet we would, or I hope so because you always seem so lovely (and cool! Haha) thank you so much for leaving your thoughts! Xx

  5. From your blog I feel like you are a very "cutesy" kind of person. I don't know if that's a description haha but I imagine you going "awwww" if you see something pink. Do you know what I mean? I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but that's how I think you would act if we hung out. Just very sweet!

    I'm thinking about youtube - it's scary but I think a video every now and then would be kind of fun. I love finding out what people's voices sound like haha


    1. Haha really!! This is so interesting haha. I think I can be a bit like that to be honest haha. But maybe my blog exaggerates that part of me?! Who knows! Haha. I feel the same about YouTube! So scary to me, but it also might be lovely too?!
      Thanks for reading Jessica! Xx
      ps - you always seem so much fun and quirky!

  6. from your blog and twitter,i just think you are one of the nicest and sweetest people i have ever come across since i joined up! You are one of the few people i would go to if i needed advice and tbh,i think you are awesome! x

    1. Oh my gosh Hollie you are the nicest I swear you have it backwards haha! You are the sweet one! :) you're always so lovely and friendly and it's wonderful when you find people like that! Thanks for leaving your thoughts it means a lot! Xxx

  7. I would say that you come across as a good person, loyal, lovely and fun. But also a bit quirky (in a good way) also one of those people that keeps to them self and doesn't open up very easily and maybe a bit shy but with a wicked sense of humour and likes to laugh.

    I do think that your personally comes through on your blog but I know what you mean about Youtube, I have given it some thought but think that I am too scared to put myself out there!

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. Aww Pam thanks for saying such lovely things! Im hoping I come across that way haha, that's be awesome!
      But yeah Youtube is so intimidating haha.
      I think you seem like a quiet but friendly to everyone kind of person! ^__^

    2. Pretty much, although I am only quiet until I know you well, then you won't shut me up :P xx

  8. In the nicest possible way, it seems like you're overthinking things too much. We're all guilty of it! I regularly have moments where I doubt myself and my blog but you just need to read some of these wonderful comments to see that people enjoy what you have to give, and that's certainly not to be scoffed at! You Tube frightens the bejesus out of me so I don't think I'd ever dip my toes in that pond but fair play to you if you give it a go.

    In terms of how you come across to me, I'd definitely say that you're a creative cookie. You're also very 'real' and I feel like there's no hidden agenda when it comes to your blog posts. I also think that you portray yourself as very personable and friendly. You seem to genuinely make an effort to interact with people online and get involved which is a great quality to have.

    Try not to worry too much and just remember to let your personality shine through in your posts. I often think, "Should I really write that?" and then I'm like, to hell with it, why not!? A fun, chatty blogger wins hands down for me any day! xxx

    Kirsty - Effortlessly Excessive

    1. You're probably right haha. But with the line of work I do now, my eyes have been opened to how scary/amazingly important your online presence is. I mean, my current employer googled me, visited this blog, checked my twitter etc before hiring me. And pretty much everyone does that now. So it's an important thing haha.
      Totally right though - I should feel more relaxed here!

    2. Oh also Kirsty, you always seem so fun and friendly! Like you'd genuinely be fun and happy to hang out with :) xx

  9. Aww Jem I know what you mean, Humour doesn't always go into text does it? I think you would be hilair doing youtube! like a scouse Helen Anderson! I think you always come across as honest and friendly in your posts! You've got a great little following so you're obviously doing something right :) don't stress! If you want to try a video sometime I can bob over with my camera! x
    ( PS. I am doing a mini giveaway including CT, lush and bioderma)

  10. I get this image of you being a very reflective person who thinks about things a lot. I think this is mainly due to the content you put up on your blog.

    But you also come across as very dedicated too! You post regularly and let people know you're there. So I don't really think you'd be the type of person who is forgotten about really.

    I haven't thought deeply about this or anything but this is what comes to mind when you ask.


    1. Also, I did try youtube for a bit but I was extremely shy and awkward on it. So I didn't continue.


  11. I've been following your blog for a while now and you honestly come across as a lovely, open minded and genuine person & obviously I love that your a fellow scouser <3 haha
    Chelle xx

  12. Don't worry about your 'stupid accent' - I love the Liverpool accent and at least you're not a Brummie like me... :)
    I know what you mean though, I struggle with getting myself across on my blog, though sometimes I wonder if that is because I don't know who I am truly. I am tempted to try YouTube, but I have thought that, even if I don't make anything public, it will be an experience - and hopefully teach me a lot about who I am - to just create and edit it so maybe that's worth a shot?
    - Taisie ♥ | Life by Taisie

  13. I love this post so much, deear. I always like to read blogs that have personalities. Every blog, ever writer has different ways to express themselves in a post, a unique way and I love that. Being ourselves and put ourselves out there is hard, but that's what others look for, to get to know us better by reading our daily life, our thoughts, our perspectives. I personally am still working on this, and I'm sure someday I can really be myself and put my personality into the posts I write <3


  14. As I'm not a long term follower I can't give a well thought out view of you... I probalby couldn't give a well thought out view anyway, but still.

    From all the interactions I've had with you, I'd definitely interact more. Usually I'd just ignore people and hope they go away. Plus green hair, I like green hair!

    Basically, I like you. I like your blog and even if you blogged about something I'm not interested in I'd still read it and comment because I like you.

    I shouldn't be allowed to comment on questions like this, because I'm give rubbish answers!

  15. I love reading your blog because it is always so full of passion, and I adore the little lady behind it. I think you have a perfect professional persona and you always put across views in a way that is very sophisticated and calm.


  16. I've only been following you for about a month maybe but the thing that stands out about you for me is: YOU'RE RELATABLE. Your posts never come across as preachy and you seem like someone I could get along with. Your Twitter makes you seem easy-going and not pushy - which I love!
    If you'd like to have a look at my blog I'd love your feedback!
    Brianna ||

  17. I love your blog because of it's personality! You can see it in the way you write, your content and your design! You have such a lovely personality too :) hard not to love!

    I found my blog didn't have much personality until I started doing Sleepy Sunday - I use that to write about my quirks, hobbies etc.! I don't think I'll ever have the confidence for Youtube so that's kinda like my 'weely vlog!'

    I feel you have a great personality on here, but if you personally don't think so, just keep experimenting with things! :)

    Hazel xx

  18. I love your blog ! love that post ! keep being yourself xx


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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