10 Things I'm Grateful For

Today I'm feeling grateful, even more so than usual that is! 
Maybe I'm feeling extra happy because it's a Saturday, and they give me all the nostalgia sometimes. You know when you were a kid and Saturday's meant waking up to two whole days free from school, morning cartoons and playing out with your friends until it got dark? Without sounding really boring and old, those were the days!

Of course my Saturday's now can be just as good. I'm a grown up who can damn well do as she pleases. So today, I'm going to be blogging, clearing out my wardrobe and drawing. Not too bad.

Here's 10 things I'm most grateful for lately-

1. Making plans.
One thing I most want to do this year is have more little adventures; and I've already begun by making plans with blogger friends all over the country for the next few months. I have upcoming events, days/nights out and trips planned that I'm so excited for!

2. Gym enthusiasm.
So grateful that Liv is just as keen as me to keep up the gym, and we've been going 3 or 4 times a week so far. I'm also pleased at how much I'm enjoying it! I know that's down to awesome company.

3. Not having kids.
Weird one, I know. I do want children, just not yet. This week has made me feel especially grateful I haven't taken the plunge into motherhood yet. I'm loving my freedom and how selfish Gary and I can be with our lives/time/hobbies/work right now.

4. Support.
I've felt such incredible support from The Girl Gang this week, especially over something that was worrying me. A huge thank you particularly to Sophie who helps me run the Twitter account, and Liv who helps me with the Facebook group- dunno what I'd have done without you both.

5. Seeing old friends.
Next week I'm catching up with girls I went to college with, yay! We plan on being ladies who lunch... and then get totally trashed afterwards and stay out all night ;)

6. Opportunity.
This week I completed a project for a huge, exciting thing I can't wait to tell you all about! So I'm really grateful for some of these opportunities that come my way because of blogging.

7. Understanding.
Some people don't get how busy I am, all the time. I'm not even exaggerating guys. I work 14-18 hour days and my last 'day off' was Christmas day. I know I'm very lucky to do what I do, but it's also SO GOOD when someone realises that I work hard and they understand. Sometimes I'm slow replying to friends, or I accidentally ignore people completely (I hate when this happens!); it's only because I have an inbox that gets filled every hour or two, deadlines to meet, and constant projects to keep up with. People who get this - I love you.

8. Sleep.
I honestly don't need to say much else, do I?

9. Netflix.
Whenever I get a spare moment, or I'm doing something that allows me to still watch something (like drawing) - I binge on Netflix. Whether it be Making a Murderer (I'm on episode 6!), Luther or Bob's Burgers; I appreciate the ability to binge watch it at 3am, lol.

10. Nice things in the post.
This week has seen Yankee candles, cute stationery, palettes and more coming through my door - all unexpected! There's nothing quite like good mail days is there?

What are you guys grateful for this week? :)

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