Beauty Goals for 2016

Looks aren't everything, obviously. But beauty is fun and we all like to feel our best, whatever way gets us there. For me; beauty can play a big part in how I feel, how confident I am, and ultimately how I act. I decided I'd like to make a list of all the little beauty goals I have for 2016, in the hopes it will keep me motivated.

This isn't me being super 100% serious though, I mean... I'm not gonna get super down on myself if I dont own 200 MAC lippies. Ya feel me?!

Beauty Goals for 2016-

1. Skincare - Master it! I have already got some holy grail products now, but there are still aspects of my routine I'd like to have perfected this year. Finding the best exfoliator will be one.

2. Find the perfect lipstick. Okay this sounds silly, especially as I know I have at least 40. But none of them ever feel 100% perfect all year round. I want one that applies beautifully, lasts ages, doesn't smudge easily, goes with my skin/hair and can become my signature colour. Where are you?!

3. Tan. Okay, I love my pale skin to be honest. But I think this year I'd like to try look less Morticia in the Summer. Even if I have to fake it. So if you guys wanna recommend the best fake tan (for light skin!), I'm all ears!

4. Grow. My. Damn. Hair.

5. Nails. Let's make them look ladylike this year Jemma, yes? (This would mean more nail posts too, yayyy.)

6. Gradually go more and more cruelty free (it's not that I don't want to, I find it very hard).

7. Clear out my stash. It really is a huge collection of makeup now, and I know I don't need/use everything!

8. Try more Korean brands. Even if just for the super sweet packaging!

9. Try out new hairstyles. I always stick to my hair just down and straight, or pigtails in a hat haha.

10. Conquer false eyelashes and lip liner. Because DAMN they are tricky (for losers like me).

Do you have any little beauty goals? :)

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