Welcome To Wonderland

Hello lovelies! I've been so excited to share today's post with you all, and I've been squealing with joy ever since I knew it was going to happen! You see, I was recently contacted by the lovely Tessa from the HOW Jewellery Club, with an offer I couldn't refuse.

If any of you don't know, I love all things Disney (actually, why have I never done anything Disney related on my blog before?! Hmm. Ideas...) and I even have an Alice in Wonderland tattoo on my foot which features some famous AIW icons (namely the mad hatters hat, teacup, potion etc) and it also has 'We're all mad here' written underneath. It's a tattoo that really speaks to me, and hopefully represents my quirky, childish side.

Anyway, when House of Wonderland got in touch and mentioned December's box was an Alice in Wonderland themed one, well I jumped at the chance of course! (Okay this is about to get photo heavy, in an attempt to do this box justice!)

Look at how amazing it is! Okay, let's break this down. The box contained a notebook, a necklace, bookmark, sweeties, prints, hair bow, cute badges, nail stickers, an un-birthday card!, a keyring and a huge amount of adorable-ness, I must say. Everything was AIW themed and I was in heaven. My favourite items were the notebook (which reads '6 (im)possible things I will do today' and the necklace which says 'Wonderland', but honestly everything was wonderful. 

I thought the extra detail and care that went into this box made a huge difference too. For example, when I emptied the box; cute little red heart confetti poured out too, making the whole thing feel even more magical. And the little bag of sweeties? They had an attached label saying 'Eat to get big' and 'Eat to get small' on them. It's the little details that make a great impression!

The HOW jewellery club is £19 per month or get 3 months for £50 (saving you £7!).
Each month something new and magical themed will make it's way to your door, and I for one think that is pretty awesome.

FYI January's theme is Cats & Dogs! Eeep ^_^

Would you try this subscription box?

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