'It's a process'...

So at the very start of the month I revealed to you all in this post, that I'd be doing a '12 Projects Challenge' this year. Meaning I'd be attempting to explore/complete one creative adventure a month, in whatever form that may take. I have to say, I've really gotten into it! 
Having a specific challenge for my blog has always been intimidating for me, because I never seem to finish anything. I'm one of those people who never finishes a journal, never sees a project through to the end, or even finishes a film sometimes. You know the type. Maybe you're one. I do think I'm creative, and very inspired often. But my attention span always wavers, and finds something more interesting. So this challenge? Yeah, ..it is a challenge.
And this is the part where I tell the truth with you all about how it's been going. After all, that was my aim with this whole thing. To experience it, learn, report back, repeat. So here's the good, the bad, and the honest.
The good; I've learned something new and useful about myself. I can only work on something I'm 100% interested in. If it wavers slightly, or wasn't there to begin with; I'm not gonna force it. This means whatever else happens throughout this project this year, I will only work on things that interest/inspire me.
The bad; You see these photographs of me sewing away with pretty fabric? Yeah, they aren't quite relevant anymore. I began with a sewing project (by hand!), but discovered it was much too hard to do what I had planned without a sewing machine. Which meant I could either leave this project until I got a sewing machine, or persevere through; not quite enjoying it as much, or getting the most out of it. As you may have guessed, I decided to save this idea for another month.
The honest; So this means I'm left with only two weeks now to complete something brand new. This is going to be difficult, I know. But I've chosen something much more 'doable' and that I know I'll enjoy. I really appreciate what I've learned about myself and this challenge though already.
I hope you guys check back at the end of the month to see how this project turns out. You'll either witness me cheering over a success turnaround, or sobbing over my inability to do anything good EVER. In the meantime, I'm not gonna freak out. It's a process, and guess I need to enjoy every second of it.
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  1. Ah, hello mirror, lol. I think it's definitely okay that this project didn't work out. It's all about trial and error with projects, like one giant grey area to play in and discover what's going to work and what won't. That in itself is still achieving something, in my eyes. Though, you will land on your feet and come up with something awesome. :D Can't wait to see it. ps. Sewing by hand is madness!

    1. Hahaha it is, but I also find it so therapeutic to be honest!
      Thanks Nicola! <3 xx

  2. This is so great! Can I do this along with you?


    1. I already answered you on Twitter - but YES! Definitely, anyone can! Let's see what we can get creating! xx

    2. That's actually a really stinkin' good idea.

  3. I am so excited to see what you come up with at the end of the month. :)
    I had to sew a garment for my exams last year and used a sewing machine. It is pretty hard to use, I had to get help like.


    1. Aww thanks Ellen, I'm excited too!! <3 haha. xx

  4. Fab idea, I wish I was more creative! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo


  5. I'm exactly the same. I have to be inspired right to the end, or I can't finish things. And if somehow I make it to the end, I won't be happy with the final product. What's the point in that? I definitely think you did the right thing. It was a learning curve, so it wasn't totally pointless. :)

    Sara Bloo

  6. This is a great idea!! Good luck and I'm pretty sure you can do it!

  7. I'm excited to see what you come up with! I have a few sewing projects of my own but my sewing machine is so old (it was handed down to me from another family member) it's just not that great anymore and quite difficult to sew with when I have limited skills. Fun fact: I saw the same sewing machine as I had in a museum we went to over the holidays, except the one in the museum appeared to be slightly more modern!

  8. 12 creative projects in 12 months is such a great idea, and wow sewing by hand in the first month was brave!! Or maybe brave just to me, as I am probably a bit of a lazier and less creative crafter than you and tend to throw myself into epic projects and then get distracted after half an hour and wish it would just be finished already. Best of luck with your projects! :) xx

  9. Keep it up girl! You can do it! I totally know what you mean about the projects and not finishing them. I only started blogging about 4-5 months ago and I can see a trend...challenges or things I have started never seem to get finished. Which is sad because I really do enjoy doing these things.
    Maybe I will get better at keeping up with it down the road. Maybe when some things in my life are rearranged...like not working full time. haha.
    I plan to do some sewing projects too but not until after I have had my baby. And slimmed back down to my normal size. Then I will be sewing a lot...but a sewing machine will definitely be important!!!
    Good luck on your challenge, I have faith in you!
    Now...I should get back to studying...or crocheting my son's baby blanket that I started in August....he's due next month. lmao.

    Much love,

  10. Really looking forward to this series and what you create :) The two week pressure probably means you will come up with something fantastic! xx

    Brenda BusyBee


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