Friday Five 16

First one of 2016, woohoo!

I hope everyone has got that fabulous Friday feeling, if that means the end of your work week that is. I myself don't have that feeling any more, as I don't have set work days; but it's lovely to see everyone all over Twitter feeling pepped and excited for the weekend no less.

I myself will be at the gym, experimenting with photography projects and catching up with friends this weekend. I hope yours is fun! 
Anyway, here's today's five.

Five favourite music artists/bands I've seen live;

1. Eminem
2. Placebo
3. +44
4. My Chemical Romance 
5. Fall Out Boy

Five things I'd like to say to certain people;

1. I really hate you tbh. Everyone thinks you're sweet, you're not.
2. I miss you.
3. I always thought you were cute.
4. You are GOALS.
5. Stop being so negative.

Five things that I look for in friends;

1. Same taste in music (I like a lot, but especially emo/grunge/rock/alt)
2. A great sense of humour & being able to laugh at yourself.
3. People who are kind, and try to make others smile.
4. People who are really down to earth.
5. People who encourage others.

Five things I'd buy tomorrow if money wasn't an issue;

1. A beautiful big house somewhere near a river/woods.
2. Dream holidays to Bali/Japan/USA.
3. A whole new wardrobe.
4. A car (for Gary, so he can drive me around LOL. I don't drive).
5. Horses. All the horses.

Five blogs I truly adore;


Have a lovely weekend!

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