Blog Confidence

Okay, picture this scenario; your mum/dad/brother//nan/friend/coworker discovers your blog and is reading through your posts. This thought might fill you with dread, it might be a little uncomfortable but not necessarily the worst, or it might be the norm for you!
For me, I'm not particularly bothered, but neither am I totally pushing my family to go read my blog. That being said, I know they have (or possibly still do! Who knows. Hi mum. Love you. Go away). But I'm not totally horrified by the idea, even if it's not my preference, and I think that's because I'm confident in my blog. Sure I'm not saying it's the best, but it makes me happy, I feel like I'm constantly improving, and I'm learning more about myself as I go. Plus, I don't write about anything I truly would absolutely not want my family reading, which I guess helps. There are things I'd prefer they didn't see, or know - sure. But nothing that keeps me up at night. Plus they never tell me they've read it, and I'm not there to see the reaction. So this helps a bunch too.
After seeing someone tweet about their mum finding their blog, and being absolutely devastated by it, it got me thinking about the confidence we have in our own blogs. Do you guys shout about your blogs from the rooftops? If not, why not? 
If you're happy keeping it private, then that's great! But there are definite benefits to sharing it with the people closest to you.
Cool perks of going public with your blog;
1. You don't have to be all shady about what you spend most of your time doing.
2. You can now get photography help! Need an outfit post doing? Perhaps someone to hold your props in place while shooting some products, advise you on the best way to use your cameras manual settings? - You never know how helpful your friends/family might be!
3. You can now share your passion with those you love. Being able to chat about your new layout, blog post ideas or even what the latest blogger drama is, is always great.
4. Being able to treat people. We all know we can end up with a bunch of great products we've been sent, but we never have time to use, or perhaps they aren't quite right for us - but they'd be great for mum! It's nice being able to give these treats to non bloggers, or even bringing them along to events! :)
5. You now have a bunch of new fans! Sharing my blog publicly has meant family who I don't see very often has a way of keeping up with my life, and my friends all shamelessly promote me out of the kindness of their hearts too. They're lovely and supportive, and it means a lot that they just get this is my passion.
I totally understand not wanting to share your blog though, I really do. It can be a beautiful form of escapism, or a safe place you can really be yourself without fear of judgement. This is something to be treasured, so it's worth thinking about if you really want to give that up. I don't have any regrets at all about 'going public', and it's brought me nothing but good. In fact, I once got a very cool job in social media and went onto a management position - purely because of this blog (don't ask why I left, that's a story for another day!), which also meant my boss knew about my blog, and followed me on social media. YEP. That's probably the worst nightmare of some of you reading this I'm sure. But it was cool, he was very supportive.
But every now and again I do wonder if I should swear as much, publish my Drunk Dork posts, or moan about what's bothering me... although I usually only ponder this for about ten seconds before hitting publish. Mum will just have to put up with it...
My blog is awkward, chatty and awesome. I'm more than happy to shout about it :)
What about you guys? Do you share your blog with friends/family/coworkers?
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