12 Projects

Well hello there gorgeous readers! You've found your way to my very first official post about my 12 Projects challenge for the year. I've had this planned for about two months and I'm really excited to get started. It's also kind of one of my resolutions, but I didn't wanna tell anyone that until I revealed this project.
So basically;
I'm challenging myself from right now, to embark on one creative venture each month. I will need to explore various ideas and encourage creativity in my day to day life. That's the biggie right there. 2014 Was an awesome year, even if I didn't realise it at the time. Everything began to really come together, and I starting doing more things that made me happy. I really want to take that proactive attitude into 2015 with me, and make it a daily thing. One of the most prominent sources of happiness in the last year was from rediscovering my creative side. I started this blog, I began keeping Art journals again, I wrote every day, I made more hand crafted things, and I felt inspired. I would like to take all of this to the next step, this year.
This means;
I'll be completing one project a month. It can be anything, so long as it's creative in some way and I enjoy it. I could paint, draw, collage, write, photograph, film, sew, bake, use clay, wood, paper, glitter, silk, anything. As long as I create something or explore a project each month, I've succeeded. I'll be posting about it here as I go, and showing you when it's completed. Who knows what I'll get up to? Maybe I'll try out poetry (probably not), or attempt a short story (I would love this), or maybe even some creative DIY? After all there's lots I can do for our new home. It really doesn't matter what the project is, big or small, as long as I'm engaged.
I'll be taking you guys along this challenge with me, every step of the way. I'll be posting updates of how the current project is going and maybe give you some glimpses into what I'm tackling each month. Then by the the end of the month I will produce my idea, along with any thoughts, criticisms, loves or hates I've had about each submission. It doesn't matter if it goes wrong sometimes, it doesn't matter if I fail or end up hating what I make or do. Because that's the whole point of the 12 Projects, to discover plenty more about myself. 
I hope I have fun.
I hope I feel inspired.
I hope it pushes me to try new things.
I hope I will discover new things I am good at.
I hope 2015 is my most creative year yet.

Will you join me along the way?
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  1. This sounds like an awesome idea! I can't wait to see what you create x

  2. This is such a good idea! I totally want to do something similar, I just finished my cross stitch and now I am feeling a bit lost without a creative venture! x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. You should! ^__^ I love being creative but I procrastnate a lot so I'm hoping this will really push me!

  3. This is an amazing idea! I can't wait to read all about it. :)

    Sara Bloo xo

  4. Brilliant idea. I'm terrible at anything crafty - I just can't get into it, especially if its food related.
    Good luck!

    Rach / illustrated-teacup.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Haha that's fair enough! Thanks so much doll, I'm super excited. I feel challenged creatively for the first time in a long time. :) x

  5. Jemma, this is a REALLY great idea. I'm can't wait to see what you create each month! I love craft projects, but like you mentioned ^^, I procrastinate on them. Maybe this will motivate me to set up my crafting space :)

    xx Amanda | teatimetails.com

  6. cant wait to see everything you make!was snapchat a clue?! haha I need to follow in these footsteps! :)

    1. I duno what I did on Snapchat haha sorry! I'm hopeless on there anyway...
      I'm so excited Lauz!! xx

  7. This is such a great idea. I really can't wait to see what you do and it might be inspiring to others. <3

    From Ellen in Ireland :)

  8. Great idea! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)


  9. I am going to give this a go. I wrote about it on my blog and mentioned that I had seen it here on Dorkface.
    I look forward to joining you on this creative journey and seeing what you have created.

    Rebekah | www.0910studio.com


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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